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Joined 1 years ago

Windmill Designer

Additional comment against nuclear: water cooling, which is a real problem in a warming climate. Rivers will dry up or flood. And near the coast with rising sea levels is also difficult, using salt water. Besides, there are plenty of sustainable alternatives with a cheaper price tag, so why bother?

Nah, even the wikipage shows double the price compared to solar or wind. Which isn't surprising when you look at the basic technology of each energy type. And they all have to deal with a lot of bureaucracy.

Seems that Austria is just as racist as France, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, England or the USA. I probably missed a few along the way.

I thought racism had a lot more to do with it. Plus the way that American votes are counted.

You are the utter cunt here yourself, with your short-sighted opinion. Can't you see the parallel in polluting something of value? Like is being done to our planet? And those people's grandchildren will be even more annoyed when they have hardly any food left, with weather catastrophies ruining their existence. OK, that was a bit harsh, but you catch my drift.

Can't imagine that extraterrestrial aliens would be more weird than what is population our oceans.

Just go eat plant-based all together, so we won't have these problems that endanger the existence of life on our planet. Including humans.

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When only the bad things of something are reported it is biased by default. Better to have a more balanced story, which will probably be more boring because of that. A lot of people would then not be interested anymore because of the lack of controversy.

Not acceptable at all. But bringing a cat would be just fine.

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That's no way to behave as a guest.

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Let's hope that the rest of the school takes on the same hair dress, just for support.

When we would permanently go to summer time, I will do everything one hour later than now.

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Falling from 2 storeys down is safer than falling from 3 storeys down.

A good day day day.

Wind turbines are one of the few good things we have going for us. To stop us from killing ourselves. I could elaborate on this but what's the point when you don't already know this.

Why would they assume the whales were having sex for the first time?

Still, eating meat in today's society is a choice you don't have to make. Having a pleasant taste in your mouth on one hand versus climate warming, loss of biodiversity and animal cruelty. Even when locally grown. For me, the choice is not hard to make.

How come nobody's talking about climate change? This will be the biggest thing throughout the world in the coming century and beyond. No interest or what?

Still need to investigate the sustainability of it before I would try, but presently there's no produce on sale here. But I'm pretty used to dishes without meat by now, so there's no direct need. I suppose it would be more targeted towards current meateaters, hopefully they stop destroying life on the planet at some point.

Let's just stop trying out new referenda, OK?

The solutions are there, but nobody will risk loss of power or popularity. But no worries, nature will strike back harder and harder.

We can see that 2. is longer than 1.

There was this case of Lucia de Berk who was convicted on statistics like these, although she was innocent.

Perhaps your chances with Michelle are better than you thought!

*That's /s

There was this case of Lucia de Berk who was locked up innocently.

I'm not saying that it's the same scenario here, but I would remain careful in passing judgement.

Wouldn't sexism be even more prevalent in right-wing spaces? Or would you say that it's pretty evenly distributed over the political spectrum?

Still, she's the best that you can get.

So right side up means its on it's side?

They're still fairly cheap in Europe and I really looked forward on getting to see their content a couple of years back, but now it looks like most of it could just as easily be shown on another platform like Disney or Netflix. There's no real depth in most of it. I'll keep hanging on watching shows like Insecure, but I wonder whether I'll keep the account in future.

Sorry for the late reply, I just read yours, this app is still a bit of a mystery to me. My work allows for flexible working hours, so there's no problem there. But in the wake of a decision to stay with Summer Time year round I would suppose that the starting times of businesses and schools would be up for debate. Especially for schools, as these already presently do not lign up with the sleep cycles of students, they only match those of the teachers. It's funny how introduction of Summer Time has convinced through being confusing. When the plan would have been to ask everyone to come in one hour earlier during summer, a lot of people would have protested. By setting the clock one hour later it has gotten authority and nobody was sure which way the hour difference was supposed to go. Later or earlier? People are still not sure after all these years.

Why is a sandwich pizza not a thing already? Like a calzone, but without folding anything.

Too bad you only care about how they taste, not about how they're treated, killed, warm up the atmosphere and cause a loss in biodiversity.

Rainbow weather.

What's confusing about Mastodon? Just join a random server and you can find everyone else on any other server. (Or are these called 'instances'? I don't know or care, fact is it works without problems.)

Well, your view is not unbiased, perhaps it's difficult to do here, given the limited amount of writing room. And in a discussion it seems to be obligatory to only mention the parts that are favourable to one's personal outcome, somehow. But still. Even though you seem very convinced on the pros of nuclear, others still beg to differ. Like this research shows. Money remains an important driver of the whole issue, and money being spent on nuclear cannot be spent again on wind turbines or batteries. Unbiased information is difficult to get online however, most websites on the matter have preconceived ideas that they present. Nuclear waste also concerns medium and low level waste, which are a lesser problem, but still a problem in larger quantities. And high nuclear waste remain radioactive longer than homo sapiens has been around, so although the quantity is not a lot, its longevity makes up for it, so it remains quite a problem for which no final solution has been found. As I wrote earlier: the debate is not over just yet, otherwise it would not be newsworthy every time again. Strong opinions on both sides do not make up for it, usually a strong opinion is not backed up by knowledge and facts alone, but also on feelings and emotions, otherwise it would not be a strong opinion. Which makes the discussion more difficult.

Biggest thing against nuclear power is the cost associated with it. Other, sustainable sources of energy like wind and solar, combined with hydrogen and batteries, are way cheaper due to their simplicity. Thorium reactors are a nice idea but need so much development (costs) that they will take a while to become a reality, if ever at all. Probably nuclear fusion will be available sooner than thorium fission for power generation, which also needs decades of development. And then there's still the problem of nuclear waste. Maybe not a huge problem, but still one without a viable solution.

The arguments of Greenpeace against nuclear power have nothing to do with age though. It's too expensive, which takes money away from e.g. wind and solar, with less carbon-free energy in the end for the money spent and more fossil fuels being used as a consequence. And still produces nuclear waste. Just develop batteries, hydrogen and the likes for storage. And ban or tax the use of fossil fuels. This debate is not over yet, not by a long shot, and climate will remain in the news as long as we live, I'm afraid.

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When you really miss something enough, you can always go make it yourself, of course. Or at least try.

Nuclear energy is the most expensive type of energy, you could have way more wind and solar energy (stored in batteries or hydrogen) for the same investment. And without waste that keeps radiating for the next millenia.

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As she did not confess in court, I'm keeping the option open that she could be innocent. We've had those cases before.

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