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Joined 12 months ago


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That’s because you’re not engraving the suspects name in wooden balls based on the dreams of 3 people sleeping in some weird hot tubs.

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User is not in the sudoers file.

this incident will be reported

As someone who didn’t have enough money to get a color monitor, I can tell you colors have almost nothing to do with dopamine generation. I played a lot of games in B&W and even used mspaint! Printed my beloved drawings in a dot matrix printer…

I think you mean to reduce distractions, not colors…

I’m really looking forward to using something like rust coreutils, but only once the testing passes the gnu test suite (

Cue guitar riff

“Now we support Nintendo Switch and Sony PlayStation! Those platforms, combined with our current offer in Windows, macOS, Android and iOS / iPadOS, cover the whole spectrum of platforms available!”

But what about Lin- “THE WHOLE SPECTRUM”

I’d tell you… if I had it!

Whats missing?

Colombia != Columbia

I would love to install a browser, and a password manager through flatpaks but they won’t talk with each other.

I would get an IDE like visual studio code, through flathub, but it doesn’t talk with the system software I want to develop on.

I would love to get Steam or any other games as flatpaks but having to redownload mesa and other system files just for that uses a lot of space and feels like a second OS.

So yeah, I agree with you. It’s awesome! But it has some flaws right now (that I’m sure they’re being worked on)

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Played them both! Awesome games, and glados is an awesome character!

And how did you install brave?

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Brothers. Damn ending making me feel empty…

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I think you're right. For the average desktop user, it's more about being able to use the software they need, without a terminal.

I think that desktop in linux has advanced a lot in the last few years, and now I'm running my games on a KDE desktop, too! But I keep having to go to the terminal to do stuff I took for granted on other systems, like OS security updates.

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* cries in south hemisphere *

I agree with this opinion: prices should not have changed, but a proof of national identification and restricting it to one account might have been sufficient to avoid VPN access.

The problem I see is that some people were taking advantage of the low prices with a VPN and an Argentinian/Turkish account, and assigning their parent account as a family member to share games. I think limiting their regions would’ve been more effective than just hiking up the prices.

My brother in Christ, installing a .deb is downloading the .deb directly, as you would when downloading discord from, and you use dpkg to install it (apt uses dpkg to install the deb file).

You saying “the deb file” is not the same as “using the official repo”, as dependencies might not have been installed by only using the .deb file.

Make sense?

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Please pick a rolling distro with KDE Plasma. I would recommend Endeavour OS.

A rolling distro is the most similar thing to keeping a Windows installation in terms of updates if you don't change the big version. You get constant updates, sure, but it's also really more compatible because software is not frozen until the next OS release.

In contrast, a standard release distro is more akin to macOS. You install the OS, but every X (6? 9? 12?) months, you must upgrade to the next big thing. This presents 2 problems IMHO: you have to wait that long for updates you might need, and the upgrade might break a lot of things.

And KDE is a Desktop Environment. This is the look and feel of the desktop. In my experience, I tried Gnome, Cinnamon, and XFCE, thinking they might be more aligned with the FOSS philosophy. Then I tried KDE because I bought a Steam Deck, and I immediatly loved it and haven't looked back. It's that good.

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Oh boy are you wrong. Check out the patents to polio vaccines, or Volvos three point seatbelt.

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The article seems to have missed a lot of games from their DMA era. The Wikipedia article is more complete than the IGN one.

Does it use systemd-boot by default?

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[Cries is southern hemisphere]

I just switched from Arch to Endeavour to Fedora! My 2 cents:

  • Arch is like a barebones Lego box without instructions, only a set of pictures. Sure, you get a paper telling you how to ensamble a basic OS, but what to do of it is up to you. For example, you might want a firewall there, right? or maybe a systemd timer to trim your ssd? IDK, you can guess it on your own. The pieces are there, it's up to you to decide what to use.
  • Endeavour is like that same Lego box where someone handled you the manual from another themed box. If you installed Arch on your own, and felt like you might've missed something, or something feels off, EndeavourOS just gives you the ensambled set for you to play with. The problem? No problem, really. It feels like a greatly configured Arch installation.
  • Fedora feels like a themed box. You don't have whole lot of bricks like that other unthemed box (AUR), but damn, everything just works and it works great. Only caveat is that non free stuff (drivers, codecs, etc) require that you input some commands (but really, every linux distro requires this still). So far, my experience is between "wow, I didn't know you could do/have this! Must've missed it in the arch wiki" and "damn, there's no easy way to install X in Fedora? I miss the AUR :("

Matt Asay runs developer relations at MongoDB. The views expressed herein are Matt’s and do not reflect those of his employer.

Well that explains a lot

First one. The second one… I’ve read it’s more of a vengeance story in the first half, and then you play the same story from the other side, making you see how awful revenge is.

Does it have scenes like the one with the giraffes?

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Wow, this is great! Thanks!

Latín América, too.

(Autocorrect put tildes in those words and I do not regret it)

Try setting VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr as a launch argument for the game

How do you handle which GPU is used in which game? I would guess you have an AMD iGPU, and a Nvidia GPU for games, right? Maybe something along those lines got updated?

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Game mode uses gamescope, not Wayland.

We’re still waiting for wine and gamescope to be fully wayland compatible.

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Exactly! They tried to patent it, but it didn’t meet the requirements (

Notice how they tried to patent it “to prevent companies from making unlicensed, low-quality versions of the vaccine. There is no sign that the foundation intended to profit from a patent on the polio vaccine.”

EDIT: and on the other hand, you get things like insulin, where the patent was sold for $1 (

I think mario rpg came around the same time as Yoshi’s island… damn, I’m old

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Cool! A warhammer 40k CRPG!

TIL, thanks!

I bought an oled monitor, and returned it.

  1. HDR is not enabled in mainstream kernel, and requires to hack and compile a custom kernel (6.2)
  2. Even if you compile the kernel, the session you might be using doesn’t support it. I think only a gamescope session does.
  3. If HDR is not your concern, the know that OLED monitors don’t work with 3 pixels, but more in different configurations. LG are WOLED (RWBG, 4 in a non standard distribution), while Samsung uses a triangle!. What this means is that fonts will be displayed awfully because they’re programmed to be displayed in RGB configurations.
    1. LG presents artifacts on the left and right side of the fonts because of RWBG config.
    2. Samsung presents artifacts on top and bottom because of the triangle.
    3. This happens both in windows and Linux. Something to do with freetype.

So yeah, I think no platform is ready for oled monitors just yet (maybe macOS?). I switched to a cheaper LED gaming monitor.

Really good, played it when it came out. That phosphorus scene with the bodies of the victims stuck with me forever