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Joined 10 months ago

To add to that try puzzles, lots of nice games in there. I particularly like flow

Binging with babish. I am still subscribed but I find myself interested in fewer and fewer videos. The channel started as recreating meals from tv shows and still is that to an extent but naturally he's run low on things to do. They've added other aspects that I just don't care for like anime with Alvin. I just don't watch much anime. I also feel like there is just less content.

Another is Joshua Weissman who used to do fermenting videos and curing etc. Now I feel like I just watch him make some bread buns and then he makes a sandwich. He's made 100 burgers by now. Who cares. I enjoyed some other series he did like "but faster" or "but cheaper" but they always seem to end after a few episodes and he moves onto something else. I feel like I learn stuff from his videos but just when I'm getting a feel for a topic like fermenting he moves on.

Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others!

A lot of the original versions of the brothers Grimm stories. For example Cinderella, one of the sisters chops off bits of her feet so that she can try and get into the shoe Cinderella dropped. I think the Prince only figured it out because she's dripping in blood.

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The consent-o-matic add on allows you to autofil the cookie response and when it doesn't work you can report it. The ad on is also funded by the EU somehow, can't remember exactly how. If the add on doesn't work it means their site is not asking the question correctly.

Sorry, I'm naive here, what's 41% about?

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What a happy ending. Some people are really cynical about the Internet these days but it's things like your comment that give me hope.

Balls should be behind a thick bone. Essentially not so temperature dependant to facilitate this.

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It's not more efficient in how people want to get there. The people who stand and ride the escalator have no rush to get there quicker so they get there on time. The people who want/need to go faster get there as fast as possible. In your scenario everyone MUST be slow, no? What am I missing here?

Can i interest you in rugby. The six nations starts on Feb 2nd. It's a godsend in an otherwise grim time of year.

I think loads of things got better but advertising just got worse and worse. It's everywhere now. The Internet used to have no advertising. For live sports they have screens on the side of the pitch which constantly change the ads. There are sometimes ads superimposed (computationally) on the pitch grass. Sometimes they make the viewing size of the screen smaller so they can show you an ad around the edge. Or the worst, they just have a banner at the bottom with ads scrolling. Sports jerseys/vehicles etc are more and more cluttered by ads. Obviously the big change in the opposite direction is with streaming vs classic cable but even now streaming is trying to ram ads back in there. As an adult for me Mobile phones have always been available but we're talking pre Smart phones. Smart phones are just another place that I look that has ads and older phones didn't have ads. They had shit screens of course but no ads. YouTube, more and more ads. Podcasts, loads of ads, there used to be none.

They are protesting because Tesla want to extend their factory and chop down a forest to do so.

Fucks sake. I just looked this up. Is it a requirement for a GOP appointed judge to be a sexual predator, looking at you kavanagh. Any others?

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

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Why? Because the gas ones will actively ruin the bike path. They are much heavier and will cause much quicker wear and tear. Of course you also shouldn't have to breathe the fumes from them.

Don't mess with the zohan?

Philip Pullman of his dark materials fame?

The idea that they could leave and somehow get better trade deals, especially with European countries. The EU is the deal! It's a trade agreement that favors the participants, how could they ever get a better deal?? What's baffling is that a lot of older people voted for it and they can actually remember when the UK joined the EU. That means they realize that the UK joined for the deal but somehow that's worth nothing.

It's not the articles that are horrifying. It's the words and actions of these politicians that should have been a political death sentence. About half of the US seem fine with lies, racism, and homophobia. Even name calling was considered uncouth and it's just mud flinging now and they love it. That's what's horrifying. It wasn't the journos who did this, it was regular normal people.

I can fit the majority of my little finger up my nostrils. My nose might be slightly larger than normal and my hands are about normal. It just fits up there with a little twist.

Sure all his followers are living inside their own world in their heads, directly connected to the blather he spews.

Totally. Poisonings in the UK. Assassinations in Berlin. Falls from windows. It's business as usual.

I really really don't agree with this. They have already been screwed by their boss, you are choosing whether to Bail the boss out or not. The dynamic will never change by continuing your stance, you'll just keep on bailing out the rich guys.

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Germany is the same as Japan in more ways than i could have thought.

I think it comes down to the combo of nostalgia in combo with iconic games. For example, Mario 64 was so cool when it came out. Even the feel of it was new and different to anything else available.

Remember when Kushner solved the middle East crisis. He was hired by his father in law, ignored all the security issues along with the nepotism but the crazy thing is, it worked! Those lads in the middle East are all pals now. There's been no unrest since! Nepotism is ok sometimes!

It's common for German people to just answer the phone with their surname at work. He wasn't being offensive.

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I saved your post because it put into words some things I can never explain as well as you just did. My spouse is very supportive but it's always nice to have a well explained description of something rather than me kinda rambling on as she gets disinterested and I don't make my point well. You did well. It was a good rant, sometimes that's needed, I hope it was cathartic.

I like to turn that one around and say: nobody says on their death bed that they regret spending so much time with their kids.

It's normalized already. It's fucked up.


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Seriously, embrace the situation. People are interested in hanging out with/near you. If you are the person who stops all the kids seeing the ducks you could end up being seen as the scrooge of the town. Then nobody will like you. If you want nobody to interact with then maybe you should live away from people.

It might seem like those kids have nothing to offer to you but their parents might. My wife makes jam for our friendly neighbors...

To address your question though, you could make it official, one day a week the kids come to see the ducks but maybe you need it quiet the rest of the time to work or whatever. Tell them when to come and they can get it out of their system.

What we do in the shadows.

Just when I thought I was out, they pulled me back in.

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Yeah but when someone revisits this in 5 years it will cost more.....

I really don't think cost should come into doing something like this. What's the cost of NOT doing it? My whole life I've heard people along the East Coast wanting it. It's one of the richest regions and has the one of the predicted greatest benefits in the country. If you are going to start making high speed rail why not make it where it's useful?

Was it heavy petting though?

It's inherent in the two party system I feel. It's analogous to that analogy about the two guys on the beach selling ice cream. They start at one end each but in the end they move closer and closer to one another in the middle of the beach or where the most people are. So the Democrats only have to be just "better" than the Republicans to look good and they definitely want to take some of the votes closer to centre.

That being said, they have FAR better stances than the Republicans on many things.

Edit: autocorrect and a typo

I watched this. It was very interesting. Kids of Göring etc.

2 Guys I know went on holiday, back in the day, disposable cameras etc. Had a great time with two ladies, all sorts happened. Came home, developed pictures, found one with the girls and their toothbrushes up their asses. They say it was a sick prank, knowing one of them well to I'm not so sure....

I didn't say you would be screwing the boss. What you are doing by tipping is letting them away with it. I understand the expectation, I think it shouldn't exist, I think it's wrong. I also refuse to take a job like that which I believe IS the way to change it.