PedestrianError :vbus: :nblvt:

@PedestrianError :vbus:
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Joined 1 years ago

Enemy of car culture and cisheteropatriarchy

Profile & banner image: bad so-called pedestrian safety campaigns. Profile pic is a poster saying “WALK SAFE most pedestrian crashes are the pedestrian’s fault” & banner is a cartoon crab on a lifeguard stand holding flags that say “save yourself” and “use crosswalks”.

@mozz I don’t think everyone intends for it to be sexist at all, it’s just that it takes places within a context in which female professors and medical doctors frequently report being on conference panels or introduced at meetings and have someone doing the introductions talk about, ‘Dr. This, Dr. That [both male], and Amy.’ It’s just one of many subtle ways women’s professional expertise and authority are quietly diminished.

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@mozz Everybody needs to stop untitling the Vice President. It does not help move us toward a society that doesn’t discriminate in hiring for senior positions if we keep talking about women (especially if they’re women of color) as if they’re children while simultaneously referring to male peers by last names and/or titles.

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@mozz I’m not blaming you, I’m just saying that having a potential presidential nominee who is most frequently referred to by the public at large by a first name only is unusual and sets her apart from previous (male) nominees in ways which may unwittingly add to some voters’ already present feeling that perhaps she’s not really serious or experienced enough because she’s a woman.

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@mozz I would just try to mix it up a bit: Kamala Harris, VP Harris, the vice president, etc. Compare it to however you refer to male/white politicians in everyday speech and just try to balance it. If you’re calling Biden Joe or referencing a conversation between Bernie and Kamala or whatever, no problem. What really shouldn’t happen intentionally or not is unequal parallels like “the VP debate between Kamala and Vance” or “Biden and Kamala need to articulate their message better.”