1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

The US will do everything in its power to dismantle socialism and convince people that it "doesn't work" (just ignore how much work they put in to dismantle it)

The enthusiasm to vote against rather than for a candidate reveals the deeper crisis of a political system that effectively marginalizes meaningful alternatives.

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The devastating fires in Maui, a tragedy long forewarned, are a stark reminder of the failure to prioritize human well-being over short-term cost considerations. My heart aches for the lives lost and the homes destroyed; this catastrophe underscores the systemic failure to heed warnings and underscores the urgent need for a compassionate, foresighted approach to our shared environment and community.

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The attempt by billionaire real estate moguls to overturn New York City's rent stabilization law is nothing but the ruling class wielding its power to exploit the many for the benefit of the few. This isn't just about rents in New York; it's a manifestation of the capitalist system where the rights of property owners are sacred, but the rights of those who need shelter are negotiable. It's a blatant class assault, a vivid example of how the rich and powerful manipulate the legal system, including the Supreme Court, to suppress the masses and perpetuate their own wealth and dominance.

TFW your country has been a 1/10 for labor for decades and then a president bumps it to a 2/10 and all the neolib outlets champion him as the most pro-union president in history... 🤮

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The contradiction between Justice Alito's prior commitment to ethics laws and his current stance reveals a fundamental tension in our understanding of power and accountability. This incident serves as a reflection of a broader system where principles often succumb to the mechanisms of authority, exposing the frailty of ethical commitments in the face of institutionalized power.

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There's only been a limited selection up until this point

I didn't see that in OPs comment. Would you mind explaining where you gathered that from?

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If I'm going to have a crook in office, I'd rather they be a crook that awakens people to the issues that matter such as medicare for all and ending the drug war. The bar is just that low

Surprised this brazenly says to vote no. Usually telling people how to vote is the line they dance around with all the negative "facts"

No, it's not.

Given ballot options of Socialists, Democrats, and Republicans, I'd rank them 1, 2, and 3, respectively. However, when expressing my feelings about the election: I love the Socialists, dislike the Republicans, and prefer the Democrats slightly over the Republicans.

This nuanced opinion isn't captured on a ranked ballot.

With a score ballot, like STAR voting, I'd give the Socialists 5 stars, the Democrats 1 star, and the Republicans 0 stars. This method not only captures my preferences but also the depth of my feelings for each party. This is then reflected in both the final score and the automatic runoff step of tabulation.

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Capitalism gonna capitalize...

Currently using signal but have been intrigued by some of the no phone number alternatives like SimpleX

RCV will do nothing to break the duopoly in America. RCV will basically allow you to vote for the Democrats or Republicans without bubbling their name on your ballot.

Contrary to what is stated, RCV falls apart as soon as more than 2 parties become viable. It suffers from the spoiler effect.

RCV, like plurality voting, only reflects your preference for one candidate at a time. In fact, it's relatively accurate to say that RCV is just plurality with (literally) extra steps (rounds).

One of the better ballot changes we can make is to move to something like STAR voting, which can capture the nuance of magnitude of preference for ALL candidates at once.

However, changing voting method alone is not enough. Proportional representation and expanding the number of elected officials are two powerful ways to introduce new ideas and break up power structures.

And, of course, campaign finance reform such as democracy vouchers

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The portrayal of "Bidenomics" as a success story serves as a classic illustration of how power structures manipulate economic indicators to project an image of prosperity, obscuring the underlying reality. While the figures may indicate growth and a decrease in unemployment, they are detached from the lived experiences of millions who continue to suffer from food insecurity and financial hardship. The discontinuation of essential aid programs reflects a broader systemic failure, where policies are shaped by elite interests at the expense of the vulnerable. It's a pattern we've seen repeatedly in the history of state-corporate management of the economy, where the welfare of the general population is subordinated to concentrated private power.

We all just say "capitalism" and end the thread right?

In the face of extreme climatic upheavals, California's bid to unveil corporate contributions to climate change is vehemently obstructed by big industries, reflecting the stark chasm between professed "net-zero commitments" and actual corporate accountability. The insidious dance of greenwashing, underpinned by millions in lobbying, is a stark reminder that true societal transformation demands more than hollow corporate rhetoric.

Not sure how to respond to this, but no it did not 😅

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They're the ones that made the call to split the bill saying it was guaranteed to pass which made no sense

We need to stop saying "if there were more democrats" and start saying "if there were more socialists"

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I prefer score ballots over ranked ballots, expressing magnitude of preference is important!

