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There's a book called How to Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler that covers this stuff. Don't think it's comprehensive enough to actually invent everything from scratch, but still a fun read.

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It's because a lot of boomers think everything they see on the internet is sent personally to them. Took me years (literal years) to explain to my mom that someone's Facebook status was not that person sending her a message.

Most don't even realize the product questions are automated. They think amazon is personally asking them so they feel obliged to respond, even if they don't know the answer.

Not even just the highest rate. The highest number of incarcerated people! Countries with over 1b people still have fewer prisoners, total.


In their minds, this is loving your enemy. Because Christians are right and everyone else is wrong. So forcing your beliefs on people is a good thing because you're saving their souls.

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Maybe if you're doing something majorly illegal, don't piss off your neighbors and draw attention to yourself. Like how when you're driving with drugs you always use your signal and follow the speed limit.

Guess it's good she didn't have that much sense and got herself busted.

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I love imagining him being legitimately confused every night over this. Like, "I don't get it! I said Biden was evil 3 times, said I'd support Trump, AND am not woke. Why don't they like me???"

"mass shooting" usually means one shooter and multiple people hit. So a drunk, mad guy at a party who pulls out a gun and shoots 3 people will count towards the number but probably not make it past local news. Not every mass shooting is a school shooting or terrorist attack, but those get the most attention.

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A very nice rain coat. Now unless it's a downpour, I still walk places instead of driving if it's raining. And I stay bone dry.

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Keep working, drinking, and sleeping. Not much else to do no matter who wins.

What do you mean nothing ever materializes??? They'll probably be found to be breaking anti-competition laws then given a fine equal to 15 minutes of profit.

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 had this kid as an Easter egg. In the Boston level if you went into one of the apartments, he was there doing his routine.

And perhaps some kind of alarm to alert when a sexual person is in the repair area.

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It is kind of fucked up. It's one thing if someone is being abusive/combative and you're filming them for your own safety, but so many videos are of mentally ill people or addicts acting weird but not harming anyone. People in the US constantly harp on about china's social credit system, while basically making their own crowd sourced version without any limitations.

Same, actually. He's the only office I've gotten a response from that shows my letter was actually read. Everyone else just sends the generic canned reply back.

Because years ago, Ronald Reagan tied conservatism to Christianity and many Americans got it in their head that you need to vote red to be a good Christian. Regardless of what their Holy book actually teaches. The GOP might not help them much, but at least they're against the evil gays and communism.

My parents haven't smoked since the 80s but always go on and on about how much better old weed was compared to modern dispensary stuff 🤣

Patagonia torrentshell. But I'd wager any similar product from a good brand works just as well.

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You've never seen The Kingsman?

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That's why I don't go out in a downpour. The coat goes about mid-thigh so my calves get a bit wet. But since my legs are mostly verticle and I'm fat, they don't get very wet at all.

Today's POPULAR country is that way. There are still great country artists, they just don't get as big. Molly Tuttle, Billy Strings, Charlie Crockett, Margo Price, Sarah Jarosz

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A like a mug of broth. But there is a TON of sodium so that's a once in a blue moon drink.

That's a lot of unsecured gas cylinders

It's warm to around 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Really good at blocking wind but it's thin so it doesn't conserve body heat below a pretty cool temperature. It's definitely meant to be worn with base layers if getting close to freezing

Super Mario World! My grandma bought a SNES for her grand children but only has SMW and Wheel of Fortune lol

Look up "Kingsman church scene" or watch the movie. The scene is one of the best action scenes. Won't necessarily spoil the movie but will give up some info.

I love plex amp. The built in radio is great. Just wish there were either more genres or fewer "styles"

Church Street Blues by Tony Rice

They're not straight country. More Americana/roots. There's a Canadian fellow called Daniel Romano who made some really good straight country, but sadly only a couple albums then went to other genres. His album Come Cry With Me is the closest I've found to that 60s/70s sound and lyricism.

And probably still a lot more I haven't found yet.

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