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Joined 5 months ago

We're on a community, so Mali I guess

Given how long the xkcd has been around I think the car is referencing the comic

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What is an "online persona"? Stop trying to turn my tech support forum into Facebook!

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entry level Fiat 500

Way too "girly", needs to be an every-level BMW 1-series (brand new but on a lease, of course)

Take comfort in the fact that it was probably a joke

What's NSFW here?

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Oh it's a nice cartoon about rabbits, very child-friendly! The fact that the Wikipedia article has a section called "Effects on children and BBFC classification" that opens with

Watership Down has developed a reputation as a distressing children's text, with Ed Power of The Independent describing the film in a 40th anniversary retrospective as a "classic" but which "arguably traumatised an entire generation".

sums it up pretty well!

Given that they were all Jewish this seems unlikely

I've seen this posted a few times but I could never find a source. I think this is just what people want to believe!

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Because maybe I want to be alerted when my phone goes off?

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These shitposts are getting more and more surreal

Still literally millions and millions of users who don't care about the things we care about

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What do you expect them to say, "it's all fucked, let's shut up shop"? They've fired JR, undone most of his wild spending, gutted the company to desperately undo his mismanagement and make the company profitable. Saying "were trying to go back to how it was" seems like a non-insane risk-averse business way to try and keep the Unity users who haven't been able to jump ship already.

Imagine losing a job because an armchair psychologist took you to the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to and you like salty food. Ah well, free meal!

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Probably a lot safer to just not give a gun to a child

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RAM - Daft Punk

So you think they tailed off after their final album? Well they've split up now so technically correct, I guess!

Pretty standard in the London Underground too, despite technically being way more inefficient than if everyone just stood two people on each step!

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Cuno isn't a meth child, that's just how scousers are

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That was the stereotype in the west too, it only reversed when having a tan meant you were wealthy enough to have been on a summer holiday somewhere sunny!

What's wrong with a bit of chup on your fish fingers?

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If your expenses are more than your pay then you can either get a better paying job, cut your expenses by moving, or die

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Really? I think you might have lucked out and seen a different trailer, because the one I saw completely spoiled the big reveal!

People with less expenses, people with a higher salary, people who live in a less expensive area, etc, etc.

Long John Silver the pirate?

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Remember that all these responses are from Lemmy users, so this is not even slightly representative of a real-world survey!

On average the world is better than it's ever been. Higher life expectancies, less war, better quality of life; it's all generally on the up. Would you rather go back to the last financial crisis? When the ozone layer was being depleted? The interment threat of nuclear annihilation? Race riots? Women not being able to vote? High infant mortality? etc, etc

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Turns out the prompt wasn't for a survival horror but a buddy movie

I wonder how many other people this works for

There are pro-gun people on Lemmy!?

spelling bees are a thing in English speaking countries

I think they're just an American thing

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That is kind of accurate though if you're basing the story on history. Like if it's Robin Hood or King Arthur then the nobles will sound posh and the peasants won't.

Less of an excuse for it in high fantasy; I guess it's a quick way to telegraph to the audience who's who, but you're definitely right that it reinforces traditional class stereotypes.

Are you a Windows temporary file name?

What does "non-denominational" mean? Isn't Baptist the denomination?

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Isn't this just a necessity of the storytelling medium? If the audience is English-speaking then they will appreciate a pun in English a lot more than a sign saying "this is an excellent pun in my made-up language, you wouldn't get it though". Even Tolkien basically says "this whole story has been translated into English"!

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Thankfully not, I don't miss scrolling past publicly-posted comments which could have just been the save button!

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"Guys, do you think if we provided for people's basic needs they'd feel better and behave better?"

Yes. Obviously.

Not internationally known, it would seem. If you order chicken legs do they just give you one?

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taking money out of service employees pockets

Doesn't your employer pay your wage?

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Sadly the best bet is to only buy devices that you know have good custom ROM support