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Joined 9 months ago

  • Spez got paid, according to that, $193,000,000 last year as CEO.

  • reddit "never turned a profit".

I can't imagine the corruption/anti-integrity required to reconcile those 2 facts.

How come he isn't in jail, for fraud??

7 more...

The models/simulations are falsified by the evidence:

Notice that that darkens the planet's albedo, accelerating the progression of ClimatePunctuation/GlobalWarming...

and that the models/simulations contradict the evidence, saying that what happened wouldn't happen.

The real & correct prediction is that we have already put 5-6C global-warming's worth of CO2 into the atmosphere, AND we have also added other greenhouse gasses, like methane, & sulfur-hexafluoride.

Here is the robust fact:

The powerlaw they discovered that governs the interglacial temperatures is this:

280ppm is a good pre-industrial CO2 measure.

  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2) == +1C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^2 == +2C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^3 == +3C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^4 == +4C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^5 == +5C ( we are at 421, which is above this )
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^6 == +6C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^7 == +7C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^8 == +8C
  • 280ppm * (9th-root-of-2)^9 == +9C ( aka 280ppm * 2 == +9C )

At that point, the CO2 level has been doubled.

CO2 acts like the Gate in a bipolar transistor: the tiny current you put into the gate, the HUGE current flows through the Source-Drain part of the transistor.

Increase the CO2, & that increases the moisture in the atmosphere, which MASSIVELY increases the amount of retained solar heat.

Pretending that +2C is attainable, now, is delusional.

I'm no longer certain that there will be ANY life around the equator, in 1 century, at or near the surface.

2 more...

I've become of 2 minds about leather footwear & gloves:

The primary alternative to leather is plastic, which, when it breaks-down, sabotages the food-web, right?

Leather doesn't do that.

I honestly don't know what The Right Answer(tm) is, on that one, anymore.

I'm usually vegan, btw, not for ideological/religious reasons, but simply because doing otherwise blocks my ability to reach the meditations I need.

I do find butchering animal lives for a mere few-meals unethical, but refugee Buddhist monk Kelsang Gyatso pointed-out in one of his books, IF a person has anemia, THEN the right antidote is eating red meat.

He's ordained, a Geshe, and he is recommending that right in his dharma.

Years-enduring clothing is a much less desolating consumption than needless meat-eating.

Exactly as that brilliant psychological truth in the Christian bible shows, naive truth, aka symbolic "truth", is syrupy-sweet in one's face/mouth, whereas digested & real, experience-induced-understanding Truth, is bitter.

See for yourself:

4 more...


Absolutely stupendous quantities of high-quality, full-spectrum light.

Live in a light-box.

There is a circuit which goes from pigmented-ganglia ( black-pigmented nerve-endings ) in our retinas, into our brains.

That sensor-system is rather dull, unlike the rods & cones.

Rig a room's light-switch so that when you flick it, suddenly you're saturated in sufficient light to cross your light-threshold, about 1/2 second later, it's like vital aliveness kicked into your brain.

I've replicated the experiment, and I've gotten others to do it, too.

One non-obvious thing, though:

Because when we're in the dark, we can't remember what it felt-like to have that light-brain circuit activated ( the SAD-treatment lights are intended to cross this threshold: it's the same mechanism ), so therefore, to treat profound, long-term depression, you NEED to get tons of lights onto a timer, & use that as your "alarm clock".

It works.

It'd save many lives, if doctors would admit it is actual, evidence-based medicine, but that'd gut billions of dollars of psychiatric-industry, so .. that won't ever happen.

( dad was a medical-researcher & doctor: I remember the grudge/hatred when the Australian researcher violated psychiatry's established "ulcers are a psychiatric illness" dogma, with evidence showing that ulcers are created by pylorii bacteria.

Paychiatry won't ever do the experiment, they won't admit it works, they won't tolerate anybody claiming it works, etc.

Religion is religion, and my autistic-empiricism has no validity in their reality.

Do the experiment, though, & you'll see that it actually tests to be true. )

Obviously, therefore, competing against the system of moneyarchy would be the only possible means of displacing its dominion on the world, so, ..

.. how come nobody's doing it properly, or at-scale??

I'm talking about a competing economic-system, not competing against a few companies within moneyarchy's regime.

: )

6 more...

I've tried it, for several languages...

It seems good, to me, but I've learned to invest in the BEST 2-ish recent books on any language I'm trying to learn:

the difference between average vs GOOD instruction is cliff-like, and I need to understand why things work the way they do.

( with 2 different-author books, best I can get, then if 1 author is explaining something in a way I can't get, then I've got a good alternative.

Better, though, is that if I make myself work through both, then it's much more likely to stick, see? : )

I consider Exercism to be a good part of a healthy ( programming-learning ) breakfast!

: )

CombinedArms: use EVERY dimension of leverage you can, simultaneously, and more-certainly win, quicker!

I'm saying this, and I also saying I've had to report bugs in their lessons, 1 or 2 times.

I need Exercism.

I do not look soft and cuddly!!

How dare you suggest such a thing, Hoomin!

( glowering Universally )

: P

I think part of the problem is simply that people are trying to figure-out what "good & proper boundaries" means, for them, and since nobody's got themselves together

( our world is engineered to sabotage self-competence: the self-competent can't be preyed-upon as completely or easily as the compromised, therefore self-competence isn't permitted.

As John Taylor Gatto, a New York State award winning teacher told us, children with secure self can't be manipulated, and therefore the education institution cannot tolerate children to have secure self.

Breaking them, so they are dependent on approval, is required, for institutional authority/security/dominion.

All the spyware that surveillance-capitalism does, the "panopticon" we bought our way into, is the same thing, but for-profit, and for-corporatism. A "designer prison".

Comically, it's fundamentally about competing addictions, with social-status being tied to sociopathy, in some corporate cultures. )

since nobody's got themselves together, we're all defective in doing relationship properly, because the fake relationship pushed on/in previous generations ( looking at the 1950's for its fakeness, as the worst ) meant that their relationships were .. often fundamentally ignoring & pretence based.

Try enduring a few minutes of "The Waltons" and see if you can stomach the "relationships" in it...

it was popular!

People believed in that, as hard as they could.

Getting bogusness out from ourselves has to happen in order for us to get it out from our relationships, right?

Well, it's a messy process...

All this begs the question:

Why not learn crochet/knitting, & make one's own, of whatever yarn one wants??

( that will happen, for me: I'm fed-up with things that never fit right, or are wrongly designed )

I only glanced at that, & saw the ascendency/supremacy items...

Any moron can see that the dark-pentad...

{ Narcissism; Machiavellianism; Psychopathy; Nihilism; Sadism } being more-and-more explored & pushed by various factional-supremacists throughout our world...

