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Joined 12 months ago

I applied to a small tech company back in late 2021, when everywhere was hiring like crazy. It was my first full time role, but I have my bachelor’s and had work experience.

Overall I had:

  • a phone screen with the recruiter
  • a video interview with the recruiter for the specific role
  • a video interview with HR
  • a cognitive aptitude test online
  • a personality test online
  • an interview with a team member from the department hiring
  • a take home assessment that I completed then went over on a video call/interview with my would-be manager and the same team member

I also had my credit checked, and had to provide 3 references which were all called.

The job paid $36,000. Though it is definitely getting worse, these people have always been out of touch. My company was just ahead of the times, I guess.

When I left last year, they had just excitedly announced that they would be using video interview question submissions for all candidates going forward. The only feedback I gave in my exit interview was that I wouldn’t apply today with the required video interviews.

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I’m allergic to Paxlovid; taking it makes my neck and head swell up to where I look like Rocky Balboa after a fight and my neck feels like a giant tree trunk.

This isn’t important, but it’s probably the first time I’ve seen an article about Paxlovid since that happened, so it’s all I could think about for a minute.

I guess I’m not surprised that this is happening with one of the few very essential drugs that isn’t in the list of medications that congress is negotiating prices down on for medicare.

Of course pharmaceutical giants use any opening, opportunity, or loophole to exploit those who are sick. Disgusting.

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Samesies. I was going to stop in NOLA one last time and enjoy myself there while moving from Texas to Rhode Island this summer and leaving the Deep South once and for all.

Only I’m not a teacher. Good luck with your move! And working in a much better public education system. What Abbott has been doing to our schools is insane.

Agreed. You can buy the displays that are marketed to businesses and usually come without all of the invasive smart features.

They definitely cost more on average, but they’re also built to run more often or constantly, and hold up far better. They’re even a lot more customizable.

You can buy some that come with slots where you put in a raspberry pi or another computer of your choice, instead of whatever OS that comes with smart tvs.

At this point, I’m starting to regularly check if there are “for business customers” options available when I need something, because the options for regular consumers are getting so bad with all this data hoarding and ad pushing.

This is why anything with “for liberty” or “right to” in the name immediately makes me suspicious.

I wish more people realized this. “Right to Farm” was just passed in Texas by voters by a wide margin - long term it just removes accountability from agricultural giants and even emboldens them to push out small farmers.

It was advertised as being for small farmers 🤦

Thank you for this. This should be the top comment.

I wonder how the new Cemex framework affects this.

Jfc I hate my state

Idk I’m a pretty big fan of the climate activist group that just called Joe Manchin a sick fuck to his face while interrupting a meeting of his with big oil donors, and posted the recording online.

But yeah, most of us are just doing what your comment describes

All my homies love Bernoulli

His last election was the most competitive of his career.

The public in general leans pro-choice, so Republicans are absolutely losing support with their insane anti-abortion policies even if it isn’t obvious yet.

He’s also been in national headlines a lot lately for his extremism. He has always been horrible, but he has never been so visible for it.

Next election, he will be hanging on by voter suppression, a wish, and a prayer.

What worries me though is why he’s gone off the deep end already if he still believes he needs to get re-elected…

Apparently so, but there is a wide variance in American diets. I wouldn’t be surprised if the biggest meat eaters are skewing that data quite a bit.

It’s not exact, but I just did a tally of the meat I’ve bought in the last year and it’s about 20 lbs. I could’ve forgotten something, and had a handful of meals out, so I’ll round up to 25lbs to be safe. Totally anecdotal, but 9% of the average listed here. I know I’m on the low end, but for most of my family I’d be pretty shocked if they ate over 3lb a week, or ~150lbs a year.

I live in the south and it seems like about half the people I meet eat more along the lines of what seems normal to me for someone eating meat, anywhere from 4-10x a week. A lot of those outside of dinners can be very small amounts of meat.

The other half unfortunately seem to be the type that consider it a tough challenge when they stop eating meat at every single meal, and it’s often at least 30% of their meal. It’s wild.

Toss in all the barriers to even get a third party candidate on the ballot

Before I even finished reading that comment I thought, “Fuck. Ken Paxton would probably just take it as inspiration to accept money from Roku.”

Congrats to those in other states though. I am envious.


No, my doctor just had me take Benadryl to see if the reaction started to calm down. When 12 hours later it had, he had me stop taking Paxlovid completely and I didn't finish the pack.

I know anaphylaxis is definitely a reported reaction of Paxlovid, but I have no idea how prevalent it is.

This page on Paxlovid by the NIH mentions it under Monitoring and Adverse Effects.

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I primarily use Firefox, but the big one for me and the reason I haven't completely deleted Chrome is being able to create shortcuts with the "Open in a new window" option for specific URLs. Granted I'm not very tech savvy (just a little more aware than the average user) and primarily use a mac for my personal computer atm, but that feature is a game changer for me. As far as I know, other popular browsers don't offer it currently.