Ranked choice specifically is one of the worst ranked ballot options out there and I hope we can push for something else

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How about our current situation is an economic nightmare? But when workers attempt to use their leverage to shift it back to something actually the least bit ethical then you have a problem?

JFC neoliberals are so out of touch

RCV is a rebrand of the voting method IRV, which was used by many cities in the early 20th century. Due to inconsistent results, it was repealed. So, unfortunately, conservatives have a leg to stand on when they attack RCV.

For clarity: their specific attacks take things to the extreme and often have some racist underpinnings, but there is a kernel of truth to attacking specifically on the method itself.

That is why I support something like STAR voting, it doesn't suffer from many of RCV's issues

I wish your ballot measure luck however, because at the end of the day it still is, mildly better than FPTP

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That was the old place... what should a Lemmy bot say instead? 🤔

I strongly prefer STAR over ranked choice, for some significant issues that aren't talked about enough. (slide deck).

But yes, I agree that voting reform is critical to this change, and it's very telling that neither party are very interested in enacting it. They'll both warn us like an abusive relationship to not vote third party "or else" but when you ask why not just support voting reform they both fall silent.

We need a voting system that eliminates the spoiler effect and allows for showing intensity of preference.

RCV does neither but STAR voting does both

I always tell people rcv is best when there are 3 candidates and only 2 are viable.
You can safely vote for someone who is definitely going to lose and keep the status quo

If you want a voting system that encourages the emergence of new parties then you must be able to vote for people equally and you must be able to indicate significant preference between one candidate and another

Something like ranked round robin can also cover it but I think STAR is more intuitive

Multi account containers is the reason I use Firefox over ungoogled chromium

Reading neoliberal apologia is vomit inducing

I don't see it being on the radar of the major parties at the moment. RCV is in the spotlight so far. But that can change very soon because in Eugene, Oregon this week they are finishing up getting STAR on the ballot for their elections, then they're also pushing for it to appear on the state ballot in May. The effort is led by non-partisan groups like the equal vote coalition.

So far my conversations with both sides of the aisle have been fruitful, and I hope that is how it continues

Despite this person in the photo saying a vote for Democrats is a vote for democracy the Democrats have zero interest in changing the current situation.

They have a good thing going for them.

When their opponent is literally fascism they don't have to deliver anything to the people and can shame voters for being sick of it all and going third party

It is an abusive relationship

once again UTC showing its superiority to timezones good work lemmy team!

In examining the intricacies of federation and centralization within the context of a democratic society, we're faced with a rich tapestry of challenges and opportunities. The Federal Republic of Germany's response to COVID-19, with its 16 federated states, serves as an illustrative example of a model that facilitates diverse approaches towards a common goal. It's a demonstration of what can be described as decentralized centralization, allowing for creativity, adaptability, and the potential for mutual learning.

However, the attraction towards centralized leadership, particularly when vested in a single figure, reveals a tendency that should be approached with caution. It often leads to the erosion of democratic principles and individual liberties, a phenomenon not unknown in various historical contexts.

In the digital realm of the Fediverse, we find an interesting parallel. The absence of dark money can be seen as a safeguard against the undue influence of concealed financial interests. It fosters an environment that encourages open dialogue, collaboration, and community-driven decision-making. Yet, the tension between the need for extensive discourse and the desire for immediate action presents a challenge that's emblematic of democratic processes.

The proposal for the creation of Cartas is an ambitious pursuit, one that seeks to balance the freedoms and responsibilities that define our existence, and in doing so, constructs a framework for a more equitable and humane digital landscape. It's a path that demands careful consideration, relentless effort, and a commitment to the ideals that underpin the very essence of democracy.

Well the thing about that is, RCV has been repealed in 6 states and counting for producing poor results. And it's also given right wing groups like the heritage foundation a foothold to attack it. I'm actually seeing negative RCV sentiment on the ground when I talk to people about STAR so their message is spreading. When I explain STAR and how it fixes several of RCVs issues they come around to it, so it may in fact be better to push that instead of tag along with RCV if it's going to end up being a waste of political capital

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Appreciated, thank you for the compliment ☺️

While Republicans prepare for a public debate, Democrats are coronating Biden without any democratic contestation, revealing a glaring hypocrisy. Instead of embracing an open dialogue that could invigorate the electorate, they prefer a managed image, undermining the very principles they claim to uphold. Such practices not only turn off voters but lay bare the profound contradictions within the U.S. political system.

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