"Mutually Assured Destruction" .. is ONLY a deterrant when BOTH sides DON'T assume that God is going to obediently reward them for "martyring" themselves, with other-souls/CellsOfGod made into personal-slaves for them, for all Eternity.

Hamas's aim is Mutually Assured Destruction: Nihilism, with religious-reward from the GiverOfAllSouls supposedly rewarding them for their Nihilism-enforcement.

The "Christian" apocalyptic-nihilists are on the same wavelength, btw.

The Yang Unravelling stage of this Great Filter either has begun, or is about-to begin, between now & spring 2025...

There should be only 4 factions/empires left on the planet by 2033, and then the Hammerfall stage of The Great Filter begins, and should last for about 1/2 or so century, before terrestrial & marine food-webs collapse... maybe less than 1/2 century, but it won't be a mere-decade...

For all who believe that ICBM's are going to settle everything in mere-days, Kessler Syndrome is going to rip the rug out from all aerospace force-projection, right in the 1st few hours, if not minutes, of Hammerfall-stage.

It's like hollering into a building hurricane: nobody is going to believe ANY of this, until it has already become historical-fact, and even-then, it'll be denied by the world's majority: ideological-addiction/prejudice is a drug stronger than crack?

Non-objectivity is a mental-illness our cultures have made their beloved-drugs. And our lives are going to pay the price for that ignoring/denying, a thousandfold.

: \

3 more...

There is a positive-feedback-loop of culture-polarization, prejudice, ideology-addiction, and identity-formation, that is getting activated more & more & more, now, globally...

I'm using links so you can read the reviews, not to recommend them as where you buy books from. ( Bookwyrm isn't populated enough to default to them, yet )

identifies the 5 culture-levels/modes.

Once you've read that, you'll realize that humankind is being pushed lower & lower on the scale.

Level-2 breeds conspiracism, because it is beneath Level-3's narcissism-culture ( and narcissistic sociopathic authority has become a cultural-addiction to the point of being social-status ).

is a book on the 2 mind-functions/categories, which he calls System-1 & System-2.

System-1 is ( in my opinion ) Limbic mind ( herdbeasts have it ), whereas System-2 is deliberate & considered thinking...

The lower in the 5 culture-processes a person is, the less System-2 they exercise.

Throw-in an ocean of economically-enforced Attachment Disorder, saturating entire-generations ( parents couldn't afford to be present & to parent their kids, consequences implacably grow ),

and you've got the feedback-loop to guarantee the nonviability of humankind.

Escalation will continue, and the Dark Pentad, as I call it ( the professionals don't accept that it is 5D )

Narcissism/Machiavellianism/Sociopathy-Psychopathy/Nihilism/Sadism continues grabbing more power, as the System-1's pseudo-thinking enforces more reacting, and Dark Pentad capitalizes on that...

It's quite elegant, when you consider how efficient it is at guaranteeing The Great Filter's extinguishing of our kind...

Frustrating & depressing, but elegant as hell.

Notice that Russia's Learned Helplessness culture "gets even" through nihilism & sadism, as the myriad torture-operations strewn throughout Wagner territory & Ukraine both demonstrate...

Putting the harm on others is, for people oppressed long-enough ( like the Russian people deformed in Leninism & beneath the oligarchy/dictatorship ) a survival mechanism, psychologically.

So, as multiple forces/factions work at breaking human-worth/values from having any say in the rule/operation of our world, .. the lashing-out ( mass-shootings are now at more than 2x per day, in the US ), the nihilism ( common in Level 1 culture ), the sadism, all multiply themselves AND multiply each-other...

Think of it as multiple "bulls" battering heads, to see who gets to be the "god bull"...

Legalism is one of them, materialism/moneyarchy is another, class-based-validity is another, authority worship is another...

Notice that humanitarianism isn't one of the contenders fighting for planetary dominion...

Another thing, is to be able to switch between the apparent view, the political view, and the system view...

Islamist totalitarian authoritarianism & Zionist totalitarian authoritarianism both are totalitarian authoritarianism.

So, politically they are enemies, but they both are committed to breaking the world to their totalitarian authoritarianism.

Every country has such .. puppets .. of the 4 false-religions.

( legalism, materialism/moneyarchy, class-based-"validity", and authority-worship, are the 4 false religions )

When the economy collapses, you're going to see a sudden & immense tilt from the current careful-thinking/considered world, that we live in in fall 2023, into a deranged, aggressive, polarized & violent System-1 world, & fascism will be gaining supremacy pretty-much everywhere, globally.

"Big Think" on yt has a good vid on the 10 behaviours of fascism.

This, too, is expressing PunctuatedEquilibrium, the Pattern which expresses at all scales throughout Universe...

E.g. of PunctuatedEquilibrium

{ Big Bang, itself; CMB; stages in a star's life, like ignition, red-giant, collapse, & detonation/nova; our planet's oxygenation, termination of dinosaurs, other mass extinctions, the creation of our Moon, much of human history's battles & treaties, birth, graduation, marrying, employment, injury, death, electron-shell energy-states, atomic-decay, galaxy-collision, ... }

We're simply unconsciously enforcing that our toddler-nature get to be the only controller of our world's fate/viability/"vehicle", and ratcheting ourselves into the Tantrum of Tantrums, jacked with & backed by all the military, industrial, propaganda/Leninism/Murdochism ( he remapped Leninism from left to right, used TV instead of "education", and we call it "populist dictatorship" instead of "proletariat dictatorship", but it's fundamentally identical in method ), and every other enforcement-of-non-reasoning/enforcement-of-non-consideration/enforcing-of-non-objectivity.

Species-puberty, iow.

It'll be interesting to see if any survive this century.

So, the nonthinking automatic aggression, the narcissistic System-1, and the machiavellianism, that you're seeing now, should be significantly eclipsed by what it turns into, as soon as the context gets worse.

Those are the natures of the phases of The Great Filter:

from top to bottom:

  • AnimalsAndTribesTime ( the StalkGrowingTime, of the people-of-the-corn, the future LivingPeace time being the FloweringTime, in their prophecies/predictions ), Unconsciously Wasting Opportunity, Potential, Resources, Time, etc ( last few millenia )

  • Predicting the inevitable and inescapable circumstances in The Great Filter ( the Christian bible's "Revelations" and "Daniel" & other stuff, some Indigenous prophecy, like The Great Purification, & the one with the everybody-in-the-forest-is-panicking-and-the-whole-forest-is-burning, which is symbolic, etc... )

  • an "Age" ( a "Day" as a thousand years, followed by a "Night" as a thousand years, aka approx 2 millenia ) passes after the earliest of those predictions/prophecies, blossoming into...

