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Google maps is the last vestige of Google that I use. I was never a Google search user and I only use Gmail for 'official' stuff.

So yeah, I want this to work.

This is an age old American tradition of shooting people who try to stow on train cars. There is an image in American culture of the freighthopping hobo who is trying to find a better place to live and work despite not having a dime to his name. Of course in reality many people have been shot for doing that. Property and a few dollars is worth much, much more than a poor person's life.

There was never a time when he wasn't a jackass. He just abandoned his job of running companies in exchange for being a full time dumbass.

The reason is the same reason why bullies go after vulnerable and/or isolated kids. The type of person who has a car and has the money and means to illegally modify it is also the type of person who would give the police absolute hell if they so much as dared to look at them the wrong way. A person jumping a small toll is someone who is poor and will never attract the sympathies of any judge who will treat them very harshly.

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He didn't create it, but he should resign anyway because he is a sack of shit.

They would never win. The police were just doing their jobs after all. So what if a couple of innocent people get shot? After all, just because they are currently innocent, doesn't mean they aren't future criminals. So really, by shooting them they make it less likely that they'll commit future crimes!

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The same thing in Canada. Despite the reputation of Canadians being polite wusses by Americans the Canadian legal system is much harsher than the American system.

I want that. I really do. The major problem is that throughout most of history the wealthy have always gotten away with the most incredibly blatant shit and the general attitude of the legal system has been to comfort the comfortable and grieve the aggrieved. The times where the people on the top got their comeuppance and where the wealthy were forced to comply with some level of propriety towards the average person are both rare and brief.

In the US, the New Deal era was by far the most prosperous era in US history, and many of the wealthy people HATED it. The whole modern anti-politics as politics started shortly after WW2 as a response to the whole thing. The video I linked has more information on it... and it is far from the whole story. What I am saying is that it is really fucked just how powerful the propaganda apparatus of capitalism has grown. This isn't to say that it was somehow unbiased in the past. Prior to WW2 the liberal media basically aided fascists gain power even when fascists were killing many of the same liberal journalists and shutting down their newspapers.

It isn't impossible. It is just fucked is what I am saying, and things will get a lot worse before things get better... and the sad reality is any recovery will be very brief since that is the way how humans work.

It also exceptionally rare that police officers themselves get prosecuted. Chauvin's conviction was a surprising twist as such things almost never happen. This is one situation where they threw one of their own under the bus to placate the public while the whole situation actually gets worse.

Like ever since BLM got started, the rate of police shootings have only gone up, and funding has increased AND there are far more laws protecting police than before. In many states it is becoming increasingly illegal to film police officers for any reason. So they might have thrown Chauvin under the bus, but they might make it illegal to film cops in his area, so future Chauvins who get filmed will have nothing to fear, as they will arrest the person filming them and charge them, and since the film obtained is criminal it will be dismissed as evidence.

Israel attacked an intelligence gathering ship to prevent it from realizing that Israel was the one starting shit in Syria... then the US really started supporting it.

Israel is a blight on the world.

If you aren't fighting conservatism you are actively destroying the planet.

The black book of communism is utter shit.

They don't CARE about the facts or how absurd their claims are. Also pet eating is something that, in times past, was a racist slur foisted onto Asians, like Chinese restaurants who cooked cat instead of beef or chicken, and more specifically Koreans, who did consume dog meat sparingly, but that was something that happened historically it was never common and dog meat consumption is actually illegal now in South Korea, and eating dog meat has been in rapid decline for decades anyway.

Seeing Haitians get called pet eaters is actually a very new thing.

Because ignoring them will only allow them to grow larger and stronger unchecked. It's like talking about ignoring an obvious stalker who is clearly building a plan on your daily movements and knows exactly where you live and when you leave/return home. They can be a remarkably stupid person but they will eventually find the perfect opportunity to strike and you will never be able to get any justice for it.

That is literally something that happened to me. More than once.

I wish I had told myself that from 25 years ago before I went online and was exposed to these people with all the naivety of the socially underdeveloped autistic 17 year old that I was at the time. I often have to learn things in the hardest way imaginable.

A well functional and hygienic three set bathroom is also essential. That is a shitter, a bathtub/shower and sink. You probably knew that of course.

