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Joined 8 months ago

Theres nobody left there to ask

Aw, buddy. We’re sorry that other people aren’t doing enough free work to make you happy.

not to mention additional chemical leeching from the plastic bottles.

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I’m convinced that there is around 50% of the general adult population that has zero emotional intelligence and lives in a state of emotional ping pong. Just raw emotional energy that is entirely at the whim of whatever happens to be in their line of sight.

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nintendo isn’t pouring anything into mario+rabbids, it’s an ubisoft game through and through.

Except for Pokémon games which are saved directly to the internal storage and unable to be moved unless you have the original save device (and it’s working) as well as the new device and transfer the save manually.

Splatoon is the same. Saves are locked to the system, even with NSO.

Animal crossing was the same until people raised hell about it.

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your argument is totally neutered by the fact that until the kid meets specific legal requirements, they are absolutely required to stay where the parent dictates.

the law doesn't allow texas to just up and leave the union either. they’d have to go through a lot of bureaucratic processes before that would be a viable option.

did you really think this was a solid “gotcha”? lol

Or that a quant figured out it would be cheaper to cut staff and stop operating in a specific region vs pay extra fees to continue operating in that region.

do you seriously think retail consumers are the demographic Apple is trying to capture right now?

talk to some creative professionals & craftsmen. my company used to work with hololens on a regular basis but there way too much jank in how it performed in a live setting. If the Vision Pro provides even the same level of utility but manages to make live object rendering & tracking consistent and reliable, they’re going to sell truckloads. Hollywood alone has probably 100 different ways to use this tech on set to slim creative workflows and save time (and therefore money). a $5000 headset is practically a rounding error when your principals cost 10x that per hour.

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sure they have done some shitty things

Here’s to throwing the baby out with the bathwater I guess

so nobody in a rural town was ever ‘slow’, ‘different’, or ‘blessed’, right?

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Folks have given you a half dozen solutions here and your answer is consistently dismissive.

Did you want your problem solved or did you just want to bitch and argue?

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lol nobody important from anywhere is on lemmy


It’s great.

It’s the choice of a new generation.

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same, still running the pre-ad stock OS. i do keep it offline though, it only accesses local media


Weird to get self-righteous about your inability to understand clear sarcasm

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i can’t believe it matters this much to you

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And the US prison population is overly representative of…

You’re so close!

What he needs is to spend his leisure time doing activities he likes.

I somehow doubt different board games fall into that category.

some dogs absolutely “clean” their bed before laying down

“If it’s not illegal, not sure why it would be wrong”

You seem… hinged…

we know you can’t lol

that doesn’t mean they don’t exist though

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“I’ll be working on it for the next few hours” is different than “I’ll be working for a few hours today but have not identified root cause yet so I can’t say how long the fix will be”

“The update will come in September or consider the project abandoned” vs “I want to have the update out by the end of September but can’t guarantee any timeframes until I’m further along in the work”

“It should be back up in a few hours” vs “I’ll update everyone again once I’ve identified the issues and am working towards a clear resolution”

I’m not asking for more work or more communication, just honest communication.

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at no point did anyone in this chain say it was revolutionary. you’re shadowboxing against an argument nobody is making lol

Amazon’s shit is locked down pretty well. At least the fire cube is, not sure about the stick.

I wasn’t able to easily change launchers on my 1st gen cube. It is possible via flashing a whole new OS I believe but I was really hoping for a side-loadable solution.

that’s patently untrue.

the first cable stations were OTA (network) stations from major cities being served to rural areas. those had ads.
the first cable-specific channel was TBS which was just a converted Atlanta NBC channel that also had ads.
as basic cable grew, new channels launched with ads.

Premium channels like HBO launched in the 70s without ads but afaik those channels are still ad-free except self-promotion between shows.

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not that it would ever happen at critical mass, but i think there’s a valid criticism here.

when i first heard about federated platforms my initial impression was that it was more of a “hub and spoke” system than the free-for-all it currently is. i still think there’s some merit to having a few larger “parent” instances that handle the federation between each other, while individual instances pull federation via their “parent” instance. seems like this approach would help reduce some of that overhead, but that does jeopardize the open nature of the protocol.

it’s a tough thing to balance.

the genocidal impulse is always there

exqueeze me? baking powder?

how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real?

why would it need to be a massive immediate retail success?

moreover, why do you seem so irritated that you might not be the target audience here?

why does an “active and engaged player base” matter at all? you can host a personal/local dedicated server, so no worries about them shutting the servers off. the game has no larger community interactions beyond what happens on a server. there’s not even pvp that would suffer from a diminished player base.

do you, like, only play games that other people think are cool?

the comment you replied to:

I can’t possibly invest 100+ hours in a Pokemon game and lose everything of the battery dies, screen breaks, console is forgotten on a bus or stolen, and so on.

it is nintendo’s choice disable cloud saves on pokémon. splatoon and animal crossing are both made by studios under nintendo’s umbrella, and nintendo already showed they can exert that pressure if they need to with animal crossing.

saying “it’s up to the devs, not nintendo” neither answers the complaint you replied to nor has any semantic relevance to the titles above. moreover, SD cards cannot be used for these titles.

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FKJ (French Kiwi Juice)

Dude is incredible, and his Cercle set is breathtaking.

you need to have an honest conversation with yourself before you address any further issues publicly.

from “if the update isn’t out by september consider this project dead” to “i’ll be working on it for a few hours then it should be good to go” you clearly have trouble estimating the amount and scope of work necessary to maintain a site of this caliber.

i’m not trying to be insulting to you, but you need to understand it’s starting to get tiring as a user too. take stock of what you are doing and pause for a moment before you give your users a defined timeframe.

the post where you said it would be a few hours is still up and unedited. that was 3 days ago. i wouldn’t have minded you saying “it will be a few days, maybe a week or longer” at the get-go but now we’re approaching 1000% estimated time to recovery and it feels like you are no closer than you were 3 days ago. it’s insulting and it definitely doesn’t need to be that way.

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Yeah it was amazing for the 3-4 hours it worked every day.

Damn haven’t thought about that shit for 25 years.

yeah originallucifer is pretty much talking out of his ass.

all i can say is that this does happen from time to time. a while ago there was a few day lag on a single episode of The Price is Right. i wouldn’t worry too much.