
1 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Right, so many sites try their hardest to have every thing hosted on their own platform, then they put stupid High restrictions on what you can actually do with the content because of the fact that they're now having everything on their own host. Switching from peer to peer to Cloud hosted was in my opinion the beginning of the downfall for Skype. It removed a lot of its permissions that you could give on the platform, it broke compatibility of the Unix Community which took them two and a half years to finally fix, and it actually butchered their reliability

thank you for posting this, it annoys me to no end the amount of "omg this happened now on reddit" posts that link to the source on reddit. Like that defeats the purpose of leaving the platform if I'm forced to go back anyway and give them traffic. Make a mirror, stop giving the site more traffic lol

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despite 3 different links, not one of them worked on connect, sadness lol

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hard pass on hybrids. Every hybrid I've known if has had super pricey transmission/clutch issues. I've had too much bad luck with them.

I would go full EV or full gasoline/diesel before going hybrid

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the new steam sucks hardcore. I hate everything to do with it. It's buggy, it lags, you can't use themes, it crashes randomly, it memory leaks. Heck it was suck bad performance that they pushed the beta back multiple times before finally releasing it and its still not ready.

I limited my shopping on Amazon the last few years. Too many "deals" that are the same during prime day as off. Like I was looking at a set of weights, was 199 now 99, they have been 99 for the last month now, the "deal" is now changed to "prime day exclusive" and price stayed the same. Yea... definitely prime day exclusive... definitely worth actually browsing the platform for these sales.

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Looking into Matrix...(again apparently because I had an account already logged in on element) I hate to say it but, I can't forsee myself ever using that. It's waaay too complicated while simplistic at the same time. There is a permission system but, this is more similar to IRC then discord. Graphics wise it's super basic and easy to use, but I can forsee that being way too much of a pain to moderate or administrate on.

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They should be reporting it for not being a data compliant either, the app is marked that you have the ability to delete your data but in retrospect the only thing you can delete is your username, all your posts end up changing to deleted user but doesn't actually get removed

sadly with the increasing DRM protections, the legality of it isn't as clear anymore. Breaking a protected standard is still illegal, which in my opinion is really stupid because if it was for archival purposes from something you own, I feel it should be in the same category as self repair/right to repair acts.

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Nothing makes sense about this, how can anyone understand this. I think I will stick with standard RegExp. It's short, it's simple yet complex at the same time. And it gets the job done

judging a quick read of that, it seems most if not all of the changes only apply to commercial use(thankfully), they even specify it under the personal use area,so that makes me feel a little better. That being said I made it to no name brands such as mods with branded automobiles before my ADHD brain lost interest as well

It's not a strict deal breaker for me, I use an Android myself. But I will definitely preach to people the differences between Apple and Android, because in the US there is a vast divide and for some reason they think that it's a status symbol to have an Apple device, and they will boast like it's some great thing. It's super fun to pull up the hardware specs and show them that my phone Beats there new iPhone in almost every category. Then I end it with saying that both systems have ups and down, apples biggest Pro is going to be their interface, but if you are a techie or want actual control over the phone itself stick with Android. Most of the "incompatibilities" between the two systems, are Apple generated, meaning that they've gone out of the way in some way to actively forbid it. Bluetooth is a perfect example of this, Apple devices support it for audio transfer and Airdrop uses Bluetooth for its transfer medium, but you can't transfer files strictly over Bluetooth because the functionality has been intentionally removed to allow the walled garden state.

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According to the support Community this was fixed about an hour and a half ago, but I continued to have issues I had to manually log out again and log back in to fix it

at this point I'm not surprized, he gives a GIVE ME ATTENTION vibe hardcore, everything he does is against cultural standard.

wait musk is pulling a card from Facebook Meta's playbook? interesting

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this change will solidify that I will never buy an LG product if they all have that shit

I hope someone with an old rust bucket parks in one of those driver spaces

this is why I never got into matrix. I don't actually know how lol, the page doesn't list servers available and i don't really want to just spin up my own just for myself

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currently you lose everything. I'm hoping they add a transfer tool like how masodon(i think it was that) has with transferring accounts

or sometime they do hash the password but they are just ignorant of how it works so they keep the limit regardless

I'm concerned at the security implications of this. I haven't read into it but, with the world moving towards facial recognition/face locks. I'm not sure how wise it is to allow people to do a detailed outline of your eye and face.

honestly I don't give a damn if people know I downvoted, otherwise what's the down vote worth lol

if it has access to health it likely has sleep schedule already

I see why people use downvoting this way, especially since that was the norm on reddit which a good portion of the base fled from, I find the same issue I had with downvotes on reddit to apply here as well though. I try to advocate down votes to be not out of personal opinion, but a reflection that the content is either useless or harmful to the existing conversation. This allows posts that are actually useful and contribute to the discussion to exist even if they are unpopular to peoples opinion. Just because you don't like the post, doesn't mean the post isn't true or useful, which is why I find that form of downvoting ideology to be harmful overall.

That being said, I would find the parent comment you replied to as constructive to the conversation...Up until they started egging people on with "is getting people super angry" I wouldn't call this being downvoted for not agreeing, I would call it being downvoted for not being constructive to the post at hand(as there's no need to actively try to get people to rage at you with a post like that)

it 100% did, google removed over half the twitter links on its index due to dead links/login requirements, which if kept like that would basically kill all Twitter traffic since most traffic comes from search engines

I'm all for federating with them. But give the user the ability to defederate their posts/comments based off their settings. I would rather my information not be supplied to any company owned by Facebook, that's just me.

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I feel like they just went down the list of permissions and said yes to everything, they probally actually log it all too, disgusting

apple does this but, it's outlawed by the same regulation that this is. Batteries must be easily accessible and there must not be software restrictions for them

I mean this is what teslas PR email does, or is it Twitter... it's one of those lol

it gets even better. they also hard bake it into system apps so you are unable to even rewrite it to use your prefered browser, you used to be able to modify the protocal name or headername microsoft-edge:// but they removed the ability to touch it.

I chose my name as a shortened version of the name I generally use on social media platforms. It's just this one is easier to type and since the account didn't exist I took advantage of being able to use the shorthand.

20$ a ticket whew plus the feel, this is almost as bad as doordash, like dang

idk about others but, I left that site because I don't agree with their policies, I would much rather have a mirror then give the site more traffic.

I made an account on both world and kbin, I gave up mostly on the kbin account, I couldn't find anything local that caught my eye and I didn't like the UI layout for it, that night be part of their issue as well

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I tried jerboa, I didn't like it. Seems to basic and didn't really function for me(was likely due to actual server issues rather than app issues though). I'm now on connect and pretty content though.

that makes sense, that video was very educational, I didn't realize that it wasn't the water itself that was conductive but the contents in the water. Knowing that, it does make a bit more sense.

This post alone just told me that I am never buying an LG washer or dryer, that is fucking stupid. you can:t change the settings without being connected to the internet? Yea hard pass

I was apart of r/196, I never knew there was earlier iterations, I thought it was just a drop a meme and go style place. this is actually interesting.

just means screw beehaw, everything else seems accessible no point in catering to a single instance

I don't think it's going to mean much for normal users. Some super old devices might no longer be able to run to run the kernel (and therefore unable to be on android 15), but aside from that I think that not much is changing. This generally gets bumped every iteration anyway.