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For those who didn't read the article, Trump claims Biden is too old and senile to be trusted to run the country then proceeds to confuse WW2 and WW3, then confused Biden and Obama and then immediately after confused Hilary and Obama (ie, the headline slightly understates it if anything.)

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One reason is that every implementation I've ever tried relies on using the wired earphones as an aerial and Apple magically convinced everyone that having a 3.5mm port is somehow a bad thing.

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You can be sure that they are counting every hypothetical drop of energy saved this way and taking credit for it to their benefit somewhere.

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To be clear, they seem to be saying that those apps will still be preinstalled. They'll just be easier to uninstall if you want to do so.

"option for the first time to uninstall the Camera app, Cortana app, Photos app, People app, and the Remote Desktop client. "

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I expect you need to look in the Lemmy.World moderation log to see to what degree lemmy.ml users were or were not problematic (I've no idea either way.)

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Such a weird stance to take and to make a point of wedging in there. I thought perhaps on reading I'd find he's being misinterpreted or taken out of context but he's very explicitly like "child porn isn't an issue and we should do nothing about it." Quite a worrying position for him to take.

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Sherlock Holmes: A game of Shadows

AFAIK the intention was to build a franchise and now Robert Downey Jr has finished with Marvel they're all keen to pick it back up again (he's also pushing for Jonny Depp to join the franchise.)


Lemmy.world. Which is ONE example of a Lemmy instance. Lemmy instances don't even need to have Lemmy in the name.

Lemmy is a system that allows anyone to create what is essentially their own Reddit. Each of those are called instances. Lemmy.world is one of those, Lemmy.ml, is another, Beehaw is a third. Each of those Lemmy instances are run by different people for different reasons. Each of them have their own communities. A community is like a subreddit. The post you commented on ("PSA: Lemmy.ml is not Lemmy") was posted to the "Fediverse" community on Lemmy.world. Lemmy.ml could (and possibly does) have it's own Fediverse community. That would be separately run with separate content to the Lemmy.world Fediverse community.

Where it gets a little confusing, is that users in each of those different instances, can access and participate in the communities in each other's instances. IE, if you set up your own Lemmy instance called TimeLighter.IsCool and created a community called "Timelighter appreciation society" I could potentially join that community using my Lemmy.world account (assuming you allowed it.) I wouldn't need to create an account specifically on the TimeLighter.IsCool Lemmy to access it. If I did though I'd still (in theory) be able to use it to participate in the communities here at Lemmy.world.

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You're not wrong!

I can't remember who (probably all of them) but one of the fang companies offers a service where they'll send you a truck with a huge backup server in a shipping container to do an on site backup to drive back to their cloud servers (for similar reasons.)

The conversation gets a bit scrambled/broken up by disruptive/toxic people but this is a comment chain on lemmy.ml two weeks ago about SQL issues and challenges in getting the Lemmy Dev team to address them that might be worth reading:


Nothing. But having the option to uninstall them like any other app is nice for whenever it might be relevant.

"Bettet to kill the girl than rape her?'

Talk me through exactly how you got that message from this billboard?

I think we need to start reframing it as some sort of combined right to freedom to speak and freedom to not listen. Right now the majority of the time I hear someone talking about freedom of speech is when they want the authority to force people to listen to them.

I could but I'm not the person who cares enough to want to look into it. I'm telling the person who does that doing so is a good idea.

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I mean... That seems like an argument for equipping people with better literacy skills given that any competent reading of 1984 would turn you away from fascism.

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There was some sort of similar issue a year or two ago and it wasn't enough to drive people away. I suspect the long-term picture is that any given business either slowly grows to the scale that Unreal Engine is a better fit anyway and abandon Unity or very very very slowly we see Indies move to Godot. Though it'll be more that new indies will form studios around breakthrough hits made in Godot and be Godot studios from the start (and replace older Unity studios as part of the natural turnover of small to medium sized studios) until there is a tipping point where there's enough Godot developers floating around that it becomes easier for existing Unity studios to switch than to keep putting up with Unity's shit. That's a slow process though. 5-10 years imho (if ever.)

not trusting the government is fascism.

That absolutely is not fascism. Stop listening to bullshit that's designed to piss you off and drive a wedge between you and others.

It's such an exhausting problem that so many people hold society back from meeting everyone's needs, because society fails to meet everyone's needs and thereby creates people who hold society back from meeting everyone's needs, because...

It feels like being locked in a room full of people flinging shit at each other because they are mad that people won't stop flinging shit at them and everytime you try to gently suggest they all just stop flinging shit they just start flinging it at you until you shut up.

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It's mostly going to be games that use anti-cheat software (though some work on Linux.)

So if you're someone who likes to bounce around to the hot new competitive online multiplayer title then Linux probably wont serve your needs right now. If you can't think of a single esports title you want to play, once you install Steam and Lutris you'll probably find nearly everything you want to play works.