  • An Industrial Age, industriously butchering the ecology, the climate-basis, EVERYthing, thus enforcing what the scientifically-testable-prediction/prophecy predicted, for possession-of-dollars...

multiple transformations, accelerating, eventually 1 of those becoming a tipping-point, that is...

  • The Yin Unravelling, when ignoring/denying and the assumed-entitlement underlying it, "protects" the spiritual/progressive population, while the herd-authority-BULLING factional-supremacists, of all kinds, work at setting-up the decapitation of all governance ( began a few decades ago )

  • The Yang Unravelling, when SUDDENLY rampaging military butchery is empire-building globally, and at the end of this phase 4 empires/alliances remain on the world ( this has to do with the unconscious-mind Rule of 3: it isnt possible for a normal limbic or brainstem mind to track more than 3 things, I saw a Nature article on their site about salamanders having this 3-thing-limit, so self+3-others becomes the planetary-limit due to a psychological LAW underlying possibly all vertebrates ).

This stage takes ( on this world ) 7 years. Since I expect this stage to begin in the January of 2025, when Trump is crowned GEOTUS ( this is truly-sad, but if you go to and you search for GEOTUS, you will be landed on the Donald Trump page. "GEOTUS" stands for "God Emperor Of The United States". Exactly what Daniel predicted, back when Buddha was kicking around ) :

Israel is going to be annihilated then.

It is probable that with Trump gutting NATO, & siding with Russia, most of East Europe will become possession of Russia, who, themselves, will be owned by the CCP who financially own Russia, right now, and increasingly, too...

Asia is going to be smashed by CCP, in the Yang Unravelling.

Africa? Smashed by the one that Eternity ( or the meditations dwelling deep within it, whichever ) calls "The Demon King", turned partly into a worshiping-of-that-king and a mountain-of-murders.

The West? civil-wars, civil "schizophrenia" tearing it to shreds, going nowhere.

  • Hammerfall, when ALL enforcement-of-violence, through ALL means, owns EVERYTHING in the world.

This, obviously, is what ww3 aka "The Great Purification" ( Indigenous, 9+ centuries old prophecy/prediction ) or "THE Valley Of Death" refers to.

Because Kessler-Syndrome gets enforced by all sides, the very beginning of Hammerfall phase, then it turns immediately into a grinding war-of-attrition, globally.

It will go on for multiple decades, probably tending-towards 1/2 century.

  • Ecological-collapse, of both terrestrial & marine food-webs, is guaranteed late this-century, given our rabid butchery of it, for a few temporary dollars: multiplying the butchery-of-food-web by ww3 makes it impossible that it won't happen, this century.

I've no idea what the proper-naming-of-this-stage's-essence is, yet.

TimeOfBillionsOfDeaths ( a very-few years, since you can't postpone nutritional-requirement, unlike a particular-territory's-battle ) would be a sane name for that phase, but Eternity will speak its meaning, whenever it does.

  • Some kind of transformation happens, later, but the war-of-attrition continues grinding, until factional-herdbeast-bulling-supremacism is extinguished, whether anybody-else survives, or not, planetwide...

  • I expect no more than 1.5% of humankind to be living into next-century's possible, but not guaranteed "LivingPeace".

Both Jewish & Christian bibles contradict me, saying 1/3rd survive Hammerfall & TimeOfBillionsOfDeaths, but .. they don't actually identify what fraction survives the whole thing, do they?

The Christian version only identifies that 2/3rds of the planet's population dies, during some part of the whole catastrophy.

Therefore, 1 or the other is guaranteed to be wrong, simply because you can't have 2 identical-fractions of death for 2 different scopes of time, around this century... the scope that includes more of the butchery, all the phases, should have a higher-number, arithmetically, right?

The names I'm certain-of, I didn't invent: they just were, themselves, and I eventually either found them, in the Eternity-dwelling meditations, or was told them, and they fit.

Like when somebody pointed-out that the term translated in Christian bibles' Revelations as "harlot" and "whore" is also "strumpet", in Rev's referring to "the Jezebel".

( check any thesaurus of English for the truth of that, btw )

Anyways, since you actually cared to understand, I hope this clarifies what I currently find to be true, whether it proves-out or not.

Kaizen requires that one relentlessly improve one's current-view based-on-evidence, right?

& Scientific Method requires letting the evidence speak its Truth, right?

: )

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin!

( :


  • they said that it shows the emission of electromagnetic energy has the same cause, but didn't explain what that cause is...

  • they said that magnetars don't emit energy all the time, so we had to catch them when they did emit: that is false: we have to catch them when they're emitting at us, which is a very-different frame-of-reference.

Also, if the things are neutron-stars, then how the hell can they even have any electromagnetic field?

Neutrons are neutral.

It must be a crust of non-neutron protons & electrons, or the plasma swirling in, or something, that's producing the electromagnetic field...

No need to bother commenting on anything I say:

just random thoughs flitting through a deteriorating old brain...

There is only 1 climate-model, that I know-of, which isn't contradicted by the still-accelerating planetary heating, and it predicts planetary heating of over 5C if one doesn't include the CO2 equivalent of the methane we've added to the atmosphere, & it predicts about 9C planetary heating if we keep the CO2 & methane the same.

It's a powerlaw. Same as what actually rules lightning, flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, quakes, climate punctuations, etc.

Notice that the world "consensus" is centered on 1.5C and 2C.

The accelerating release of methane from melting permafrost .. probably means it isn't possible for the amount of methane in the atmosphere to be reduced .. any more.

( 1ppm methane in the atmosphere has a 20-year effect about 82.5x as intense as 1ppm CO2.

I've no idea how long it actually lives in the atmosphere, though, so it may be much worse )

I don't know that Greece will be inhabitable by the end of this century.

I honestly don't know if anything in the tropics, or even near, will remain inhabitable.

It might be that only Siberia will remain inhabitable, and Antarctica.

I don't think it'll get that bad, but .. dear God is humankind ignoring reality as devoutly as it can.

To the best of my knowledge, back-propagation IS learning, whether it's happening in a neural-net on a chip, or whether we're doing it, through feedback, & altering our understanding ( so both hard-logic & our wetware use the method for learning, though we use a rather sloppy implimentation of it. )

& altering the relative-significances of concepts IS learning.

( I'm not commenting on whether the new-relation-between-those-concepts is wrong or right, only on the mechanism )

so, I can't understand your position.

Please don't deem my comment worthy of answering: I'm only putting this here for the record, is all.

Everybody can downvote my comment into oblivion, & everything in the world'll still be fine.

He understands.

Isn't BeeHaw a virtual 3rd-Place??

Wasn't there a book "Lifting a Ton of Feathers" on this, years ago?

I haven't read it, but it seemed to be on this.

Also, Pinker's "The Sexual Paradox" says, iirc, that many women in academia quit when they finally stop living the lives that the men in their lives push them to be living, instead wanting to live the lives they themselves want to be living...

