395 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

WaPo gift link to bypass paywall.

FWIW, check out the article's comments section.

That's very specific and an impressive use of an emoji. Thumbs way up, dude. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

How long did it take before?

Linus Torvalds now approves of SELinux.

2 more...

It should work now. I submitted the post before the archival process was completed.

Any cultural or infrastructural reasons as to why Japan is not good at cybersecurity?

10 more...

Sorry, fixed the URL.

2 more...

Yes. I frequently compare nytimes to wpost and it's quite clear, wpost wins.

Gift link to get past paywall.

Try this:

I'll edit the link for the post. Sorry, didn't realize these type of gift links expire after 14 days.

For what it's worth, I found reference to the Oct 2023 date in the below FAA file which points to the CSLCA. The CSLCA states the date in the following paragraph (9):

‘‘(9) LEARNING PERIOD.—Beginning on October 1, 2023, the Secretary may propose regulations under this subsection with- out regard to subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (2). The development of any such regulations shall take into consid- eration the evolving standards of the commercial space flight industry as identified in the reports published under para- graphs (5), (6), and (7).’’

Paragraph 2 references 51 USC 50905(c)(2):

"(2)Regulations.—Regulations issued under this subsection shall— (A)describe how such regulations would be applied when the Secretary is determining whether to issue a license under this chapter; (B)apply only to launches in which a vehicle will be carrying a human being for compensation or hire; (C)be limited to restricting or prohibiting design features or operating practices that— (i)have resulted in a serious or fatal injury (as defined in 49 CFR 830, as in effect on November 10, 2004) to crew, government astronauts, or space flight participants during a licensed or permitted commercial human space flight; or (ii)contributed to an unplanned event or series of events during a licensed or permitted commercial human space flight that posed a high risk of causing a serious or fatal injury (as defined in 49 CFR 830, as in effect on November 10, 2004) to crew, government astronauts, or space flight participants; and (D)be issued with a description of the instance or instances when the design feature or operating practice being restricted or prohibited contributed to a result or event described in subparagraph (C)."


The NAHAC acronym stands for Nevada Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation.

If interested, BBC looked into Wagner activities in the:

CAR: Mali: Libya, Syria, and Venezuela:

Though, at what point does sampling become coherentism from philosophy? In the end, whether an AI performs "coherently" is all that matters. I think we are amazed now at ChatGPT because of the quality LLM from 2021 but that value will degrade or become less "coherent" over time, i.e. model collapse.

Just a suggestion, but I would have prefixed the heading with "Opinion".

Here's another link in case you have issues with the original:

The links are only good for 14 days apparently

For some reason, I thought he was Icelandic.

Does Spain have a Machismo culture, comparable or to the same degree as South America?