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I work with cultural heritage and have the strong believe, that information should be open and easy accessible. Citizen have a right to access to knowledge and to educate themselves unter their circumstanses. But of course the Infrastructur cost money and this should always be a discurse between all parties. And not been dictated by major companies.

It is a really hard fight for museums, archives and libaries lately. What do you do when your electricity bill jumps up to 5 million during the war in the ukrain?

We need to unite and search for ways to keep the Internet accessible.

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My boyfriend and i can't wait to watch this movie 😊 πŸ’• (but cinema got expensiv dudeee πŸ₯²)

Op is my todays hero ☺️

Cause i am an science historian interessted in the history of psychology and psychiatry. I want to understand why normal citizen are so paranoid when it comes to seeking psychologal help. When i found up what bs doctors in east germany did to their patients...

it is really importaint to double question your knowledge!

What reddit taught me: as a scientist working for a gouverment run institute i had no idea of all the bureaucracy and administration stuff. Redditors from my country told me a lot. Now i know how to nor be a 'arbeitsdrohne'πŸ˜†

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Mindwandering while conversation/ sex was always annoying to me. I never understood why i am doing this and how to turn it off, cause "everyone else seems to get it right" and they made me feel bad for it.

It is importaint to talk about these stuff and reach out to people, who feel the same way.

Same with my younger sibling. It was very obvios early in their life, but we didn't had words for it either. Didn't understand and didn't took it that serious.

I had my period with 11 years, but suffered till i was 30. Cause it was a tabu to talk about that. I need to Suffer, i was told. BS.

It is crucial to give kids knowledge that they are not wrong. That they are not weird. That they know everything is okay and their parents are here guiding them. AND they need to know that other people are not weird so they can learn empathy.

It is not the problem but a problem. I grew up in a western country and everyone told me, there is no need for feminism anymore. It took me years to understand that's a lie, but if you simply don't know were to get informations... if you are told feminist now are hysterics so you don't seek their help/advise... there is nothing left than to recreate the things you are told.

Cause if you get yourself educated you can easy become social isolated.

Thanks 😊

Mostly you are right, of course it depence on the country. a lot of institutes are tax funded, but the cost can't be covered just with that. Rent, wages, special rooms for the heritage... the new competitor is everything digital: a homepage, a database, social media. Museums need all of that to stay relevant. but the budget stays the same.

(And of course we depent on open data, to reduce thr dependence on big tech companies)

The war has shown how fragile this is. Cost of electricity had boomt, but there is no room to reduce it. Paintings, glas, it all needs their own temperature. But explain that to someone who is just Management. We scientist/ academics have a weak basis for negotiation, when the administration wants to save money. In my country cultural heritage is clearly not a priority, that leads to institutes having no money and losing relevance. Which is dangerous for the variety of knowledge.

Thanks for giving me the space to shortly explain this. I think we all need to work together to make the web, the heritage accessible! 😀

Was eating noodle soup

I studied history and choosed science history as my main topic. It is a pain in the ass to explain the difference between serious science and hoax. I really hate it how psycology and psychiatry are getting abused by people, who simply want to uphold their privilege.

I scream to the void now

Hej, there

I can understand your frustration. Right now it feels that we small people can't do anything to do good in the world. There are greedy capitalist everywhere. It is nearly impossible to understand what damage ones desicion could make. If our desicions even could make a difference.

But the thing is, you can't overlook everything. It's a gouverments job to keep an eye over Corporations.

But that doesn't mean, that you can't do anything. You can search for Informations and make yourself aware of those topics. You can support workers and strikes. You could limit yourself on what stuff you are comsuming.

You don't have to boycott every major company and every Product. You just could make a list about everything you really need and what you are really looking forward to. So you can balance your need for morality and fun.

You will find a way that's suits you. Don't worry

I am agreeing with you. I use TS or discord for years for ttrogs, but always had the problem, that my high voice is cut of by the programms. It's frustrating to figure out how to change that and finding a solution that sounds nice.

As always: if men would have these problems, it would be fixed in a short time.

I was always ashamed of my voice and thought i could not create potcasts, Videos or everything else voice based. I thought noone would like my voice. One day a stranger came up to me and told me i sound like daisy duck, while talking to a friend... πŸ˜’

As a woman myself... i prefere a game where i can create my own pc and do my own choices. Cause i dislike the presentation of my gender in many games. But it is changing cause of society moving forward.