I don't know why its only got 4-stars, there, it's got some important stuff in it..

So, East Germany, basically, with tech.

I'm of a kind of Vajrayana ( Tibetan AwakeSoulism/Buddhism ) which apparently died-out centuries ago.

( I've earned Soul/CellOfGod/Continuum memories from previous lives, in meditation: only 1 of those previous incarnations was human, the rest were mostly insects, like a hornet/bee/wasp probably in central Africa who saw a few humans )

it's abstract.

All material-forms, all rituals, etc, are misleading, fundamentally.

OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/Brahman/G-D/EmitterOfUnconsciousSouls hasn't any form.

The old testament had something on that: "commandment that no-one ever mistake any form for G-D".

Carlos Castaneda's guru "Juan Matus" spoke of the real Universe being abstract.

Basically, it's Science/Engineering of one's Continuum's future-condition.

Want to be crushed under suffering more? Then crush others under suffering, & wait for the action->reaction, of the meanings emitted by one's continuum eventually are forced back into one's continuum.

Want to be liberated from reincarnation/Universe's-recycling & all the perpetual cycle-of-birth-life-sickness-injury-death-bardo...birth..?

THEN all one has to do, is earn shedding SurfaceMind/ego duality ( which Castaneda's tradition called "Crossing Over" & Buddhism calls realizing of Zen: same thing: ego-annihilation ), so only the 2 more-fundamental minds still are in-play,

then earn the dissolution of one's LifeMind, which is our unconscious & our dreaming-mind, but it can be made fully conscious & capable..

Earning the dissolution of that leaves only the Soul/Continuum/3rdAttention ( as Castaneda's tradition called it ).

Once that's done, then one only has to purify it enough so that not-only is it free from Universe's containment/perpetual-recycling, but it eventually gets from inside Universe to outside ( which is Enlightenment: dissolution into OceanOfAllAwakeSouls/GreatSpirit/Brahman/G-D/etc )

There are 3 kinds of mind which obliterator-force can't understand, from our perspective:

  • Wisdom-seeing-through-phenomena's-lack-of-inherent-nature
  • Faithing ( surrendering-to, relying-on, & being gratitude-for, LivingSpirit, one's BuddhaNature, or other LivingInfinity/SoulGuru )
  • Bodhichitta ( immeasurable compassion for all sentiences, incapable of insecurity. It's what Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph meant when he said "be born in spirit", as NOTHING else comes close to that sentience. I experienced it only for 1-1.5seconds, some years ago )

Anyways, it's all self-evolution, eradication-of-the-ego/self, sublimation-from-ignorant-matter-to-pure-spirit, & that kind of thing..

Just providing this for a bit of perspective: most assumption-rivers/religions don't hold that there is some mathematical-form/judo required for a someone to get from their current-condition to their desired improved-condition, but that's essentially how mine works.

Current condition, desired condition, what is the geometry-of-intent which produces the alteration-of-one's-unconscious-mind that one wants..

_ /\ _

Lonliness is internal: we are brainwashed to believe that if we aren't having someone, we then are lonely, iow, "alone" and "lonely" are falsely drummed into us as being identical.

If one has emptiness in one's self, then another loving one can't undo that: we have to earn honest self-acceptance, ourself.

I think most of the "relationship" and "mental illness" problems of the current world are really produced by preventing people from earning self-understanding & self-acceptance.

People who live among nature, nature may force them into knowing themselves.

but with all of our lives, not just all of our adult lives, but all of our lives, for-profit distraction doing everything it can, to prevent us from turning from consuming to instead understanding ourselves .. why would it be surprising that loneliness becomes rampant?

It took me years to break the "alone == lonely" programming, and self-acceptance was the key to doing it.

It's simple:

Beat the population into learned-helplessness,

& then all the AI molestingware that the device can run, can be running in it.


It's just a conditioning-step, is all.

The profit is in having the population not have any privacy left, & living only within the neuromarketing-platforms that the mainstream operating-systems are becoming.

It's just a step in the suckerpunching humankind, is all.

_ /\ _

My comment isn't on your script, it is on paper-selection...

Please have several, orthogonal, selection-systems:

  • most-cited,

  • most trustworthy researchers

  • most unique area of research, or most unique question, or something

  • most central to new tech

  • most central to old tech

  • most undernoticed, big potential... ( things that should be big news, but the global novelty-addiction ignores it )

  • best fundamental science ( definitely include this category! )

  • best citizen-science


iow, the algorithm that most use, which is "paying attention to what others are paying attention to" is an algorithm we shouldn't be assigning our viability to, you know?

Also, you may need to make a flexible-limit for dumbing-down, as some papers may have a higher limit and others a lower limit, so some could be easy for most to get the sense of, but some might be tricky .. and it might well do more good to let them have their different thresholds, see?


Anarchists pretend that no-archy is both good & workable.

No-archy, within your body, is called metastasized-cancer.

Having bone-cells growing anywhere-they-want, is no-archy.

Having bone-cells growing ONLY where they are supposed to be, is archy.

Same with every kind of cells.

Whenever police-services of whatever kind is removed from a civilization, organized-crime becomes the police.

"Nature abhors a vacuum.", automatically demonstrates its inevitability.

Try un-corrupting Northern Mexico, now, after the drug-cartels became the real government of that territory.

The hierarchy within your body, with the 4 brains running everything...

  • cortex / human-brain, capable of considered-reasoning
  • limbic / herdbeast & pack-animal brain, imprints, conditioning & reacting
  • brainstem / lizard, in charge of the mechanics of the 5 F's: feeding, freezing, fleeing, fighting, & mating
  • nervous-system of the gut / worm brain.

One's gut-biome modifies the funciton of the nervous-system, significantly, too.

But anybody who denies that hierarchy is intrinsic to evolved-intelligence, is incompetent.

Anybody who denies that hierarchy is intrinsic to the human-advantage of considered-reasoning, produced by the cortex, is incompetent.

Just letting all the organs in one's body decide "by consensus" what to do, blotting-out one's human-brain, wouldn't produce human meaning, it'd instead produce porridge's meaning.

The same is true in civilization.

You cannot have people incompetent in science doing science...

You cannot have people incompetent in managing doing managing...

You cannot have people incompetent in teaching doing teaching...

...without anti-strategic consequences conquering the civilization ( exactly what all countries among our world, at the moment, have done ).

This Anark posits that hierarchy itself is the problem.

OK, so his brain, at the top of the hierarchy within his organs-system, within his body, holds taht hierarchy itself is the wrong answer.

Do you see the narcissistic "different rules for internally vs for externally, different rules for me vs for you" scam that politically-motivateds pull, relentlessly?

Hierarchy itself isn't the problem.

