
4 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The first is a surprise; the second is testing.

I believe they are saying that the skill it takes a real artist to produce art is something to envy.

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God I wish Google would reinstate their 'Don't Be Evil' slogan.

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What are they trying to distract us from today?

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"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." - Hanlon's razor

I have the Framework 12th gen DIY edition and I love it. I love not worrying that if I break any part of it, I won't have to throw the whole thing away. I love that it adapts to what I need with the interchangeable expansion cards. I've had it for 6 months now and I still love using it. Definitely recommend.

Donkey just did a video on the absurdity of the GTAVI hype: maybe he gave rockstar the push they needed...

God damn this game is great. Bought it at launch but waited until recently to play and I'm absolutely loving it.

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The Leftovers. I'd been sleeping on it for years and finally watched it this year. The best ending to anything I've ever seen.

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As with all the fediverse stuff, it feels like early Instagram when you weren't bombarded by a million ads and celebrity bullshit all the time. It feels like a great community of amateur photographers coming together to share and be inspired again to take photos. That's why I like it.

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Life, uh, finds a way

Never heard of Kagi but it does sound I intriguing.

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Been there!

Yeah this is what I ended up doing. Switched to Fedora and everything works perfectly! I've only been using Linux for about 6 months so I'm still getting my feet wet.

I left before the API fiasco because I was addicted. Had a brief, beautiful couple of months away from platforms like reddit. Now addicted to Lemmy instead.

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I also did this, this morning and it seemed to fix it. If it becomes impossible to block ads I guess we all just stop watching YouTube...?

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Whale and fermented shark in Iceland.

Yeah it's either the latest from who you follow, local timelines or the federated one.

He's amazing on the comedy podcast Comedy Bang Bang.

This does look really good. I'll try it out! Thanks.

As my post asked I was looking for a FOSS equivalent of adobe audition which can do both recording and editing.

My morning journalling is also five years old this year. My only regret is that I wish I'd done it sooner. Going back and reading what you did last year or the year before, can really show how much you've grown or what still needs improving.

It's the game it should have been at launch. Everything feels a lot more fleshed out. There are still a tonne of bugs though but none game breaking.

Thank you for the advice. I hadn't heard of cakewalk so I'll try that out as well as Ardour. Good idea about still passing it through Audacity. I also saw on a thread about auphonic... But I think I don't want the quality to be decided by an "AI"

We might share the same energy.

"That's a lotta nuts!"

Tried it, the quote was "A hermaphrodite can also be a cop". I'm truly inspired

The amount of times I've made the effort to look in a brick and mortar and not found the thing I've needed is too high.

The last time I used it it wasn't easy to have two audio inputs via usb-c (I know I need a proper system but there is no budget yet!)

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Weirdly I cannot toggle the steam overlay on it is greyed out but I believe it is off. And I have Compatability > For the use of... ticked and proton experimental selected.

That was one of the things I tried today and I couldn't get Lutris to run! I'm wondering if something is fundamentally wrong with my Ubuntu install

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Thank you, for some reason even that didn't work

I could not get Lutris to run at all. It kept on crashing.

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Controversial opinion here, but I think it was the best Stargate. The mystery they were building was so captivating. Really sad it was cancelled.

I had the exact same problem with Ubuntu trying to get steam games to run. Unfortunately I could not resolve it and was advised to move to another distro. I chose Fedora and now everything works perfectly without having to make any adjustments. I know it's not the answer you're looking for, but it is a solution.

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I'm not sure if mint is completely the same, but on Ubuntu you can easily make a bootable USB of another distro using this method:

You'd then back up your data, and restart your computer and then, depending on the computer, it might either start the distro installation or you'll need to go into bios and configure your computer to boot from USB.

It sounds more complicated than it is, but there are lots of online tutorials to show you how to do it. Just make sure to back up your data first just in case.

I had this dread too! I thought it would be incredibly time consuming but it ended up being a 30 min job (when I'd spent at least 4 days trying to make steam work on Ubuntu). Distro hopping is definitely one of the best features of Linux.

Why does this feel like it's already out of date? I guess the Apple one is just more impressive.

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