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In what way? I use them and it works just fine. Plus, I already had one so it cost me nothing to use it with my phone.

Well, I have to either attach it to my phone with a clip of some kind (which makes for sometimes questionable ergonomics or for a very wobbly, insecure setup that makes me fear I'll drop my phone) Or I have to put my phone down on something, which for the sort of thing I use devices like this for just isn't doable.

I've found clip-on ones to be very insecure and wobbly generally. I have an 8bitdo controller with their phone mount clip thing and the setup just feels way too top-heavy like I'm going to drop my phone at any moment.

Besides aren’t you already powering two devices when you carry this thing around with you

Which is exactly the point I'm making. I want to split that battery life up between devices, so my phone is less likely to die on me. I can deal without a handheld game console but if my phone taps out it's more of a problem.

External Bluetooth controllers are always a pain and those clip-on ones are always awful. Plus it's splitting the battery life between two devices, nothing bugs me more than using my phone for everything only to be shocked that the battery dies twice a day.

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ARM boards are just a pain to use right now. There's always some stupid quirk or driver problem and that's if you even manage to find an up to date image for your chosen OS that works (because I can just about guarantee the 'generic ARM' one won't). Feels like every few months someone announces something that'll make all these problems go away yet here we are.

Another unsung nicety related to this one is that you can fully update your system but only start using it once you reboot. Too many times I updated the kernel on Arch only to find everything stopped working until I rebooted, hence why routine updates can just be done automatically with no issues to the user.

Curious how they expect this to work for people who aren't even "paying" [with money or data] Meta users. Those people who never signed up for any of their services yet are still being tracked across websites via those social sharing buttons and the like. Are they supposed to pay Meta to not hoard their data from all the other websites, despite never setting foot on a Meta site?

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Yeah pretty much. The privacy invasion of ad companies is terrible for sure, but the whole seeing ads all over the damn place in the first place is also annoying enough that even if they were somehow completely tracker-free I would still block them.

Been daily driving SailfishOS for absolutely years. Originally ran it on a Nexus 4! It's by far the most polished not-Android/iOS phone OS going right now.

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Always with those weird red laser eyes in the thumbnail.

Pipewire's got fantastic JACK support. You can even run standard JACK control GUI's like Carla on top of it and expect them to work just like they would on regular JACK

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Its why lemmy lets users block a server now even though mastodon doesnt.

As someone who had to switch away from mastodon.art because my pool of federated instances was getting so small it felt pointless to be on a federated platform... I'm SO glad Lemmy takes this approach. I don't mind my instance having some control over who they federate with (I have zero interest in seeing actual nazi comment or CP for example) but if my instance blocked lemmy.world or another similarly large one I'd definitely be a bit screwed (mastodon.art defederated mastodon.social for a time!)

Why would you say everyone's a Christian? Might as well have some fun. Change all the ones marking themselves as Christians to say that they're gay liberal polygamists or something.

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My Xperia 10 III has it up top. Damaged more than one cable by just jamming it in my pocket upside-down then realising the cable's getting smushed up. Note to self: Get headphones with 90 degree cable connectors

Well, that's fair. You're an absolutely miniscule minority of Android users though

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So I [in theory, I don't know how to start with this on a technical level] could make a third-party Signal-compatible app, but allow it to connect to Whatsapp instead of Signal? Even if I can't use my Signal account to contact Whatsapp people, that's still potentially useful. Although I imagine the terms I'd have to agree to to do so would be full of nonsense that stops this being remotely feasible.

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Wake up the day after to find they've got half a T-1000 arm that's fallen over, with a huge mess of spaghetti sprouting from the top

Heroic is amazing. Rather than running the crappy Epic client via Wine, you just install this native piece of software that then launches each game via Wine/Proton/whatever else and pretty much just works every time, complete with things like EAC

I'm kind of new here too, why do all these communities have both a lemmy.ee and lemmy.world version? Is it just that someone happened to set them up on both instances so now there's two, or is there some kind of crosspost/mirroring going on?

I never wear shoes in the house, and rarely wear socks unless it's really cold.

say I’m cooking all day on Sunday then need to take the trash out. I’m assuming it’s change shoes, then say the grandkids stop by and want to go go for a bike ride? I’m assuming it’s change shoes.

If I'm going on a bike ride then yes, I put shoes on (I'm not "changing shoes", because I had no shoes on to begin with). If I'm doing something quick outside like taking the trash out, I'll either just stay barefoot or maybe slip something like Crocs on if they're close by enough to be convenient. You know if your skin touches the ground outside, it'll be fine right? It also dries way faster than a sock or a shoe if you go out in the rain. It's entirely fine.