The problem is the rewards-system embodied in particular hierarchies.

Given that corruption is normal & pervasive in human-nature, the ONLY method for breaking corruption's rule of our world is .. FLOSS doing the managing.

Make the eligibility for authority be removed by being of the narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty hexad.

Make the eligibility for authority be contingent on one's responsibility.

Make it so that authority cannot be gained politically, but instead only through tested merit.

I'm not talking about politically-highjacked "meritocracy" which always devolves down to privilege-archy, I'm talking about guaranteed-healthy-level-playing-field where education works properly, and cannot be highjacked, where adequate-nutrition is guaranteed to all students & children, where people as part of their educational development are got as competent as possible ( not as dumbed-down & turned-into-steers, as our "education" institution is oriented to doing: "the only manipulable child is a broken & insecure child", as John Taylor Gatto, the NY State Teacher of the Year award winner, pointed-out )...

I'm talking a kind of education where each student is brought up to their rightful capability, no matter what "grade" that is, for that subject, so you could have a 12yo learning calculus in 1 session then learning basic-English in another, instead of dumbing-down everybody to the institutionally-enforced lowest-common-denominator...

( fundamentally the communist concept of "education", which is regimented mass force-feeding is evil, as it runs-over the GodGivenPotential in nearly-all of the students' lives, manufacturing aversion-to-learning, in place of the hunger-for-understanding that had been born into kids )

You boost up LivingPotential, and as people reach the more-competent levels, you challenge 'em more, & test 'em more...

and you prevent the people who have the wrong character, the wrong nature, from having authority, systematically.

THAT is missing from all political-systems in our world.

Politics intends that narcissism/machiavellianism/sociopathy-psychopathy/nihilism/sadism/systemic-dishonesty have exclusive-rights/authority, and uses every means possible, to gain that highjacking.

Break political-motivation from authority of any kind.

ONLY THEN will it be possible to discover what having a "healthy brain, healthy heart, healthy bones, & healthy muscles" means, for any civilization.

Anyways, downvote me to hell, for not parroting accepted-dogma.

Hierarchy is required both within one's body & within any effective civilization.

Corrupt-VALUES make it impossible for a hierarchy to produce uncorrupt results, but corrupt-values are not God-given, not Universe-predetermined, they are indulged-in by our kind.

Ruthless objectivity & ruthless integrity can, if held-to, break that from our social-momentum, for a portion of humankind, IF that portion has the spine to earn it.

Otherwise, The Great Filter will just keep escalating, until our rampaging ignorance has force-extinguished all humankind, later this century.

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2 more...

IF they've the horsepower to run it, I gather there is a reversal of Whisper, called WhisperSpeech, or something like that, which uses an LLM to convert text to speech.


Here: found it for you.

Wasn't there a competitor named Mattermost?

a FLOSS competitor?

You don't have to do ANYthing in order to have copyright on your images.

That is standard throughout the Berne convention & has been for decades.

Registering makes court-cases easier to win, but having copyright on one's renditions isn't in any way requiring that one have registered anything with anybody.

Sorry, but air-quality damage from gas cooking & air-quality damage from burning cooking-oil have nothing to do with each-other.

Both create harmful air.

Cooking with electric stove ( induction seems to be the cheapest, next to microwave, in terms of energy ) removes the air-quality harm done by gas.

Burning cooking-oil harms air-quality no matter what heating-technology was used to produce the mistake.

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I'm suggesting you invest in reading a book on called "Algebra-Driven Design".

the reason I'm suggesting it is that the complex-requirements you're being persecuted-by, are exactly the sort of thing that that book can help with.

( I'm presuming you code )

By creating the domain's algebra, & using meta-programming, you can prevent whole categories of bugs.

I only got part-way into the book ( I'm braindamaged, & have beenfailing to learn programming since the 1980's, when I lost 1/10th of my brain-volume ), but being able to create an APi with ZERO bugs in it, is part of what I'd seen in that book.

I'm a huge believer in keeping requirements divided into dimensions, & keeping those dimensions orthogonal, because once you fail in doing that, you're fscking doomed.

Here: got the link for you:

_ /\ _

Consider trying lots of washing-soda in your water-based cleaner: if it's alkali enough, rust shouldn't be happening..

Anybody who ignores the Financial Class, and how civilization's laws are formed in concordance with money-lobby/authority, isn't competent to be discussing what system we are living-in.

Capitalism without highjacking-of-the-system-of-laws is capitalism.

Once highjacking-of-the-system-of-laws is included, it changes to moneyarchy.

As it exists, it is a mixture of oligarchy & corporate-moneyarchy, but it definitely isn't "just" an economic system, it is a world-governing regime.

Perhaps you didn't know that perjury is S.O.P. for tobacco companies, but, of course, prison-time for contempt-of-court can't happen on a corporation, only on us...

Go look up The Panama Papers, & see if moneyarchy isn't the correct term for what the evidence shows to be actuality...

Moneyarchy is the correct & proper term.

As for socialism, whose concept of socialism are you claiming competes against moneyarchy?

Sweden's seems insane: EVERYbody pays huge taxes AND gets welfare...

Don't they understand that the more "recycling" of money per unit of result, the more lossy their economy becomes, the higher the "friction" or "viscosity" ( pick your metaphor ), and the smaller the percentage of their effort that actually produces results??

Which Socialism?

  • codependency
  • interdependency
  • ideology-centered
  • practicality-centered
  • things I haven't thought-of go here...

I've never seen a governmental version of Socialism that wasn't the codependency-version or the ideology-religion one.

Meritocracy & Socialism .. what is in the intersection between those, on the Venn diagram? Nothing?

"you can't have any meritocracy with socialism" seems to be the belief, among many, but Sweden's education system seems to get meritocracy right ( unless I'm remembering another Scandi country's version ), where they simply don't permit any bypassing of the national meritocratic education system...

Because of political-motivation, objectivity isn't permitted in this world, and neither is practicality, from what I've seen...

And that kind of meta-rule wrecks everything else.

Hell, even gaslighting about "Representative" Republic being "democracy" is so normal I keep forgetting to put that back in viewable place...

As some have noted, the ones who rule make certain that people have things other than the actual issues in-view...

and that is 1 of the characteristics of the -archy regimes, where the population is just herd-animals, consumed by the powers that really run the world ( for-profit corporations parasitically feed-on the human-herd, manipulating humanity's awareness to remain fed-upon, is one accurate metaphor )

The whole narcissism/machiavellianism of orienting government to the most-successful narcissist-machiavellian, and through "elections" making certain that competency & responsibility are punished, in the "game", by giving authority to the narcissist-machiavellian ones, preferentially...

Reward-systems are feedback loops and have consequences...