  1. A game, for maybe in the future, cause it's still in early access: little witch in the woods

  2. Immortal fenix rising has a female lead who is saving all of the greek gods

  3. ...

  4. Profit

In the past women could put chicken in their pockets. But now they are smal so you can buy extra bags.

My life got so much better after buying those trousers from a middle age market. Now i look cool in the office 😎

This is not a legal passage. It is violating your autonomie and is highly discriminating. Why do i have to explain that in 2023..?

You can sign a contract with problematic passages. Your signing doesn't make illigal stuff legal. And you don't agree with illigal stuff just by signing. It is the same with rental agreements or other contracs.

The lore protects people from abuse of power and arbitrariness.

I might understand how you feel. Opening up is a good first step. But after that? I don't know. What steps to take and how long your path will be... no one knows.

Whenever anxiety tries to take controll of me... whenever i am angry at my own progress, i think about a little story:

A man takes a morning-walk on the beach. During the night there was a terrible storm, spreading tousands of seastars over the sand. He sees a woman trying to bring the seastars back to the water.

He walk up to her and asks: "why are you even doing this? You will just save a few, but the majority will die when the sun rises."

She bend down to pick one seastar up and throws it into the ocean. "Maybe. But this one i have saved."

Changing is hard and often feels pointless. The only thing we can do is doing things step by step.

Give me Titels of the books i need to avoid!

Yeah, i can relate. Yesterday i empathized with people doing moral wrong stuff, saying that i can understand their logic. And than was acused that it would be my logic. That irrate me the whole night, but in the end it just was my brutal honesty and a lack of black and white thinking.

But yeah, it hurts when people missread that. I hope you doing good :)

You are my todays hero ☺️

I... dunno.

My ex ignored me for like two weeks and had become closed of. He reinsured me, that everything was fine when i asked him. But the next time he visted me, he said that he wanted to break up, saying he made up his mind two weeks earlier. But i dunno his reason for it.

The break up was okay. I though about it myself, cause he treated me bad the whole 5 month we were together: he talked bad about my interessets and hobbys. He overstepped my bounderies. And everytime, i made him aware of that, he was like "you didn't make that clear enough". He made me push my bounderies.

Sadly, i allowed this kind of behaivor back than. I was used to it. During that time i did not know about adhd. I always acted weird as a woman and felt bad for not fitting in. I acted impulsive and had mood swings. I wanted someone to love me, accept me. So i excused these behaivors.

No. I did not allowed that behaivor. But he made me feel like i was crazy when i wanted to talk about how i felt.

Now i have more selfesteem, i am weird and loud and full of my ideas. I am in a beatiful relationship, i am loved and accepted as who i am. I But of course that expierence still hunts me. It still hurts.

Yes. I search a good figdet toy, but all i find online is either shitty or mega expensiv. There is like no way of finding these things in local stores.

One point to keep in mind: a lot of people are not educated to know these kind of things. In my country we tell our kids to function and blame them when they don't function. It set an impossible high standart on very young people. But it is a relique from germanys problematic past, where people where only seen as Instruments.

I like to read neurodivergent content, because it gives me a much better insight in how the brain works. The content does not judge you and it does not blame you. This is appealing to people, who only start to realize how horrible the've been raised.

I would argue to work together to chance a system, that does not support human as diverse as they are.

You are right. I want to add some historical perspective as well (but sorry i am no englisch naitive):

Marriage is importaint for a society who has land and money to own. To give it to the next generation, your kind. Marriage wasn't that of a deal until martin luther, who declared it as a holy union between two people.

Every republican tries to argue with Religion, but they don't know where these stuff came from. They don't care, cause if they unreavel it, they would see it's all constructed.

All of history woman worked in all kind of jobs. There never was a big issue about that. But the industrial Revolution chanced that. Since than rich people tried to structure workplaces, tried to increase their money. While making a huge impact on societys structures. Woman became unpaid housewifes. Put into care work. City Infrastructur, healthcare is for men, so they can work more and better. So their boss can make more money.