It's really useful for when there isn't a download or iOS app for a specific site/service, or when the web app is much better than the app or download option and I still want to be able to use it like a separate app from my browser.

I also wasn't able to download any software that wasn't on the Apple App Store with my work computer for my previous employer (super annoying, but I kind of get it). So it was essential if I wanted to have a separate and dedicated app/window at all for my work calendar, email, etc.

I love how I can visually organize the web apps I like to use separately from my browser, to save time and energy for daily use. I can customize the name and shortcut icon, pin them to my dock, organize them in folders in my launchpad, and even set them to launch on startup if I want. Not sure if there are reasonably easy ways to mimic this with Firefox, but I haven't found any yet.

I was thinking it’s like the LinkedIn version of yahoo answers

There’s a percentage (of their workforce) that if companies cross it while doing layoffs, they are required to give a pretty big notice to the employees before laying them off. I think maybe 60 or 90 days?

There’s several other criteria as well, such as the company being a certain size, and it has to be a high enough percentage of employees at that specific location. But this is part of why you’ll hear about several layoff cycles within a year at one company instead of all at once.

Most companies that do meet the criteria just pay out the employees in lieu of the notice, which is allowed, but avoiding paying at all is definitely a motivator to avoid doing bigger rounds of layoffs.


Based on our sun’s life cycle, it’s not likely.

Even if all emissions stopped tomorrow for good, temperatures would continue to rise, our climate would continue to destabilize, and the mass extinction event currently underway would continue.

Like your comment says, we have likely fucked the climate enough that we’ll probably be gone within a couple hundred years.

The problem is, we’ve killed off so many species and damaged our biodiversity to such an extent, that by the time biological life could evolve to a similar level of biodiversity like we once enjoyed, our sun will already be expanding enough that earth has become uninhabitable.

We did it guys!

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To me it seems like abortion happens to be the canary in the coal mine for a lot of people, and the loss of democracy is carbon monoxide.

That's also typically why you see efforts to raise the mandatory retirement age for publicly held offices, like this one on the Texas 2023 ballot


Also I learned how ranked choice voting works from a 2-3 minute youtube video, and it was explained in a way that middle schoolers could understand.

This is why it’s important that we continue to give tax breaks to the criminals and subsidize their operations for specific projects that would help everyone.

But again, we must make sure to not cause any undue burden on the criminals by making those funds conditional, or regulating how the projects are carried out. Otherwise they will be forced to rob us further, and who could blame them?

Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, and Texas do not pay incarcerated workers at all for their labor.

This only adds to your point, but I wanted to include that several states (in the South of course) do in fact pay absolutely NOTHING for their prison labor.

Some areas may pay prisoners minimum wage for work release jobs, but I believe many of those can turn around and garnish those same wages for room and board at the prison. It’s ridiculous. The second you make more than a dime for your labor, we will start charging you for the right to live again.

Yeah there’s even videos on YouTube that break it down really well and go in-depth while keeping it at a 5th grade reading level and under 3 minutes.

I could definitely see ranked-choice being intentionally over-complicated in writing if someone wanted to undermine it, but with enough people/sources sharing simple video resources on it, it’s a method that could be easily understood and adopted by the public.

No problem!

I don’t really care that I’m getting downvoted, but I am surprised?

I probably could have given more context, but I made this comment in good faith and genuinely think this will be an issue for him given the last several days.

Even if the majority of the country is in support of supporting Israel at this time, the IDF is committing verifiable war crimes against civilians, which the UN is criticizing. Supporting that both in words and funding is going to make it hard for a lot of people to vote for Biden who would have otherwise just to avoid any chance of Trump getting elected.

There’s been pro-Palestine protests all across the country this weekend. I’m seeing a lot of anger for him in other areas online from people who claim to have voted for him; more than I’ve seen since he was elected. I’ll be interested to see how support for him is in polls and surveys in a few weeks.

I could be wrong, but I think this will be one of his biggest hurdles next year when running for reelection.

Wasn’t expecting to laugh out loud here. Thank you for that

Do you still have the link to that post?

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I watched a Perfect Union video on YT a few weeks ago about the minimum wage for gig workers/delivery workers in NYC.

People worked so hard to get it approved, and this douche has been undermining it since it was passed. I think he has even made changes to it after the fact in ways that are not legal.

That’s all I knew about him before, so this headline doesn’t really surprise me.

I saw an instagram profile that “specializes” in Trump related AI art, and is run by a German teenager. It looked like there were paid features Trump fans could sign up for, and a lot of them were eating it up in the comments.

The account owner has just a couple pics of himself posted in a suit, and one brief explanation + a few short comments on why he loves Trump, and how he came to being a huge Trump fan. Which are all very vague/surface level reasons and come across about as genuine as the more lazy sponsored videos on YouTube.

I’m convinced this is what he’s doing lol. Also a little impressed tbh

He’s going to need it after openly supporting a genocide that a lot of Americans are waking up to.