Try convincing .. anybody .. that Boris Johnson is a thorougly-responsible person...

Highjacking of authority from responsibility and accountability .. is sooo complete, now...

How come people can't see that?

Anyways, I meant not national-level competing ( in a different country ), I meant:

IF you find moneyarchy in the US to be bad, then why don't you create an alternative-to-moneyarchy economy within the US??

You want socialism, or barbarism, or maybe you equate the 2 ( from your phrasing I can't know which ), so, why don't you form socialism-competing-against-moneyarchy in the US?

Why don't you & all the believers-in-socialism create socialism in the US?

Is there some law that prevents socialist businesses from existing??

Is there some law that prevents socialist groups of businesses from existing??

The fact that there simply doesn't seem to be ANY such competing-economy IS EVIDENCE that either it isn't permitted by government, or that it isn't permitted by the moneyarchy regime, or that the socialists, themselves, aren't competent to do it, or all 3 of them, simultaneously.

DECADES everybody has had to be producing alternative-economies within the US, and .. where are they?

I just realized that I'm including perspective that is required, and not common.

"Slicing Pie Handbook" is a book on startup equity-slicing.

Without understanding how equity needs to be properly distributed, and .. ah, yes, "Founder's Dilemmas" is also required .. when people who aren't responsible gain authority, you CANNOT make the business/system/regime work... the ones who gained authority without responsibility effectively highjack the enterprise, holding it hostage to their whims/demand/extortion, and .. if the contract that is in-place permits them that authority, the enterprise may need to die...

Remap that to country, and corporations, instead of an individual company with persons, and the same highjacking happens, especially when financially-emplaced political-parties ( and, through them, their financial backers ) are the highjackers.

Responsibilityarchy is the real requirement, but it'll never be tolerated by any incumbent political power, left or right.

Not responsible AND accountable? break them from authority, then.

Have you got any idea how long that kind of idealism would be allowed to live?

1 week, maybe?

Socialists have the same ability to create businesses as anybody else, so why haven't they created socialist businesses, & multiplied the things until 20% of the businesses in the US are socialist operations??

even 5%??

There is something fundamentally wrong with what the evidence is showing, and its showing that that apparently can't evolve...

2 more...

Violence is changing in the US, and the "dip" is .. temporary.

( the calm before the storm )

Notice that mass-shootings are now over 2x per day in the US.

That isn't a decrease, that is skyrocketing.

After economic collapse destroys Biden in 2024 ( incumbents lose when the economy wrecks, and right-wing "getting even" often/usually wins on that circumstance, exactly as Hitler did, nearly a century ago ),

and the kkk rules the US, you won't see low violence statistics, you may well not see any statistics, because it might be illegal to collect them, just as the NRA lobbied until it got child-deaths-by-guns to no longer be monitored ( anti-evidence on that, is evil ).

People like Steven Pinker, who insists that "economic violence doesn't exist" ( really? double the unemployment rate, & see if violent-crime changes, and in which direction, if your ideology permits you to see the evidence, Pinker ), and others who look at short term ( some years, a decade or 2 ), but who ignore the consequences of the now-normal working-destitution, of the enforcing learned-helplessness into more & more & more of the population ( learned-helplessness produces nihilism & sadism, as Russian culture, and all the torture-chambers Russians create throughout Ukraine, or Wagner-territory )...

There are consequences that take a generation or 2 to "flower".

The chickens are coming home to roost, soon.

Nobody on the planet, who has intellectual integrity, is going to claim "violence has decreased" once the now-inevitable slaughter has got going.

Wait until 2026 & try claiming that lethal violence has decreased in the US, on average, I dare you/anyone.

Humanity wouldn't correct the real/fundamental problems, and so .. the distractions .. didn't work, and the fundamental problems now get to take possession/ownership of our world.

Oh, well: I guess people can't learn until experience-induced-understanding forces learning into one, so it's natural, but .. it's going to cost an ocean of lives.

it is called "establishing ownership".

Once their identity is consolidated that way,

then they can enforce their certain-in-their-own-unconscious ownership of Asia, through any violence necessary.

You can see equivalent self-dishonesty in the West, & you can see it in Modi's delusion that Russia is going to help them against China, even through Russia is financially now a vassal-state of China...

Once the economy guts the Democrats in the US, losing them the 2024 election, & Trump guts NATO, backs Russia & Saudi Arabia,

what is going to protect Asia from China's smashing it like they did Tibet?

7 years from Trump's coronation ( in 2025 ) is all Asia has left, it seems.

Establishing ownership is fundamental to bullying, btw: rodents do it, sneaking into places at night, so that they feel righteous when fighting for "their" new territory during the day...

I hadn't understood that bullying had both a yin/molesting/violating phase & a yang/overt-bullying phase until rodents taught me how it's done..

The governments who push privacy-violating laws & systems, then later stomp civil-rights, they are demonstrating exactly the same Pattern.

The religions who push for "some" control of everybody's life, relentlessly pushing for "a little more" authority, then once a tipping-point is crossed, suddenly they can switch from yin-bullying to yang-bullying .. same thing.

It's a really common pattern throughout human history, lately...

Please do the experiments identified in William J. Walsh's "Nutrient Power" book, and discover whether they remove the need for pharmaceutical drugs.

IF they do, THEN you've found a much-less-toxic answer. ELSE, you tried an experiment, and you learned that that didn't work, and you have exactly the same situation you currently have, except with better-understanding ( knowing 1 alternative didn't work for you ).

I have replicated the undermethylated-DNA-disorder treatment in William J. Walsh's "Nutrient Power" book, 4 times, 2x with enteric-coated SAM-e, taken 40mins before breakfast, with clear water ( then ride the nausea for awhile, but the results after 3 months were STUNNING: ZERO stress??? ) 2x with Methionine ( 4 months for results, same nausea, but that can be hidden in a meal, so you don't notice it ).

I have replicated the pyrrol-disorder treatment in his book 4 times, discovering that it is required to use zinc-gluconate and zinc-picolinate, but not zinc-citrate, and arachidonic-acid-precursor ( the evening-primrose oil he recommends, but never explains why ), and P5P form of one of the B vitamins. Doing so, at the correct levels, meant that for the 1st time in my life I experienced life without the amygdala-highjack PTSD-style flash-RAGEs, and was simply happy. Never experienced that before, or after, those experiments.

The reason I discontinued the undermethylated-DNA-disorder treatment is that it removed stress, completely, from my life, but it also removed drive, striving, academic-striving, perfectionism, and other similar/related things, and I NEED my drive/striving, even if it is too-strong and distorts me, better to have it than to have none-of-it.

However, if ever I find that I need to "take the edge off", I can simply take Methionine, 1 capsule / day, and within a few months, I get a break/relief from the life-crushing stress.

