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Joined 8 months ago

Have you tried asking the washing machine for its preferred pronouns?

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Developers: "Move fast and break things."

Things: break

Developers: surprised Pikachu face

I was good at math and bad with people.

They were already monetizing your data, just like websites were already using cookies to track you before the EU made it mandatory to inform visitors about this.

Hitman 2. Now working on the third. It's alright, I loved the first one, but it's starting to get a bit boring/repetitive. The new freelancer mode in Hitman 3 seems somewhat interesting, but overall, there's been very little change or improvement between the games. They are fascinating at first, but if you play too long you start noticing all the weird glitches in the simulation that break immersion and can either be exploited or just ruin the experience.

Good luck with that. LOL

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Days Gone. It's basically a biker road movie set in a zombie apocalypse scenario playing out in rural Oregon. Strong story, beautiful graphics, and a healthy balance between scavenging/exploration and fighting.

If that's still too violent, maybe the Hitman series. That's basically 95% exploration / problem solving because you have to spend most of your time figuring out how to get close enough to your target so you can eliminate them without causing too much of a stir.

Also Deus Ex Human Revolution or Mankind Divided, for similar reasons. You're pretty much always outnumbered and outgunned so you have figure out how to get around and complete your objectives without being detected and only pick your fights sparingly.

Basically, Musk is alleging is that they claimed this was a common practice when it was, in fact, extremely rare.

In his tweet about this he said that out of 5.5 **billion ** ad impressions that day, less than 50 were objectionable according to Media Matter's criteria. In other words, there was a 1 in 100 million chance that a normal user would randomly see something like this.

For comparison, the following things have about a 1 in a million chance of happening (i.e. are 100 times more likely):

  • flipping a coin 20 times, getting tails every single time
  • winning the PowerBall lottery if you buy six tickets a week for a year
  • a devastating earthquake occurring in Seattle within the next 5 hours

I just read the MM piece and it doesn't appear to make any specific claims about how frequently this might have happened, it merely says "We recently found ads for Apple, Bravo, Oracle, Xfinity, and IBM next to posts that tout Hitler and his Nazi Party on X." and that "X has been placing ads for Apple, Bravo, IBM, Oracle, and Xfinity next to pro-Nazi content." which does indeed appear to be factual since it makes no claims about frequency, so I guess we'll see if the court is convinced that it was defamatory. It certainly seems to be the truth, but not the whole truth.

If it turns out they really DID have to create 100 million page views in order to find a single questionable ad placement, and they failed to mention that, you could make the case that they were intentionally trying to hurt his business.

Jedi: Fallen Order is a souls-like set in the Star Wars universe. Frequently goes on sale for under 10 bucks these days. the Mona Lisa?

Finished Hitman 2 the other day, now working on the third. It's... alright I guess. Starting to get a little boring and repetitive.

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  • Days Gone
  • Dishonored 2
  • Hitman Trilogy
  • DOOM (2016)
  • Prey (2017)

I'd love to ride motorcycles with Deacon and Boozer from Days Gone and I don't even ride motorcycles IRL

Yes, unlike you, who is showing great empathy and totally not relying on the concept of pain and punishment by posting a derisive response attacking my character without responding to any of the arguments I made.

Basically, all you have said is “you are bad, therefore you should feel bad.”

I’m sorry that my comment has made you upset, but you haven’t given any clear indication of what was wrong with it, so I’m afraid I can’t help you feel better about it, and instead I can only assume that your being upset has nothing to do with the comment you’re responding to, but is instead just a reactionary expression of your ongoing displeasure about a lengthy discussion we had the other day about a city in Tennessee explicitly mentioning homosexuality in their law about public decency.

Also, I’d like to point out that empathy isn’t the same as sympathy. Empathy is simply the capacity to understand another person’s point of view, it doesn’t require agreeing with it.

Where could you possibly have gotten that I think everyone is perfect and that a god created us that way?

Well, you said Christianity is terrible because in order to be a Christian you must believe you’re a terrible person and can never be good (which is incorrect BTW, but we’ll save that for later).

So since you said that this was a terrible belief, and you didn’t provide any alternative, I simply took the opposite stance and showed how that isn’t any better. Also, I didn’t say that this is what you were arguing for, I very clearly asked you what your preferred alternative was.

Religion, and Christianity in particular, is a terrible belief system and it causes cognitive dissonance and psychosis. Christianity creates pain and suffering and turns otherwise good people into monsters. You've not refuted that at all.

And you haven’t proven that this is the case either, or do you happen to have any studies that show that mental illness is more prevalent in Christians than in atheists, or at least the population as a whole? Otherwise I assume you’re just working with anecdotal evidence, such as having been raised by Christian parents whom you consider psychotic. Unfortunately, that’s not enough evidence to condemn all of the approx. 2.4 billion people in the world who consider themselves Christian. Even if, say, all of the Christians in the United States were demonstrably psychotic, that wouldn’t be enough evidence to condemn Christianity as a whole (although it would at least warrant suspicion that the two may be linked).

