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Joined 1 years ago

There's an unwritten deal, you know. Youtube lets us block and in return, we allow Youtube to know we block. Because if we take that away from Youtube, Youtube no longer has reliable viewer statistics and the price of their ads will go down.

Now it seems Youtube wants to break the deal (and they can, unless we start pirating Youtube content, they can at the very least make us sit through a minute of black screen before each video). They probably think the damage that will be done is less than the additional income that the subscriptions generate.

it's just the same old story. Grow, grow, grow, wait until you've got a monopoly, now squeeeeeeeeze the profit.

Twitter, Reddit, now Youtube. Welcome to the age of enshittification.

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They all migrate to USA in hope of getting jobs at big techs.

Eh... It's overrated. The pay is better, but otherwise it is definitely a downgrade. Maybe from east EU, it's a decent deal, from west EU, it's very disappointing. You basically end up thinking "but the money is good" over and over and wanting to go back to actual civilization.

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I thought the whole point of federation was that everything from every federated instance was connected and I only need one account to see every part of it.

That was never going to happen, not even in the best possible case.

Far left and far right are always going to split off. Do you want to be having discussions about race with neo nazis? I don't. Let them go to their own dark corner of the internet.

Society isn't really good at knowing what it requires. And sometimes it's better to be cautious. Also capitalism breaks down in certain markets, one of which is the "job market".

Any market that involves a lot of players and little oversight will get manipulated like crazy, including the job market. Employers try to counter that, but in the end the people that are best at getting hired for a job get that job, not the people that are best at doing that job. How could it not be?

And that includes the jobs of the people that do the hiring. So it's a market that's rife with inefficiencies.

I love how the many users are quick to call mods power hungry.

@Hovenko wrote that really carefully. If you interpret it literally, it basically says "some moderators are addicted to power."

Which is true. You are also right, most aren't. But some are.

Where Wansley and Weinstein break important new ground is on the other legal standard set by the Supreme Court: recoupment of losses. If Uber and WeWork and the rest of the unicorns are perpetual money losers, it sounds like the standard isn't met. But Wansley and Weinstein point out that it can be — even if the companies never earn a dime and even if everyone who invests in the companies, post-IPO, loses their bets. That's because the venture capitalists who seeded the company do profit from the predatory pricing. They get in, get a hefty return on their investment, and get out before the whole scheme collapses.

Yep. The venture capitalists found a loophole.

Oh yeah, I've got a whole bunch from both beehaw and lemmy on my kbin.

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Just change the rules of the sub to include NSFW and then set the whole sub to NSFW. Reddit doesn't advertise on NSFW subreddits, so the sub is open, but you impact reddit's bottom line.

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A prominent S

I guess that's a 5, not an S, since it was the 5th Separate Assault Brigade that was involved.

Looks like that's coming in Firefox 117 (we're at 115 currently).

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That's probably 150 aborted campaigns totaling 900 hours and two completed 25 hour each campaigns. Source: I'm at around 1500 hours, maybe 2000. A lot of it predates steam, so I don't know exactly.

I've only completed one campaign ever. At some point you know you've won and you're just steamrolling. So why bother.

On the discomfort side, couldn’t they have the collection and recording happen in the background? If no other passengers or staff can see the numbers, there’s less of a chance of someone feeling uncomfortable with the process.

The weighing process involves humans, so that wouldn't be possible.

Their average intelligence being what it is, when instructed to have one person on the scale, sometimes it's one, sometimes two, sometimes two and a stroller. Sometimes somehow a horse ends up on the scale and no one really understands how, including that horse.

Unless you check the weight, you don't know what exactly was weighed.

Exactly. It's an odd type of gambling with your life.

It's not just that the person would be expensive. Systems like that require system specific knowledge. So it's possible that it would take an outsider 3 months of study to get to the point where they can fix an issue properly in 5 minutes.

You can't make a baby in 1 month with 9 mothers. Some tasks just have an upfront cost and SOME IT automation jobs are like that.

And yes, you can try and do bodge job after bodge job "just to keep it going". And that works for some time. But eventually the small mistakes end up causing large outages. And then you need someone that can piece together how the small issues cause big outages.

what does it even matter. Just ignore it.

I don't see why not? Not the actual IPO, but as soon as there are shares on the market, you can short them.

IPO stocks can be sold short once they are trading on public markets

Just make an extra account... I don't know about you, but I have a ton of reddit accounts, on reddit I already kept my participation separated and I used containers to quickly switch between them. It's fine, I wouldn't even notice a difference.