The reason I discontinued the pyrrol-disorder was that for me it was requiring 200mg zinc per day, and that meant a zinc tablet every 6 hours, and the regime was brutal, and keeping the biochemistry-balance was stressing me out...

( Walsh states in his book that people with pyrrol-disorder have biologies which wrongly eradicate zinc, and it takes multiple times the zinc that a person without pyrrol-disorder would require, to make correctly-functioning biochemistry. My experience backed that, completely. I suspect that anybody without pyrrol-disorder would be outright killed, by metals-poisoning, from 0.2g of zinc in a mix of gluconate & picolinate, every day, within weeks. For my chemistry, it made me not-fighting-the-rages-all-the-damn-time & happy )

Walsh states that overmethylated-DNA-disorder ( treated with niacinimide & folate ), and undermethylated-DNA-disorder, and pyrrol-disorder, account for much, if not most, of "psychiatric" conditions.

My life-experience backs that statement.

Being gaslighted by psychiatrists that a 10% brain-volume-loss ( acute child-onset "schizophrenia", and that 10% brain-volume-loss has been known-about since the 1920's btw ) isn't brain-injury, as stroke, aneurism, and concussion are, but is magically "illness of the mind" ( so the 10% brain-tissue loss has ZERO significance?? ), is galling

What kids who just had 10% of their brain-volume apoptosis-slaughtered NEED, is help in dealing-with-massive-brain-injury, and NOT bullying, combined with gaslighting, combined with major-tranquilizers... Get them out of the pressure of school, put them in sane, supportive, distortion-challenging environments, treat whatever methylation-disorder or/and pyrrol-disorder they have, and help them put their brains back into functioning again.

is a paper SHOWING where brain-loss occurs, so don't bother pushing the "there's no scientific evidence that the 10% brain-volume-reduction is real" gaslighting ( I'm not saying that to the person I'm replying-to, I'm stating that for all who read this, who push medical-fundamentalism ).

I used to believe-in medicine, as a religion ( dad was a medical-researcher, doctor, etc ), but their rejection of scientific-method, preferring prejudice, has turned me off from wanting anything to do with the .. effectively, "church".

They have plenty of evidence that the year-long identity-formation-hazing-ritual of Residency:

  • damages performance, putting lives at risk
  • damages learning, making significantly less learning get into the medical-resident in any given month than could have been the case, with saner hours/workload
  • damages empathy, putting patient-lives at-risk for the entire rest of their career,
  • etc,

but because it is an identity-forming ritual, evidence simply cannot dent the belief/devotion/fanaticism.

"Evidence-based medicine" that rejects evidence, holding instead to establishment-authority's lordhood, .. is gaslighting.

That gaslighting has been called-out in books, btw...

Doctor's narcissism-culture is even used as the exemplar of narcissism-culture in a book by researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright ( named "Tribal Leadership", about the 5 social-process levels ).

V.S. Ramachandran railed at doctors' narcissism in his book "Phantoms in the Brain", re 1 patient of his...

There is a chapter in one of John Brockman's ( editor ) books, the one named something like "This Idea Must Die", and that article explicitly states that doctors don't do evidence-based medicine, they do authority based medicine.

Doctors, of course, contempt that, & deem all who speak what the evidence shows, to be "mentally ill", which, itself, is also gaslighting.

I'm fed-up with that.

( raised by narcissists: both parents were medical-professionals, and medical-culture IS narcissistic, and the effects of that have been studied, in the damage it does to kids of such parents, going back decades ).

As Sabine Hossenfelder says, in her video on it: "Do your own research, BUT DO IT RIGHT."

Comically, doctors' authority-addiction is going to be torpedoed by ML and AI, and there isn't anything they can do about it, simply because the machines are better diagnosticians than the doctors are, and THAT is evidence-based medicine.

It is irresponsible/incompetent to have a less-accurate-human read the X-ray & diagnose, when a machine can do it with less false-negative and false-positive errors: patient-lives are on the line.

Watch them fight to prevent the better-diagnostician machines from doing the job that they do better than the doctors...

They already are, ttbomk...

It's your LIFE, you know?

There are 3 books I recommend for A.D.D./A.D.H.D.:

  • "The Disorganized Mind", by Nancy A. Ratey
  • "Organizing From The Inside Out", by Julie Morgenstern
  • "Organizing Solutions For People With ADHD", by Susan C. Pinksy ( that last one caused me to realize I needed to keep my clean-clothes in the bathroom, so when I come out of the shower, clean clothes are right-there. )

and this one I recommend for most:

  • "21 Days to Resilience", by Montminy

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin...

( :

Years ago I read of a couple of game theorists who were attending a conference in .. perhaps Egypt .. and they decided to wait until at the destination ( taxi ) before declaring that they would only pay part of the fare, & the driver would just have to accept it...

What the driver did was drive them back to their origin, at his expense, & told them to get out.

Game theory didn't allow that.

Therefore they invented Drama Theory, which takes into account emotion/politics, because the evidence that human behaviour contradicts Game Theory had finally got noticed by them.

No idea who they were, nor have I noticed anything obvious published as Drama Theory, since.

It may have been in Scientific American, or some similar thing, it was years ago, possibly last century.

Here's an experiment for you:

Get as many different kinds of curry-powder as you can find,

& then simply try whichever of those smell good for you.

You choose the ingredients, otherwise.

It may well be that cumin's bad for your Ayurvedic type, your specific metabolism.

Whatever metabolism I'm in now, I hate seafood, yet I have kombu, and can't stand Japanese Soy Sauce ( too seafood-like ),

yet I loved Japanese Soy Sauce on lots of stuff, until a couple of years ago.

1 time my metabolism changes such that orange-juice went from being wonderful to being aweful, in about 2 days.

Read Frawley's "Ayurvedic Healing", & do the experiment of trying alternate-pairs of dishes, where 1 of each pair is

  • ingredients that are pacifying for your metabolism-type

& the other of the pair is

  • ingredients that are aggravating for your metabolism-type

The ingredients-lists in that book are the ONLY all-correct lists I've ever encountered.

( all those who claim that the existence of charlatains in Ayurveda "proves" that Ayurveda, itself, is bogus, ...

... well, notice that they SIMULTANEOUSLY say that the existence of mega-Ivermectin-for-Covid charlatain M.D.'s do not falsify the validity of Western Medicine.

The "logic" that "the existence of some charlatains" somehow falsifies a system they don't honestly represent, is, itself, false, in BOTH cases, equally.

WHEN one sticks to the objectively-validatable ingredients-lists in Frawley's "Ayurvedic Healing", THEN one gets consistently correct results.

Evidence-based knowing.

To understand the different metabolisms better, add & read Frawley & Kozak's "Yoga For Your TYPE" book.