Now, as far as misrepresenting Christian beliefs goes, you said that Christians believe that people can never be good and therefore must always feel terrible about themselves. That’s not the case. It’s rather that people can never be perfect and therefore should always strive to improve. Do you see the difference? One interpretation says “you’ll never come anywhere close to God’s perfection so you might as well give up and not even try”, the other says “you may not ever reach perfection, but you’ll certainly come closer to it if you keep trying.”

Perhaps in the past, but nowadays women are totally free to become soldiers, farmers, butchers, construction workers, electricians, bus drivers, or garbage collectors. Yet all of those jobs are still overwhelmingly done by men. And if men didn't do them, there would be no houses, no roads, no electricity, and no food.

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Meanwhile, men have for a long time been the ones responsible for putting food on the table, paying the rent, building houses, cars, etc. and maintaining them, going to war to defend the country, mowing the lawn, and keeping society running.

Also, hilarious of you to accuse me of misogyny and then basically saying "women are responsible for doing traditionally female jobs". LOL.

LMAO, even.

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No, they do not. Women do not have to stay in abusive relationships. They can go to court and get a restraining order, a divorce, or sue their employer if they are harassed at the workplace. No one is forcing them to stay in these types of situations. If they chose to do so anyways, they have no one but themselves to blame.

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They can always give their children up for adoption, can't they?

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Yes, I believe that's the allegation made in the lawsuit, that they intentionally manipulated the algorithm in order to engineer this ad placement.

Planned release date: Jan 5, 2024 :/

That's not what I asked.

I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you haven't heard before, but from a Biblical perspective sex is for procreation and gender roles reflect the natural hierarchy of God.

Also, it's not slavery to give people incentives to do what's right in the long run instead of what feels good in the moment. We also have laws against killing and stealing even though the vast majority of people recognizes that it's wrong and would never do it. Or would you say that you feel enslaved by the existence of such laws?

Okay, now that's a very good point. Almost.

As long as someone is acting morally, does it matter whether they do it because they understand morality and can reason it through the way you did, or because they think an invisible man in the sky is going to send them to hell if they don't?

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Yes, I am indeed confused. Are you saying that women who COULD raise a child but choose not to are acting immorally when they give their child up for adoption, but they are acting morally if they chose to abort their pregnancy instead?

Because it sounds like that's what you are saying.

Except Jesus didn't make millions of dollars from publishing his philosophy in book format, and L. Ron Hubbard didn't willingly die in order to prove his belief in Xenu or whatever.

How so? Except for the final mission I guess.

If you only play it for the story, they all have the same amount of linearity. The real value is in the exploration and replayability, doing all the missions again to see what you’ve missed.

So you're saying it's immoral to give up a child for adoption when you are unable to raise it, but it's not immoral to abort it before it even has a chance to take its first breath?

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The point was that anything, no matter how innocent or lifesaving, can be used for murder if you really want.

But I get it, you want to stay mad about the past.

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If one person can do it, so can you. Unless you prefer to stay mad about the past forever because that isn't going to change.

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What did I lie about?

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Okay. Then don't expect me to play yours.

People being able to live their lives the way they want to without bothering anyone?

Apparently it IS bothering people enough that they're willing to go through the trouble to make laws about it.

You're making shit up. Mad anal sex is not restricted to homosexuals you prude 😏

Doesn't mean it's appropriate to teach children about it.

I mean come on, at some point you gotta look at this whole thing reasonably. Where has all the LGBT acceptance in the West gotten us? There's gay people in the White House, transgenders in the military, pride parades in every major city, and yet somehow we're still arguing about whether gay people are oppressed because some states won't allow them to teach children about anal sex.

At some point you have to ask the question whether gay people are living in a state of feeling permanently oppressed not because of what Christians will or will not allow them to do, but as a result of their sinful lifestyle?

FWIW, I'm not sure that putting them in prison is the right way to deal with the problem, but from a Christian perspective, there isn't much anyone can do about it as long as they insist that being gay isn't the problem, lack of tolerance is.

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But it was the Democrats who orchestrated and approved it.

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An imagined scenario would be worse than reality

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Makes sense. Both require regular maintenance or they'll start acting up.

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You can call me whatever you want but if being decent means allowing children to be taught about crossdressing and anal sex then I'd rather be a bigot.

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Okay, let's assume you're right and that is indeed a terrible belief system. What's your alternative? It seems to me that you are arguing that we should believe that we already ARE good people and we don't need any forgiveness or grace in order to be good. If anyone disagrees with that and points out something we've done that hurt them, we can just tell them they're wrong because God created us to be perfect and sinless and we don't need to change a single thing. How does that attitude not lead to blatant narcissism in the long run?

If you don't believe there is at least a chance that you might be wrong, there is no reason to ever listen to the complaints of other people, and no reason to ever try to find any compromise. It's simply the law of the stronger. Whoever has the most power makes all the rules because God made them perfect and they don't need to fix a single thing. Isn't that exactly what you are accusing Christians of doing? How do you get morality out of that philosophy?

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