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Joined 1 years ago

I don't see why people would even go to a site to read AI generated articles and be bombarded with ads. I could just ask an AI to write an article for me? Just cut out the middle man at that point.

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Working in a hospital lab in a neighboring county to these cases. We all just had to bust out the malaria testing gear and do our annual training early.

It's an Elon quote

I can tell no one here has played Mordhau lol. It's basically wall to wall neo Nazis spamming racial slurs. I got regular death threats, like almost every match. Destiny? Little league bullshit.

Others have brought up Dark Messiah which I think is a very decent rec.

Dragon Age Origins has some pretty powerful mages, but it might lack the physicality you're after.

For Bethesda games I think magic is much better in Morrowind and Oblivion than Skyrim

Also, this is a little niche but Dragons Dogma has some awesome mages. It'd a little punchier and more action oriented than most western RPGs.

Lastly, Guild Wars 2 has surprisingly fun combat for a decade old MMO and it's free.

I also still browse the desktop site when I'm at work and I feel like the vibe has nosedived. Shit post subs like AITAH are front paging more than ever, the subs I frequent have less activity and that activity is lower quality. I am getting way more rude, unhelpful, ignorant comments.

Fuck the states. My state would not have let me marry my wife if the federal government didn't force them to. My brother is gay, he'd be doing hard labor in prison for that if my state had its way.

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Ive seen so many posts by people who trashed the game after not even getting to the start of the time loop, calling it a bad walking sim with nothing to do.

Modern games have programmed people to be incurious and intellectually lazy

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Boomers l think we live in some hyper liberal soft on crime woke nation despite having the highest incarceration rate on earth with extremely strict penalties.

Chipping isn't that big a deal with nonstick. Overheating is the real danger. You should never let it it 500F. Also, once it starts to become discolored it should be disposed of.

I'll be waiting to see what the consensus on the story is. Because I quit FF15 25 hours in after realizing I had no idea what was going on and no idea who anyone was, since the story was fragmented across multiple media.

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Mine just makes the UFO sound and I'm into it.

I'm close to you. 118F in Colorado, -30 in Chicago during the polar vortex. I had icicles in my beard within minutes, it was gnarly.

It tells me they are used to cuddly friendly fandoms. They've definitely never played real toxic games like Mordhau or anything Paradox has made. There are games that are legit >50% neonazis and avowed racists.


It's not a mysery, we don't need psychics or time travellers to figure out what the founders meant. James Madison kept extensive notes on the Constitutional Convention. The intent behind the 2a is in there, as well as several earlier revisions of the final wording. All the modern court rulings are insane when you understand the founders' real intent.

Yes it's called restricted mode. Only whitelisted users can make posts or comments.

Unitarian Universalists. Quakers. Zen Buddhists probably?


The town halls have been hilarious to watch. Chris Christie just laying down suppressing fire on Trump. Meanwhile Pence, a man who Trump nearly had publicly executed, gives the most mild admonishments. I remember when Pence was afraid to get into a USSS car because he didn't know the driver and thought they might be taking him to be quietly assassinated . How do you even stay in the same party after that?

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As of 2015 in the United States, more than 90% of abortions occur before the 13th week, 1.3% of abortions in the United States took place after the 21st week,[4] and less than 1% occur after 24 weeks.[5][6]

No one is terminating viable fetuses in the third trimester.

That's good to hear. I remember getting to a point in 15 where there's a long cutscene of a city invasion, and I realized I didn't know what city it was, who was invading, or why. Nor did I know what relation it had to the segment I had just played. So at that point I had enough.

@Cyder works better than the reddit official app


When I got an EV I admit I was put off by the dial replacing the stick. I shopped around trying to avoid it in fact. I did get used to it, but it was off-putting at first. because I'm so used to resting my hand on the gear shift. Tactile things are part of the UX for cars.

All the pro life arguments are new. Theyre disingenuous and hypocritical. The modern pro life movement was cooked up by hardcore right wingers when they lost the fight against civil rights , in a transparent attempt to create a new voting bloc. Before the 1960s, the Baptists and Methodists were pro abortion and called it a Catholic issue.

Person hood is a red herring. Even if you accept fetal person hood, no one owes another person the use of their body.

Lastly, legislators have no place in medical decisions. Doctors are not terminating viable fetuses in the third trimester and never have. There were less than 10 third trimester abortions in the US per year and all we're either to save the life of the mother or to remove a fetus that had a fatal defect. Banning the procedure will only have deleterious effects and keep doctors from performing vital life saving procedures. We have already seen this in Ireland and central America.


Exactly this. The money tap has dried up post pandemic and they are seeking new revenue streams while also slashing costs. The hunger for perpetual growth to sate the investor class and their matyroshka nesting yachts is driving these decisions.