Vasant Lad seems trustworthy, too,

and "PaleoVedic Diet" is generally right, but that damn Ajwain, I won't ever put more than 1 single seed in any person's food, because the terpenes in 'em are too strong.

For terpenes, instead of Ajwain, now I use a couple of pine-needles per day.

A bit odd, but they do seem to help my health.

& if terpenes, in the right dosage, are good for one's health, then this should be good.

Some American Indians used to prevent scurvy with eating 'em or brewing 'em as a drink, apparently. )

PS: Indian cooking is insanely diverse.

You could probably cook a different recipe every day, for the next 500 years, without repeating one of 'em.

Look at the cookbooks..

PPS: the best cookbooks in the world are usually the America's Test Kitchen cookbooks, but they won't do the experiment for Ayurvedically-appropriate-ingredients-for-a-specific-person's-metabolism, and they don't have an Indian cookbook, that I know-of.

Anyways, you do the experiments, & you discover what you discover!

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Use CD-RW: it records the information in the crystallization of metal.

It's the ONLY method I've encountered that seems damn-near eternal.

I've no idea if the DVD-RW discs also are metal-layers.

The record-1-time media deteriorate, though the AZO chemistry is supposed to last longer.

Magnetic media all deteriorate.

There is an error that many in the dispute are making...

Imagine that BORG-AI is an ai that was trained ONLY on GPL2 program-code...

Imagine that you use it to fill-in some functions in your codebase...

What sort of copyright-status should be on those??

I say they should be GPL2, and they should be considered derivative of the ENTIRE training-data-set.

That doesn't mean I think that the BORG-AI should be a copyright holder, though!

I'm saying that there should be a NEW category, between uncopyrighted & copyrighted, and that the training-sets need to be segregated by license, so that derivatives CAN know what their legal licensing-status is.

GPL2, GPL3, BSD, LGPL2, whatever... it needs to be consistent within the training-data-set, so that the derivative of THAT module/expert can be having the same license, see?

Learned-helplessness produces both Nihilism & Sadism.

The Russian soldiers' habit of making torture-chambers everywhere proves this.

Russian culture's "fate regime" concept of relationship also proves this ( it proves the learned-helplessness aspect of it ).

( apparently that article explaining how in Russia, people entirely accept that fate, and nothing else, decides who marries who, is now .. gone??

Neither DuckDuckGO nor google have it... )

Deterrent requires that both parties have aversion to destruction.

However, when 1 party has become nihilist, then they can assault the other as a means of baiting the other into sadistic-aggression, in order that all the neighbours commit to annihilating the one who was successfully baited into demonstrating genocidal sadism.

Israel won't exist, in 10 years, no matter what, now.

NOTHING can make the Arab world accommodate its life, now.


The Christian Bible's Matthew 24 had a prophecy that is about to become historical-fact, in the coming decade.

Here's a decent version of it:

That bit around verses 15-20 is the pertinent area.

Simply wait 1 decade, and see: if Israel still exists, as a country, in 2033, I'll eat a hat.

And it was entirely preventable, had there been enough committment to having neutral authorities in West Bank ( UN ), and NO political-dishonesty OR nationalist bullying permitted from either side...

Needless, politically-enforced & needless...

: \

1 more...

The collapse of the economy is going to gut that: 2024 won't be won by the Democrats.

I hadn't forseen the 17-month suspension-from-traiding put on Evergrande group, but that didn't prevent them from losing, oh, 2 ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE of value, on the day they began trading again...

You simply can't remove the anti-financial-crisis-rules, as Trump did, without enabling financial-crisis-2, which is going to have Citadel simply disappear, instead of paying for the naked-shorting it's been doing...

Whatever: nobody believes that the current-conditions are real, so why bother trying to communicate that the progression-from-now-to-inevitable-consequences is real, right?

The Republicans win 2024, due to backlash, and then their "Red Caesar" dictatorship plan decapitates "democracy" from the US in early 2025, and then .. then the ocean-of-butchery begins.

This is, obviously, a testable prediction: simply wait & see.

I expect there to be about 260 million slaughtered in the 14 years beginning with 2025, in North America, not including those who die fighting in ww3, only including those who died in the internal war(s) & the natural-disasters of this accelerating ClimatePunctuation time.

Simply wait & see: science is made of testable predictions, and the tests that either falsify 'em or fail to falsify 'em.

Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen.

( :

  1. insightful question,

  2. it isnt just the internet, in case you hadn't noticed, it is ALL civil-rights that are being gutted, in the enshittocene.

"once the infection has moved the 'fulcrum', the balance between the involuntary-host & the infection, far enough, it can then switch from symbiosis to totalitarian rampaging growth-at-any-cost, excluding-all-vital-functions, enforcing its parasitic & fatal consumption, killing the patient"

A tipping-point is being crossed, though it's taking a few decades ( planets are slower than individual-animals, in experiencing infection ).

It's our rendition of The Great Filter, in-which we enforce that we can't be viable, because factional-ideology "needs" that we break all viability from the world.

Or, to be plainer, it is our race's unconscious toddler setting-up a world-breaking tantrum, to "BREAK GOD AND MAKE GOD OBEY" its won't-grow-up.

Read Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking Fast & Slow", & see how the imprint->reaction mind, Kahneman1 ( he calls it "System 1", but without context, that's meaningless ) substitutes easy-to-answer questions for the actual questions..

The more you read that book, the most important psychology book in the whole world, right now, the more obvious it is that Ideology/prejudice/assumption-river/religion/dogma is doing all it can to break considered-reasoning ( Kahneman2 ) from the whole world, and it is succeeding/winning.

"Proletariat dictatorship" the Leninists want, "populist dictatorship" the fascists want, religious totalitarianism, political totalitarianism, ideological totalitarianism, etc, it's all Kahneman1 fighting to break considered-reasoning from the whole world, and the "disappearing" of all comments criticizing Threads from the Threads portion of the internet .. is perfectly normal.

It's simply highjacking of our entire civilization, by the systems which want exclusive dominion.

Have you checked your youtube account's settings section, in the history section, to see what percentage of your comments have been disappeared??

Do it.

Everybody do it.

Discover how huge a percentage of your contribution to the "community" got disappeared, because it wasn't what their algorithm finds usefully-sensationalistic, or usefully-pushing-whatever-they-find-acceptable.

I spent a few hours deleting ALL my comments from there, after seeing that around 1/2 of what I'd contributed had been disappeared.

There are a few comments now, but .. they'll be removed, either by yt or by me, soon.

No point in pretending that meaning is tolerable, anymore, you know?

Only fakery & hustle remains, for most of the internet, & that transformation's going to be complete, in a few years.

1984, but for-profit.

Sorry for the .. dim .. view, but it's been unfolding for a couple decades, & it's getting blatent, fast.