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Given that a movie can be between 1GB and 50GB depending on source and compression used, you can't know that. You can find game of thrones downloads that are 30GB per episode. At 1080. If you go for high quality with a nzb setup, it fills up really fast.

Also my setup is used by multiple people and that's probably fairly common. So maybe "I" can't watch that much, but "we" can.

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I've used that mechanism as a moderator intentionally.

Some subs just get a lot of low effort, low quality posts, by setting certain automated rules, you can filter out people that don't read any submission instructions. In practice those are nearly always low effort.

A simple example is "set post flair to X before clicking on submit" and if they don't do that, just autoremove the post and tell them why and to contact the mods if they disagree.

Anyone that cares will delete and resubmit correctly. Anyone that doesn't really care will move on to something else.

I run double firewalls.

I just don't fully trust the ISP router, so I disabled the wifi and hooked it up to my own router. If the ISP router gets hacked, my internal network doesn't get exposed.

Port forwarding is a bit harder, but you probably aren't even doing that at all (and it still works anyway, it's just an extra step).

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Some people just want lossless media.

And saying it's a huge cost... 60TB in a raid 5 setup will cost you less than $2k. That's really not much for most US households. Especially when that setup lasts for years.

That would make no sense, right? I mean I could get it if the admins put it private, but not with that specific message:

The sub is closed indefinitely and will not reopen.

Unless it was never changed, I guess.

It's still an odd response if it's admins.

  • Set your sub to private: Now you get told to open it.
  • Set your sub to NSFW: Now it gets set to private.

Seems contradictory. Not that that's a reason for it not to be true of course.

If you read it, it becomes clear that the issue is that Colorado wrote a stalking law that is in conflict with the first amendment. Something that can easily be corrected going forward, if it hasn't been corrected already.

So he was convicted in Colorado, but the proof for that conviction was not good enough for a federal court.

Go with docker images and save your setup files/commands, so you can always redeploy on a NAS/new server later. Go with images.

It probably took me a good 20 hours to setup. Then dozens more hours to get my existing library imported, but that's just part of the process.

Initially it is time intensive, but it's totally worth it. Make sure you make proper backups, so you don't lose your work.

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This is more about your windows knowledge than windows. All the stuff you're mentioning can easily be done remotely with powershell remoting.

Also, I often just SSH to windows servers. Works fine, has been like that for years now.\_install\_firstuse

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You are correct, I'm on ESR apparently.

plans to pursue changes” that would let regular users vote moderators out more easily

I think that's a good thing in the long run.

There is already a perfectly fine mechanism to deal with bad mods, you just go to a different sub. That approach has worked fine for many years.

There's a reason they never added any other mechanism.

Don't forget there are people with tens of thousands of aged accounts that are itching for ways to make money with them.

You are appealing to reason, the people that are in favor of defederation are doing so based on emotion (because they simply can't have enough information, because no one has that right now).

I'm not saying either approach is inferior, sometimes it's better to use reason, sometimes it's better to use emotion, I don't know what is better in this case (there's a component of future prediction to it, how you can even do that properly, I don't know).

But I don't think appealing to reason works in this particular case. People that are willing to act on emotions aren't going to change that for rational reasons, they'll change it for emotional reasons. You'll have to give them emotional messages instead.

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Not to the degree what I'm used to. It's very minimal. It'll probably take a year or two before it's fully there, is my expectation.

It's not an easy thing to make and it doesn't have the highest priority generally. Reddit didn't even have automoderator for years.


You can't counter someones argument by just saying the same thing you know.

Sure you can. You can also win any argument by replying "no you". You just don't leave a very good impression if you do that.

He brings up a good point as you can in fact argue your likeness in court.

This would likely require a court case but chances are the AI law would have to offer an exception to it.

It's probably just going to fall under existing law and the owner of the AI replaces the owner of the copy that was made (so same laws, no exception). Not sure what law that is exactly, but I assume it involves royalties and the like and there's an exception for certain things, like news and maybe art.

Here's an article on it from the perspective of painting. I don't see why it would any different if it's an AI "painter". It's still technically painting what it does.

No need. Homo sapiens is near the end anyway. Doesn't matter how it ends, if we get replaced by AIs, the next "Homo geneticmodified"or get wiped out. Kind of awesome to know, right? After 250,000 years, we're among one of the last Homo sapiens. Peak Homo sapiens.

You know what that means, "Homo sapiens"? It means "wise man".

We're going to get completely ridiculed for doing that in the future. Who the fuck even calls themselves "wise man". So lame.

Probably just Rossman being paranoid, I assume.