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Joined 1 years ago

You do know your license is meaningless?

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Probably just bone spurs

Saves on airfare

That is a 3lb chicken. Cornish cross chickens (which is what they would be using for something like this)would be slaughtered at 9-10 weeks which would make them 10-14 lbs.

So using your ratios above, 1 chicken yields 4.5 lbs of cooked meat, which means 7,333.333333333333 chickens.

It’s substantial less chickens.

Although the amount of harvested meat would be higher because they grind everything into a paste as you noted.

They were never intended to have 100% of the teller/check stands open.

It’s for surge and holidays, if you go in on Black Friday or other super busy times, you’ll see a vast majority opened.

It also makes counting easier, if 1 person uses a drawer and it’s off, it’s easier to hold a person accountable, rather than if 5 people used it

Correct me if I am wrong, but it sounds like some (a lot) of your benefits are from your injury/disability?

Are you saying everyone should get disabled coming out of the military in order to collect benefits?

Even if the external investigators are good and it is truly the intention of upper management to get to the bottom of it and they are fully prepared to fire anyone who did something wrong, (I'm not casting doubt on their motives) I truly believe that the external investigation will clear them or they'll point to 1 person and fire them.

Reason being is memories fade, fear of reprisals, people make excuses or believe certain things weren't as they were, and there is likely not a lot written down.

Unfortunately, it's likely to be a he said/she said situation.

Has Microsoft publicly commented on Google's WEI?

I hate the obsession to move to the cloud and the obsession towards serverless or functions.

Functions are stupid and crazy for anything that is actually used often.

For small utilities, they make a ton of sense, but next time I see an app with millions of requests per day using functions, I'm going to lose my mind.

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Technically, vscode isn't open source. It's in the same situation of chrome vs chromium.

Majority is the same, but Microsoft has some non-open source parts of vscode.

Vscode repo contains "code - oss"

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Any new sentient life will have a much harder time, since easily accessible fuel, coal and oil, will have already been used up

Most of those online only banks subcontract out the banking part to a real bank

I doubt that. It’s preinstalled and enabled for personal users.

Even if it is enabled by default on pro/enterprise, there will probably be a group policy to disable it.

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I'd consider learning cloud. There are a lot of cheap certs for azure/aws.

You could also learn kubernetes, it's something you'll get paid quite well to be able to run for a company

I mean if it was literally Hitler come back to life, sure.

They shouldn't have grouped "always" and "sometimes".

It means that people who are hard line anti religion and would yell at someone if they dared to express the tiniest support for a religion to people who would protest or yell at someone who is widely accepted as bad.

Or dropped on someone

Second harvest is a charity that specializes in exactly this.

They pick up food from grocery stores and distribute it.

There are chapters of second harvest across north america

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You can use Apple Music and an Apple Watch from android.

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The high end rice cookers use sensors and will vent excess moisture or hold in moisture as need and can adjust cook time.

Zojirushi calls their sensors "micom"

Actually, dell and Lenovo charge a large enterprise tax.

It's typically cheaper to buy a gaming laptop vs a similarly specced "enterprise" laptop.

There is little difference between them, other than "enterprise drivers" (which are just signed drivers) and some virtualization differences. Neither of which are required for a lawyer.

But sure, I bet a law firm has some nephew picking laptops and doesn't just allocate out laptops


They are terrible ids, they used to be assigned sequentially and geographically based. So you could figure out the first 3-5 digits from basic information and get in a ballpark number if you had a birthday.

The jetbrains default hotkeys is in direct conflict to the "typical defaults" for hotkeys you see in the world

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Idk why they don't just run the test 3 times and average the result.

It would fix a lot of these issues... If you are testing a cooler, remove, clean CPU, reapply thermal compound and reseat cooler.

It's really not that hard to make their testing, maybe not perfect, but a lot better

What a lot of people do is work and live in SF as frugally as they can, save a few hundred thousand bucks, then move away

All of them?

The CEO can change any policy

You should look into Zojirushi. They make the best rice cookers

How else were they supposed to air their accusations?

LTTA fans would have immediately gone after her for her accusations if she randomly made them. LTT fans have done this in the past.

She definitely bandwagoned, but it was likely the safest way.

He grew up in apartheid South Africa. I believe it was a thing that white men felt the need to spread their seed

900k total comp is huge, but not astronomical in my opinion.

If you look at levels.fyi, it seems to match up with very high level engineers at most FAANG companies.

If you were to bring in someone to head up all of your AI for writing, you'd want to bring someone really good in.

These people are few and far between and money is a strong lure.

While this total comp is probably beyond you or I, there are definitely a lot of people in that ballpark.

900k base salary would be nuts

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When you are spending billions of dollars on programs, 1m is peanuts.

If you can speed up a billion dollar program by 1%/improve by 1%, you got your money's worth.

But people of that tier usually make a much bigger impact.

Anders Hejlsberg, the creator of C# and typescript is a great example.

He created two major modern languages, take typescript alone, there are tens of thousands of developers who work on just the tooling for typescript between eslint, webpack, react, angular, etc.

.net is cross platform and has been for a while

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They did exactly that In another assassins creed game

Defaults are very important.

Ignore them.

Unless you are in a store where you are a member (Costco, etc) or are stopped by LP, you don't actually need to hand over your receipt.

Stores do have shopkeepers privilege for stopping shoplifters, but usually it requires witnessing the event directly.

A receipt checker wouldn't witness it so you can usually ignore them.

Bonus, if they try to physically stop you, you due the store

Just why….?

You do know that isn’t how licenses work?

Or can't understand anything about computers.

It's thinly veiled misogyny

Cause the SEC is a civil enforcement group.

They can't arrest you

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