0 Post – 314 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Well, it's not GONE. There are still plenty of games that won't run well on Linux, or they won't allow online multiplayer because their anti-cheat software is restricted to Windows. But that number is getting smaller every day.

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Time for

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Nintendo's execs calling Boeing's execs: "Hey, can you refer us to your.....fixers? You know.......rhymes with shmassassin.....yeah you know, those guys."

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I'm seeing a lot of confusion. Here are some key takeaways:

  • LBRY Inc is shutting down.
  • LBRY (without the Inc) isn't going anywhere. It's decentralized, they literally can't shut it down.
  • Odysee isn't going anywhere either.
  • LBRY Inc is apparently being shut down for "violating registration provision in securities laws", whatever that means. I think they were handling crypto funds in a way that the SEC argued was illegal, and they lost in court.


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You might not care much about Jezebel, but their parent company, G/O Media, also owns Gizmodo, Kotaku, Jalopnik, Deadspin, The Root, The A.V. Club, The Takeout, The Onion, The Inventory, and Quartz.

So if you like any of those (Lemmy fucking loves The Onion, right?) then this news should concern you a bit.

Also, RIP Jezebel. Sometimes they were edgy and weird for no reason but they also did some solid reporting over the years.

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Wow, Humble has really gone downhill after being acquired. Make sure you change the default split, they've made it harder to find! There's an "Adjust Donation" button where you can choose to put more of your money to charity, rather than Humble and the book publisher.

By default, they're only giving the EFF ninety cents of your $18 purchase. That's insulting. And they still have the gall to put up a "leaderboard" for people that paid extra, but probably only 5% of their money went to charity if they didn't think to change the split. What assholes.

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To be fair, I don't think the Fairphone will help much with outdated processors. You can't upgrade the processor inside, and it comes with a relatively slow processor from day one.

This phone is not for people that need performance; it's a very basic phone for people that value an ethical supply chain and repairability.

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Looking for recommendations for a racecar, at least 800 horsepower. Needs to hit 60 mph in under 4 seconds.

My budget is $2000. Please give recommendations.


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I think what you're asking for (a big repository of pirated STLs) doesn't exist because it isn't really necessary or desirable.

  1. There are a LOT of free models out there. Thingiverse, Printables, Thangs, etc. You really don't need to buy models if you don't want to.

  2. Most of the owners of paid models are just random nerds, not the huge mega corporations that own movies and TV shows. And the printing community is very small and supportive, so the general sentiment is that if a model isn't free, it's probably worth paying for.

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Valve is an excellent example of a company that is privately owned, so they don't have to satisfy shareholders with constant growth for growth's sake. And yet they're still growing and making a profit, because they make a good product.

Phil and Xbox don't have that luxury because their masters sold out decades ago.

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Does this mean the hackers and cheaters will only get worse from here?

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It's so fucking cringe. I work in tech, I see how weirdly women get treated and I see their unusually high turnover rate. Early on I was told "women don't last long here" and it was very true, that woman in particular quit to do freelance work (good for her). Why can't women have a job fair? Men don't fucking need one, NEARLY ALL of the other tech job fairs are dominated by men.

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Holy shit this is great. So it's not FOSS, but it is OSS. And they're not forcing you to pay, they're just asking, without DRM or anything.

I installed it, hooked up my YouTube and Nebula accounts, and it works fine. It's a LOT more stable than I expected. Odyssee works too, and no crashes yet. I immediately paid the $10 for a license. I love the stuff Louis does, and I'm absolutely willing to fund it.

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Yeah this title is dumb as hell. Some models and influencers are difficult to work with, and some are easy. The ones that are shitty get less work, naturally. It's just like any other industry. My partner works with them all the time.

This company made an AI model because they're fucking cheap.

Buy yourself a new gaming rig, and use your old gaming rig as a server. That's what I usually do.

Or, see if you can get an old office PC for a couple hundred bucks on eBay. Anything that's around 5 years old (10 is pushing it) and has decent specs (maybe an i7 and 16GB of RAM) should work fine as a Minecraft and Plex server. Then you can get a cheap (ideally less than $200) graphics card and be good to go.