It is scary. So scary. And frustrating. But it is importaint to deconstruct what conservatives are saying. They try to argue with Tradition or science. But we felt for it over the decades. We made fun of feminism, queer folk, vegans or PoC. Or disabelt people. We turned on each other.

I add: reading the rulebooks/ description of the ttrpg world. The rules are dry to read and the flauvor is often vague. Often i read and can't remember the stuff seconds later πŸ˜†

What is also boring af are discussions with players, who are no historians, but say "this fantasy setting is sooo authentic middle age!".

You have totaly a point there.

I am working in cultural heritage, so creating bounds that last over jobs is crucial. Who are you on good terms with? Who has a strong opinion on topic x? Who could help you with that non profit project? Who can you take seriosly and who is a scammer?

Working with these kind of people can be so amazing.

But cultural heritage is passion driven, a lot of ways to burn out in that feld or do unpaid work. The silent war against big companies is hard.

Yes, you are truly right!

One Dimension is accessibility for people who are going through a mental crisis. Who are not taken serious, who can't access healthcare put of poverty. Who are queer, but are forced to live under another identity. Who have been threaten horribly because of weird practices.

The other Dimension is a society/authoritarian state making their people sick. Cause in east germany (and in many other states that exist today) normal people were treaten poorly and grind down (right word?). They were made depressed, anxious, paranoid. In ordner to lose their free will, so they can't become rebellious.

This made east german psychiatry based on the own body and the "chemicals in the brain". You just throw some medicine at someone and your job is done. You don't have to fix unjustice, giving people a home or a good wage.

My stepdad was a refugee from east germany. But i grew up after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Too much trauma in this family, but nobody ever talked about that. So i spend a lot of time trying to understand what was going on. And what impact it had on me and my siblings. I went to therapy, but i never really needed that. It gave me stability were my parents couldn’t give me much. But as a woman and queer person i am faced with so much unjustice, just "beeing confidend" doesn't make stuff better. My asexuality can't be healted cause it's no illness.

In a united germany there is this lie that we are all democratic, tolerant, future orientated, that Talent and hard work will make ones life better. "An individual just need to get their shit toghether" and we all can live a happy heteronormativ life in a cruel oeconomic Environment. i hate this mindset so much πŸ˜†

And then there are Heilpraktiker, an esotheric abormination. Who say that cancer comes from a broken heart... and people believe them. Cause they don't trust medicine.

In the end i am not shure were my weird mind is going. Cause to much stuff in a smal text. But i hope i can someday help people finding the right way: some need medicine, some a therapy, some need to create a union. but we all need a country that is taking their job serious. Who feels responsibil for their people! 😀

I agree with you.

I think argueing if adhd might be over or under diagnosed makes adulds feel even more ashamed.

I also don't like blaming self diagnosis. Women having a hard time finding professionell help, cause they never fit into stereotypical adhd behaivor. They seen as overreacting and emotional.

This is true!🀀

Can't deside between cake and garlic bread

I am trying out the beta to coral island. It's cozy, it doesn't crash much. I really love the art style. The diverse cast is what makes me want to play that game.

I hope the time will fly by till the marriage update is there! I am looking forward to the romance plotlines 😊

It is a complicated topic. Cause a disability or age is not a good reason to limit access to something. It should never be a reason.

We need to improve healthcare, making our Environment accessible to everyone. And we need to ask ourself why do older people feel the need to stay in politics? Could it be that our society has a bad view on getting older so people are afraid to retire and admit that their capability has changed?

That woman, queer folk and PoC want too much space in this world.

That there are no obsticals for those groups, they just made them up.

I am not activly thinking that. But everytime i wish to speak my mind i am still asking myself "should i say something? Am i qualifyed enough? Maybe i get called out for being stupid πŸ₯²"

Sorry but it was never about OUR abilility in the firts place.

In my country exams are old, outdated and often way to hard. In my country all classes are outdated and way to hard. It often feels that we are stucked in the middle of the 20th century.

You have no change when you have a disability. When you have kids, parents to take care of. Or hell: you have to work, cause you can't effort university otherwise.

So i can totaly understand why students feel the need to use AI to survive that torture. I don't feel sorry for an outdated university system.

When it is about OUR abilility, then create a System that is for students and their needs.

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