4 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Flexitarian bicycle commuter (he/him) from the Netherlands.

My Iceshrimp account can be found here (accounts on Mastodon etc. can follow that account too).

My Pixelfed account on Pixey.

Was that driver under influence? Nevertheless, interesting photo.

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I regard being on the phone while driving, as practically being "under influence". I mean there are some surprisingly similar symptoms...

And indeed, a good thing they stopped before hitting your place.

Which does not mean that people like A.S. Tanenbaum should not be deserving recognition. With other words, your comment does not contribute to this thread.

That woman with her tongue out 😂

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It is not Twitter that the link leads to, but Instagram.

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A proverbial road, lol. Please read.

Waking and sleeping does not work properly with my RX6600+wayland either (MX Linux). So I think you are (besides being rude) also partially incorrect. I get Arch family is not for regular people, but otherwise I kind of think you need to rethink your comment.

As of January 2024 that is still the recommended way of doing it (mostly because of the overall network size).

Who is Pat?

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Those are grammatical genders, which are a different thing.

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That would be Sup:

By the same person who started Pixelfed.

The channel has been renamed as "RMC - The Cave" at least two or three years ago. Neil was already shortening the channel name into RMC in his videos, so to him this was a fairly easy decision to make. The main reason to do the change in the first place, is that the "Man Cave" part was originally a joke from his wife (a sign above the door to his hobby space) and not entirely fitting a channel that is now made (semi)-professionally in a space outside the house. He even has a computing museum nowadays so he wants to do all this without jokes that could be misinterpreted without context.

For the uninitiated: his wife was murdered by him.

After the first wash cycle I turned the tune off. I mean, the guys putting the damn thing in place, your machine's legend, as well as the manual all tell you how.

Maybe they meant trans women but I could be mistaken.

(please don't shoot me, I mean this well).

Is OP (internet) famous? Or do I entirely misread your question?

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LineageOS depends on volunteers with knowledge, time, and access to the hardware in question. So sometimes they abandon certain phones (or never support at all).

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A few notes though:

  • Beehaw does not allow for user-created communities. One could pitch an idea to the admins, but should not have high hopes.
  • Beehaw is planing to test (non-federated) software other than Lemmy in a few months from now, because they are growingly dissatisfied with how the software works (esp. from an admin's point of view). So if you wish to stay part of Lemmy/Kbin/other parts of the Fediverse you may wish to consider not making Beehaw your "home". I in fact made this account on, because I wanted to have sufficient time ahead of that in order to "test the waters" so to speak. Pre-Beehaw I was on, but this was in part because there was no federation yet (making everyone flock to the biggest of ~5 instances of Lemmy that existed at the time).

AFAIK is the only instance that still has the filter on. When federation was not enabled yet and there practically were only two (!) instances up and running, people on Lemmy were already pointing out that things like posted by OP would happen. 😆

Edit: I think however, that this case was mostly in jest and on purpose.

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In the modlog it is visible that OP used the word "Dumbasses" and on that (I suspect) is considered an ableism (they refer to their Rule 1, so that is the only plausible thing I can think of).

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I highly suspect it is CG.

OP states to have the Pi already.

Easy, feller.

Is he wrong?

no idea what models of truck these were if the drivers were good at drag racing

What? This is extremely poor phrasing if you ask me.

We do not even know whether is from the US.

For those wanting to know, this Wikipedia article explains what area the name refers to.

There you go. I reused your link like this:


Maybe was trying to state that a lot of countries/states might not need that much "outside help" in making bad choices. Russia probably plays a role, but there might be more factors.

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This should be a gifted article.

What do you mean? I Could read it, albeit with difficulty because of the subject matter (I use an ad blocker so the article was accessible).

I checked. Mostly a handful-of-people instance doing whatever on some Pleroma/Akkoma instance. Not much to see there and not much of what I could see there seemed to make much sense to me. Perhaps the defeds are mostly preventative but I cannot tell.

Perhaps a fox, or a weasel or marten. My guess is as good as yours.

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Saving people a click:

Formatting example based on what I did above:


Please read the rest, not all measures (mentioned in the article) are that good.

This is on Nova Scotia, Canada:

.webm is but a container, so it cannot be considered (in)efficient on its own, only when considering the video and audio "formats" (no expert on the terminology) within (probably VP8 or 9 for video).

The light grey one may have been the machine that Amstrad put to market later then SEGA?

Do you have a reason to stick with the .world TLD?

Something like ("Ruud's world"), or is that to corny? Or perhaps, or something like that?

Anyway, I suggest staying away from mentioning the software by name in the url given the cons (a hypothetical second rebrand, for example).

That is a reference to this video, which I had almost forgotten about (but you awakened my memory of).

It is a Mastodon account that OP is using to post here after their Lemmy account got banned. There are plenty posts made but not visible (on Lemmy) unless you go to their Mastodon.

Plan 9 is also monolithic, according to wikipedia. For BSD it depends.

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