Bottom line, a "server" is just a PC that's serving things. You don't need enterprise grade hardware. If you're new to hosting, I'd advise you to start cheap and then upgrade to better hardware in a few years when you KNOW what you need. No need to get something really nice and expensive right now.

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It's pretty common for hardcore FPS gamers to switch their right click (which is usually ADS) from a "press and hold" configuration to a "toggle" configuration, meaning you just click to ADS, and then click again to release it. The idea is that you shouldn't be constantly pushing down on you mouse while aiming, it creates drag and makes aiming harder.

Are you talking about remapping your mouse buttons to keyboard buttons? Seems like it would be difficult, but it's plausible.

P.S. ADS means "Aim Down Sights"

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They considered it, consulted a lawyer, and then stopped considering it, because what the board did was stupid (INCREDIBLY stupid) but it wasn't illegal.

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Sounds like it's pretty standard, benign stuff. Luckily FF is open source, so if this freaks you out, then try one of the more private forks like LibreWolf. You won't see these same connections there.

As somebody who has worked in nuclear plants and dealt with contamination hazards, this is the most unsurprising and obvious non-news that I have ever seen. "CONTAMINATION HAZARD HAS CONTAMINATED A MAN THAT WAS MESSING WITH IT" like jesus christ.

Yeah this groomer needs to be fired, I assume they have no training or experience. This is a pretty bad thing to do to certain breeds.

Edit: looking at the context in the photo, this is either a really amateur home groomer or somebody just shaving their own dog. The caption might have been added later.

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The entire company (literally almost all the employees) threatened to quit and take jobs at Microsoft if he wasn't reinstated and the board removed. And that's exactly what has happened.

I don't really have an opinion on this Sam guy or why his employees want to drink his bathwater, but it's an interesting example of the employees of a company unifying behind somebody.

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It literally created the modern smartphone market. The Palm Pilots and Blackberries of the day couldn't compare: the iPhone had a FULL BROWSER. It was insane. The team developing Android saw the iPhone and had a real "holy shit" moment, they had to go back to the drawing board and completely start over in order to compete.

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Good to know, but nobody should buy a Pixel expecting it to be a high performance gaming phone. You buy it for all the smart Google features and camera.

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Yeah I'm no Elon fan, but this website is fuckin weird. Starlink satellites are DESIGNED to burn up after a certain period of time. What is that period of time? Are these 500 satellites burning up early? This author asks none of those questions, and instead asks us to join their weird anti-Elon cult.

My users here at have been actively engaged in a campaign to pray to have Elon Musks' companies shut down.

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That's a good point, our stupid federal policies are incentivizing this behavior from Apple. If they hire more Green Card holders, then they have employees that they can pay less, and they literally CAN'T quit for fear of deportation.

But Apple is also the richest company in the world and they employ enough lawyers to know that they're not supposed to do this kind of shit, so I don't really have sympathy for them in this case.

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You can probably remove whatichopped from your history

I'm sure many have that fantasy. I'd guess that others understand that it's just a tease, and have enough disposable income that they don't care. Same as strip clubs.

I think we need more info here. I'm guessing this is a locally hosted site? How are you exposing it to the web? DDNS? Reverse proxy? Honestly it's hard to diagnose without knowing your IP, which you definitely shouldn't give us.

Edit: you can check your site here, maybe they'll give you details on why it was blacklisted:

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It's all we talk about here lol

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Title gore

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The Dunkey video caused this

The truncated versions are annoying, but honestly I understand why. These websites live entirely off ad sales, without them they go bankrupt. So letting RSS readers scrape an ad-free version of an article makes no sense to them.

Somebody didn't play Cyberpunk on a console at launch....

I just bought an RX 6600. Far from their most powerful GPU, but it feels good being on Team Red again. Having an AMD processor with an Nvidia GPU made me feel dirty.

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To be clear, they're not requiring us to buy Xbox brand official controllers. They're requiring "authorized" controllers, which includes a lot of third-party brands. That's still kinda shitty, but I don't think it counts as tying.

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They have games for Android already and you actually download the games; you don't stream them. Notice that this article doesn't specify whether these 10 games are for mobile or PC, though....

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I think they're suggesting that we just avoid Reddit entirely