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Peertube is a crazy impressive piece of tech. Just like Lemmy and Mastodon, it needs something to happen to push users over to it (or something like it). YouTube keeps doing stupid things like this, so one day users will be pushed away from it and the creators will have to follow or die.

And that’s what I’m questioning. Would you? Would you think others here would? I wouldn’t. I’d rather go to whatever fork Fediverse devs favor instead. If anything, all the fear being expressed every time Threads integration is brought up only emphasizes that this is not how it would play out

The network effect can be strong. Say you're now able to contact all your friends via your favourite Activitypub instance, you had to previously use Facebook.com or Threads or whatever but now they're all here. You delete your Facebook and keep your Activitypub account to speak to all your friends who are on Threads.

Now Meta pulls the federation plug, or adds some feature that makes your Activitypub server not able to fully cooperate (Maybe you can talk, but you can't video call anymore, or you can't post GIF/images, whatever). Now what? All your friends are over there and getting annoyed with you. So... you eventually succumb and fire up a Threads account.

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It's not like you're outside for long enough for your feet to get manky. If there's dirt on them just brush it off on your doormat and carry on. The point of not wearing shoes inside for me is comfort, not cleanliness!

Sorry I know this is a serious subject and not a laughing matter but that's a funny situation. I guess I was a MILF hunter at that age because even then I was perfectly happy to knock one out watching adult porn instead!

Plus XWayland compatibiliry layer is an essential component as so little software has been rewritten to work with wayland natively.

Basically all Qt4/5/6 software and all GTK 3/4 software works on Wayland natively, outside of a few edge cases... what else is there aside from games?

I guess I'm misunderstanding here - I thought Whatsapp would be the "service" in my case, I'm just making a client to hook into their, presumably open [to people who agree to whatever their terms are] API. So it's more of a federation thing between services?

Yeah just looked it up and that's exactly what I was thinking of! Aside from the obvious technical limitations and the part where you probably couldn't teach average Joes to parachute reliably, I imagine the simple act of getting everyone to actually jump out of a plane is probably immeasurably difficult too. Like I know people who won't even walk across certain bridges because their fear of heights just won't allow it, getting someone like that to muster the courage to jump would be impossible.

Murena Fairphone

That's awesome, never heard of this! I was referring to the stock Fairphones, which are absolutely Google-filled. But if someone is reselling them with all that crap stripped then that project is for sure worthy of recognition.

Wait, so instead of using tabs in your browser you just... put separate windows on top of each other, and use your taskbar/keyboard shortcut to switch between them?

Yeah this pretty much. Why would I drive a car? it's a huge waste of money for absolutely no benefit to my life.

I've considered learning/getting my licence just to have it "just in case", that way at least if that once every few years thing comes up where I absolutely need a car and a taxi just won't cut it, I can hire one or something? but it's just kind of not come up yet.

I wasn't aware the calculator app used h.264/5, what relevance is that?

I know absolutely nothing about this, but aren't there parachutes that basically just auto-deploy as soon as you jump? I seem to remember seeing something where people hop out and are followed out by a long piece of string that catches on the plane and yanks the chute when it hits a certain length, or something like that. Presumably they don't work at 11km elevation though.

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I have two banking apps that both run perfectly on Sailfish OS's Android support layer. Obviously I'd prefer a native/webapp at a push but if for some reason you really need to use the banking app there are ways to do it.

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Is "Hey Siri, skip this track" really any better than just, reaching up and tapping your earphone?

What kind of battery life do you actually get? I can barely scrape a fully day out of my phone right now so anything similar to that is fine by me!

Out of curiosity, how does this work with an external display? Does your HDMI/DisplayPort out go via the dGPU, or is it still done in the same way?

Android 15 beta... so it'll be available on phones, out of the box, without anyone having to build/install a custom, on phones actual normal humans buy in about 2030 then.

I've been dailying it on my desktop for a couple of years now (I want to say since 2022 but I forget exactly... there was a Plasma release where a certain feature finally became realised on Wayland and I switched then). Been running on my laptop for much longer, where I use GNOME. It's been great, but I don't have any Nvidia hardware.

Their mission is amazing but I'm not going to sit here and pretend any Google-laden Android isn't also ad-laden.

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They’re “self driving” in the worst possible way - they can run off on their own and do whatever they want, and have little understanding of the rules of the road. People already freak out when a robotaxi takes an inadvertent wrong turn, horses can freak out and try to kill pedestrians.

Ah yes because no one has ever """accidentally lost control""" of their car and smashed something/someone to pieces with it!

I'd take the mounds of horse shit on the streets over the disgusting stench of cars any day. At least I can scoop some up and spread it on my garden.

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Cheap chinese All android phone

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