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Joined 1 years ago

Yep, had a car tire look like that once. Blew up on the road not long after.

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Yes. I do not want another Reddit.

Hattara. Just a made-up word.

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Letting the oil circulate for a bit, adjusting fan-settings, A/C, selecting music etc. If it’s wintertime I let the car warm up for a while while I scrape the windows.

Hattara is even more mader-upper!

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Take your welcomed-feeling ass and fuck right off.

I was a dumb kid without a lot of driving experience and car knowledge at that time. Learnt a valuable lesson, luckily nothing worse than a flat tire.

Apparently I had a very misaligned steering-angle which wore the tire out aggressively over time. I remember the steering-wheel shaking heavily at higher speeds before the tire finally gave out.

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It even has cool games!

shit I had someone merge into my lane without even looking when I was right beside them, I had to slam on my brakes to get out of the way and I was only able to do that because there was no one behind me. I honked at them and they just flipped me off

Man, this really pisses me off because I know they know they’re the dumbass who fucked up but their fragile ego can’t take being honked at so they flip you off nevertheless. Hate idiots like that.

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oops not the goggle sorry please delete

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I don’t mind the staleness too much, the show had it’s prime years ago. I’m just glad we’re getting new episodes. I just don’t think we’re going to get another Luck of the Fryrish or Game of Tones this time around, you know?

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”Rekkamiehen hymy” in Finnish, which would translate to the ”trucker’s smile”.

”I just play it, I don’t listen to it.”

Can confirm that this was another reason for me not looking into it sooner haha! I was a poor student living on my own for the first time.

Some good news we can all use in these trying times!

Apollo was the sole reason why I even used Reddit as much as I did for the past years. Interestingly enough, before I deleted my account I went through all my posts and comments and noticed almost a 4-year break in posts and comments completely.

I think I was just pretty much lurking around that time and when I started posting content again was right around the time I discovered Apollo. Luckily Memmy is a great substitute!

I’ve also been using Mlem that’s still in beta but is coming along very nicely!

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Being born in the early 90’s in a country neighboring Russia, you could find quite a lot of bootleg or otherwise weird VHS-tapes of Soviet-era cartoons that had made it across the border back after the Iron Curtain collapsed, usually at flea-markets or in bargain-bins.

I remember we used to have quite a few of them, most were just collections of different Russian cartoons from like the 70’s and 80’s. A few I’ve managed to track down, like Nu Pogodi! The rest of them I’ve tried to find with the limited details I remember, but haven’t had any luck.

You should find it here! You need to get it through TestFlight.

Kavinsky - Nightcall

Is this Cards Against Humanity?

Ah yes, the infamous ”mentally challenged dog”

It’s mostly in Finnish, but ”ursprungsland” is also the Swedish word for country of origin. Finland is a bilingual country (mostly).

Isn’t everything?

Musical: The Show: The Musical

I did the exact same thing, also with a link that redirects you to a tutorial explaining how to get started with Lemmy. Took about 7 hours but the script actually succesfully edited every single comment I ever made.

Edit: wow this really blew up!!!!!!!

Luck of the Fryrish The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings Bender’s Big Score Lethal Inspection The Sting Game of Tones Meanwhile

Same, although only from comments I’d made on r/askreddit.