I'll take your word for it. In all honesty whenever I see some douchebag with a sports car who makes the engine roar all I can think of is that this is the mating cry of a man with a tiny penis.

I think Fuckerberg is a better name for him.

Sports cars are dumb. VR I tried but didn't care for it.

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Trump threatened her for her endorsement. Anyone who thinks he has any redeeming qualities is beyond redemption.

I never thought I'd ever say it. But I am glad that democrats are starting on outright insulting and mocking their opponents. They need to take it a step beyond. They need to not simply call out the weirdos that they are, but just the sheer degenerates and freaks that they are and how they are never close to what their claimed ideal is.

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Trump's ego and desire for self preservation (throwing a sitting president in prison never happened) is unmatched in US politics. And don't forget, there is still a lot of new gerrymandering shit that is going on that will still swing in his favor no matter how demented he gets.

I remember eating a can of tuna in front of my cat, she stood on her hind legs and emitted the slowest plaintive meow ever. She must have win awards for best begging kitty ever.

And that was just nuts. Like the bomb failed to go off so they had a lot to work with. But they got nothing? Nothing at all? It would be odd that the bomber was intelligent enough to not leave behind any evidence leading back to them but also not have the bomb be built good enough to actually blow.

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I got four HDDs, some are almost 10 years old. They work great but I know that won't be for forever.

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I used to be a libertarian and believed in the whole 'freer the market freer the people' shit...

But then I grew up.

In 2006 hezbollah killed less than 50 Israeli civilians meanwhile Israel bombed Beirut and killed thousands of civilians.

The claim that they are the world's most moral military was never true. They were always, from their inception, the most unhinged, brutal and barbaric military. They are on par with the Nazis that they claim to hate.

Ethnostates have no right to exist.

A bomb on a military target is terrorism if it is an Arab or they are opposed to Israel in any way.

Meanwhile when Israel bombs UN medical workers helping civilians in a place where no combatants are, they are legitimate war targets and not even oopsie...

I remember when the protests and people upset at the 2016 election were somehow ultra violent and murderous even though they never attacked anyone. I also remember when Charlie Kirk claimed that Republicans, unlike democrats, would not lose their shit if they lost. We all know how that went.

You need to remember something about Trump. He IS mobster in the end of the day. When he and his father were getting shit done at the start of his career they had to work with the mafia and build contacts with them. This is also why he was somewhat able to get stuff working in New York construction during the 80s. When he became a pariah the only people who still worked with him are basically criminal types and foreign governments who knew how easy it was to sway him.

I got permabanned from reddit by zionists for calling out their bullshit and saying that Netenyahu should face harsh legal consequences.

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Their entire strategy since the 80s at least was to basically shit on their adversaries and never offer any real policy or anything.

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Funniest part of this is that I have seen many fascists use this to claim that their opposition is the intolerant ones, while others say that kicking out any group is going to provoke them to be ultra violent so they need to let them do as they please...

Unless that group is antifa. They want the machine guns on them.

He is going to die. When I don't know. But I heard speculation that he has some kind of skin cancer and degenerative disorders (as exemplified by him just suddenly freezing and needing someone to tap his shoulder to get him to come around).

But even if he dies before I finish this comment he has already groomed his successor to take place. Despite being in alleged democracy these people have their shit done in a way that their own party will never really change.

They call everyone a pedophile except actual pedophiles.

Fuck me that was horrific.

Biden was the most fanatical supporter of Israel in the 80s. Even Ronald Reagan told Israel to GTFO out of Beirut when he saw the barbarity of the IDF in the early 80s. He said to the then PM of Israel that they were doing a holocaust. Even when the PM tried to admonish Reagan by telling him 'don't tell me about holocaust, I know about the holocaust' Reagan told him to fuck off and withdraw or he will withdraw support.

After hanging up Reagan turned to an aide and said 'I had no idea I had that kind of power'.

Yeah. The next thing you know they'll want SOAP in the bathroom! Ugh!

If Elon musk goes into nuclear energy I guarantee you, the plant he would make will have a meltdown that would make Fukushima and Chernobyl look tame by comparison.

A massive portion of Israelis have dual citizenship. If there was some kind of one-state solution that combined the two, returned much of the stolen land back to the original Palestinians and gave everyone full rights, those people would pack up and go voluntarily but also claim that they were violently forced out and that the whole thing is a pogrom.