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Probably yes. But fortunately changes like this tend to spread out everywhere else anyway as the EU is too big a market to stop selling in but usually the economics are such that making an EU compliant version of your product and a non-EU compliant one doesn't make sense. It's why lots of US politicians tend to scramble to implement similar laws (eg, the universal charging cable connectors) once they've been entirely nailed down in the EU (because functionally it often is going to happen in practise either way, so by quickly passing a similar law they can take credit when it does.)

It's a good question. Hopefully the Beehaw admin team will reach out to the Lemmy.World admin team to have a discussion about exactly what the LW admins are trying to achieve and under what conditions they will be ready to reopen submissions. Though even if they do have that conversation there's no guarantee that that will match up with what the Beehaw admins are looking for in order to refederate. It was made clear from the Beehaw admins at the time though that they didn't have any issues with LW in general, only that toxic disruptive people were using the open sign-up of LW to create accounts to go cause trouble over at Beehaw (outside of the general LW userbase) and that they hoped to refederate once better tools were in place to address those disruptive users. Could be that lines up pretty well with LW's goal to wait until they have better tools to address malicious bot accounts before they reopen signups.

People who aren't going to do anything either way like to blame XR's protests for their own inaction.

Yeah the sad reality is that the entire situation is a mess and there isn't really a good guy to root for beyond innocent civilians caught up in it. (Though you can certainly argue about who is the worst bad guy... That doesn't make their enemy not also a bad guy.)

My partner and I have KFC for dinner every boxing day (in Japan, KFC is the standard Christmas dinner.)

I've seen a claim that the old terms of service explicitly stated that you could do so so long as you didn't update to the newer version. Which is probably fine for most developers who are already deep into a Unity project. (Though as Unity has now taken down their GitHub page with those terms on it, I haven't yet seen anyone link to an easy to verify and read copy for people to see if that's true or not.

The wealth class were buying more money from the future. We're now living in that future and all our money is disappearing into the pockets of the wealthy. Somehow this is an essential process in order for people to get anything done.

What makes you think OP hasn't just been offered 10 million dollars to lay in a coffin for 48 hours?

Things can be valuable without being profitable. A hug from someone you love does not generate any profit but is still a good thing that should exist. Likewise, a community resource like a Lemmy instance does not need to justify it's existence by being profitable. It can simply exist as something that people get value from. The fact that we often lose sight of this is a result of living in a capitalistic society that over-emphasises the value of something producing profit and underemphasises any other possible value. As for the implied question of, how does a Lemmy instance get the money to pay the costs required to run it? That's going to vary from one instance to another and how that money is raised should be a factor in which one you sign up to and which ones you connect with. In the case of Lemmy.world, it is, afaik, presently (and likely in the future) run as a non-profit for it's own inherent value and is funded by user donations. A big point of federated communities is to allow those communities to be able to operate for their own benefit, rather than be reliant on commercial investment that will later create a tension of different incentives.

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Why not just hang out on the Lemmy instances that actively support piracy?

I think it’s more reasonable to believe that Musk bought Twitter just to shut that down and now it’s a toy he can play with, where every time he merely touches it, media jumps on it, which feeds his ego massively.

That's definitely true. I think it's also true that the people who financed it were doing so to take advantage of that to their own ends.

It seems as though the only "problem" that the modern American right are concerned about is how to ensure they have unquestioned power and authority and that noone ever oppose them.

It's so much safer to have an accident in a modern car than one from even just a few decades ago. There's no amount of better-than-what-we-have levels of driver awareness that can make up that gap.

People refuse to try to address that sort of wooly thinking when it is low stakes then when it becomes high stakes act shocked to see the people around them acting irrationally. One's hypothetical friend who refused to take the vaccine because they thought it had a mind control chip in it and died as a result invariably was previously banging on about how their acupuncturist was going to help them win the lottery and people simply indulged them because "what's the harm in them having funny beliefs about things?" The only time you actually could get through to people around you about these harmful ways of thinking is when it's about things that don't really matter much. If you wait until it's life or death it's too late to get though to them.

If it's anywhere near that long you should see a doctor.

In order to make something good you must have a clear vision of how it truly is. That means recognising it's negatives but also allowing space to recognise it's positives to. Germany is not entirely good or bad. Even if you feel it is largely or overall bad, if you want it to be good you must celebrate and support where it is good to nurture those positives.

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Noone's stopping users from using Lemmy.World here. You just can't do stuff related to piracy in the process. There's a difference between "you can't do X here" and "you aren't allowed to be here." If you're incapable of engaging with a social space without bringing piracy into it that's a you issue.

The issue for the commenter you replied to is that they think that laying the blame for a specific incident at the personal responsibility of the people directly involved somehow means that the diffuse responsibility of wider society in creating conditions wherein those incidents are guaranteed to regularly occur is somehow no-longer relevant.

All that seems to matter in their assessment is who gets the finger pointed at them when the problem happens, not, why does the problem happen and what can we do to avoid it?

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