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That's not how you measure the size of a company. Compare how many employees they have with Nintendo.

Indirectly, it's a strong indictment of Trump's mental health. A politician's strongest weapon (and a conman's, which he also is) is their image, and Trump knows it. If he's letting himself go to the extent that his odor deserves note, then you can be assured that he's let go of everything else that he considers less important than his image (i.e. everything else that exists) at least as much as he's let go of his hygiene, probably more.

The Donald J. Trump that debated Biden was a bad choice for a set of reasons that did not include becoming incapable of caring for the most important thing in his life. The current DJT has added that reason to the list.

His diaper is actually always empty. All of Donald Trump's shit flies out of his mouth as sound waves.

I was a young idiot making minimum wage and I spent 500 dollars in a gacha game over a three month period. It's been years and I still wake up at night, remember this and feel the strongest remorse.

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Fuck, my condolences.

I am not the guy you responded to but I am interested.

Because in my ignorant head, the big problem with anarchy (I use the word broadly to mean "a lack of government" mostly because I don't know any better) is: what's stopping an ill-intentioned mob from making itself a de facto government little by little through coercion when people can't resort to a system that concentrates and organizes the otherwise sparse powers of society that want to uphold the state of anarchy? It's like you'd need a government to ensure that there's no government, which is clearly absurd.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to write this comment, and for being so nice about it too. In this polarized political climate, it's quite refreshing to find someone who holds "extreme" views and who is still willing to educate rather than butt heads.

Can I ask a follow-up question? Reading your comment an immediate concern that came up was with complacency. The system you described seems to rely very heavily on nobody being an idiot (in the original Greek sense of the word, someone who isn't interested in matters of the city-state) but in reality, a lot of people are. What if a few generations into an anarcho-syndicalist utopia, a group of people decide to elect a representative in a broad sense, informally of course, because they trust him and it's easier this way and they can focus on other things? And then another group likes the idea, and another, and these representatives end up scheming amongst themselves...

I think where I'm going is that the structure doesn't seem rigid. That can be a very good thing for several reasons, but it can also be bad in that it seems (again, to my uninformed self) to not be very resilient against erosion.

I hope you'll notice that I am absolutely on board with the abolishment of impositional hierarchies. Both concerns I've expressed have to do with how the system would stay alive rather than with what it sets out to accomplish.

Thanks again for taking time out of your Sunday to educate a total stranger.

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Thank you! I very much have that predisposition. I've noticed that I have addictive behavior towards sugar and caffeine as well (I'm fine as long as I don't have any, but if I have some I'll continue to crave more at shorter and shorter intervals until I go to sleep and it resets), and recently celebrated my third month nicotine free after about four years total smoking and then vaping.

Addictive proclivities are a personal defect normally. But when you exist in a context where there are people whose job it is to get you hooked on things, they become a handicap.

It becomes its own thing. Like if you hear the word "truther" out of context you wouldn't be blamed for thinking that it refers to someone who takes the truth very seriously. But in the context if a "9/11 truther" it means the opposite: someone who is completely dissociated from reality.

When a movement adopts a word as its name, it's like the word splits in two: one with the original meaning and one which refers to the group and means whatever that group stands for. Which one becomes dominant basically depends on what version the mainstream media uses more often. It's a zeitgeist thing.

Damn, I've never thought of myself as a whale before but I guess for a while there I was. I wonder how many of the people we see in these games with all the premium characters and skins are like me, struggling. I always thought of them as having more money than sense but maybe they (we) lack both.

Yes, you did answer my question very well especially with the part about cyclical history. I will watch the resources you linked to in both comments. Again, I am very thankful that you took the time to answer me so thoroughly.

After I've done some studying, would you mind if I maybe DM'd you?

If it helps me to avoid something even worse later on, maybe it was even worth the 500 bucks! Hopefully I'll never have to find out.

Better to play it safe.

Yikes. At least he's dating someone with similar interests?

You're right about the lesson learned. A silver lining.

Ketamine does a lot of good for a lot of people. Don't knock on a genuinely life-saving medicine just because Elmo can't handle his drugs.

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You mean like literally every single attempt at DRM since the Big Bang?

This has absolutely nothing to do with ReVanced.

Did anyone expect any different? Bragging like he'd already won before, making an ass out of himself during, downplaying it after. That's par for the course with Trump. It's how he dealt with every single one of his court hearings as well.

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This isn't the typical case for an ex post facto law, though. The PROTECT Act didn't criminalize any conduct that was previously legal. It simply changed the statute of limitations for conducts thatbwere already criminal. Since the basis for rejecting convictions based on ex post facto laws is the fact that nobody can be expected to act according to laws that didn't exist at the time of their actions and posession of child pornography was very much a crime when R. Kelly posessed child porn, and since the expectation that the courts will fail to do their job on time does not enjoy any legal protection, there is nothing inherently wrong with applying the PROTECT Act to R. Kelly's case.

This is my opinion as a lawyer, however I am not licensed to practice law in the USA specifically, so I may be 100% wrong.

It's written "pseudo", a prefix in old Greek meaning fake (as in pseudopod). "sudo" is a Linux command to run a command or script as another user.

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I think this is an example of where the left-right axis isn't the most adequate way of viewing things. The Fediverse in general is anti-authoritarian. You can be all the way from a far-left anarchist to a far-right anarcho-capitalist and still be anti-authoritarian, just like both tankies and nazis are authoritarian.

If you've never watched the movie 12 Angry Men, do yourself a favor and watch it. You are going to love it and it has everything to do with your comment.

One reason would be that with an iPhone, you're paying two to five times the price of an Android phone with comparable hardware.

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But isn't that exactly what they were saying? If you go on X, for example, you can literally be banned for using the word "cisgender". Musk considers it a slur. Here, you can voice any opinion.

However there's a different between agreeing with some right-wing policies and being a full-on MAGA fascist. Full-on MAGA fascists shrivel up and die when exposed to any discourse that hasn't been heavily censored and editorialized in their favor. So naturally they'll avoid places where different opinions are shared. This alone is enough reason to call this place an echo chamber, because a (sadly) very prevalent set of opinions isn't represented here.

And I can, for example, get away with referring to MAGA fascists as MAGA fascists knowing full well that not a single one of those Trump-fellating pussies will say anything against me for it, and even if one does, the community will not have their back.

If they actually did that they'd go out of business really fast. They have to fight against your right to block ads instead.

As if? He IS a mentally decrepit narcissist on drugs.

Thanks, people don't usuallt recognize it! They're one of my favorite bands.

Actually, sudo can be used to run a command as any other user. Superuser is merely the default when none is specified.

YouTube ReVanced still works. Also, ad blockers on desktop.

Very interesting, I had never heard of this.

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Anybody who needs to be told this is either a newborn or braindead.

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