2 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They gave up all their personal data to see a crappy algo-driven social media site. Meta still considers this a win.

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You’ve heard of an ex-boyfriend, now meet your ex-social media.

You watched the video and scrolled the feed so the algo gave you more of it. Simple as that.

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You misunderstand what “Hot” means. It immediately starts menopause in your body. Causing hot flashes and rage posting.

What you are looking for is “Top” as it will signal to the bottoms that you are looking for companionship.

Not much, what’s a gcup with you?

People have been having sex in the backs of taxis and Ubers for decades. That’s with another human in there. I suspect more people are willing to do stuff in a car when they feel like they are alone (they are being recorded on video). Especially inebriated people who are headed somewhere to have sex anyway.

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Because a lot of people who “left Reddit” can’t STFU about Reddit.

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Out of curiosity, will you be able to weed out bad faith volunteers? I am sure there are a variety of interests that would be more than willing to pay a junior admin to be a Lemmy Sysop and it’s not like the candidate will volunteer that information.

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The official app is a horrible user experience, but the bigger issue is that most of the content is fake. Between commercial shills, political activists, social-media marketing groups hired to “increase engagement”, and various other bad actors, the site is no longer useful or differentiated. The only places that seem unaffected are smaller private subs.

I don’t know how the fediverse will prevent the same thing happening. The bad actors are just going to follow the eyeballs. They don’t care which platform is used to host their actions. There was already an instance of a group of new kbin accounts being used to mass upvote topics to appear in the hot feed here.

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No, but doctors are generally empathetic people. When I turned 45, I needed the exam for the first time. When I was bottomless and bent over the table, I told my doctor that I was very nervous about it.

He said to just try and relax and he placed a hand on my right should to reassure me. When the exam started, I said I was still nervous and so he placed his other hand on my other shoulder to continue to reassure me.

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You know who have short memories? Teenagers and drug users. You know who constantly have drama in their lives? Yep, teenagers and drug users.

If you decide to take action, wait three weeks and submit the complaint anonymously. Every police force has an anonymous tip line. Don’t get too specific like saying “we saw X manager give U employee meth on date”. Say that you witnessed management distributing drugs to minors and hang up.

With the passage of time. Your son will presumably be in a new job and the prior one will have long forgotten him due to high turnover. You can do something while still protecting your son. Just be sure he never, ever, let’s anyone know that you/he submitted the anonymous complaint.

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I’m not leaving Signal until someone implements keeping data at rest encrypted on both ends and requires multi factor unlock (bio+pin is my choice).

So sick of E2E clients that leave the data in plaintext on the devices and then back it up in plaintext to the cloud.

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There is no front. There are four sides to a bed

Head Foot Monster side Safe side

My spouse unwisely chose monster side early in our relationship and so I’ve been safe side ever since.

Chairman Pooh must be pleased that his propagandists now have unfettered access to the worlds largest repository of “Five Nights at Freddy’s” knowledge.

Telegram is very sketchy and I don’t trust it at all. I’d stick with Signal if you can get your network of people to use it.

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The entire point of the fediverse is that there is no “we”. Or rather, you can decide which “we” you want to engage with. Look at behaw. When world started exploding with growth, the beehaw instance defederated because they wanted to preserve a smaller community.

I will never sign up for Threads or any other Meta service. However, if the fediverse allows me to interact with my friends and colleagues who have without having to give up all my data to do so, that’s a win in my book.

So feel free to go start or join an instance that defederates from Threads. Just stop expecting everyone else to do so.

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To push back against the anti-pineappites who claim pineapple on pizza is against god’s will. One day they will accept that what goes on between consenting adults and their pizza is none of their business.

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Mazdas also focus on providing the best driving experience for the actual driving part. Their infotainment is actually kind of mediocre compared to others, but I don’t care about that because I just need CarPlay and my phone does the rest.

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Yep, just the latest pump and dump shitcoin. This is why mods need bots to remove the shitcoin spam.

I wish I could upvote this as many times as I have had to block the same communities on all the instances.

That’s ok. We’ve enabled your webcam and have been recording your vinegar strokes for our facial recognition algo.

Pretty much this. The whole of (popular American) sports is entrenched in Twitter. They aren’t going anywhere unless forced to do so.

My kid plays football and has aspirations to play in college. Every person has told him to build a prescience on Twitter as that is what all the recruiting coaches use and look at.

I think tech people don’t understand how social media supports non-tech areas.

Just wait until the t-shirt/mug scammers show up with their post bots. Then people will understand why mod helper bots are needed.

Truly the North Star for a resource extraction economy.

Good post. Any idea how Lemmy or the fediverse will prevent the systematic astroturfing that social media marketing, political activists, commercial shills, and others will engage in? They are just going to follow the users from Reddit to here and keep up their antics.

When a lot of Reddit users stopped for the blackout, it became really eye opening how most of Reddit is just a wasteland of fake accounts posting, mass up/downvoting, and posting anything to keep you engaged on the site.

I was hoping to see something in Lemmy that would prevent this, but I just don’t. So I expect the enshitification to happen here too unless something is done to prevent it.

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This also presumes that aspects of the root cause are changeable. I grew up with a guy who became an incel in the pure sense, not political sense.

The poor guy was hit with the ugly stick very badly, and then had an accident that left him partially disabled.

When puberty hit and everyone became horny assholes, he had a double whammy of being a horny asshole too, but getting ignored (at best) or out-right derision from the teen girls he expressed interest in. He was also self-aware enough to both know that he was a hypocrite because he only wanted to date an attractive woman, and that he understood that goes both ways (societally and biologically) so he went into a cycle of vocal self-loathing.

You can guess the rest. Those behaviors compounded and altered his personality to the point he was no longer the happy go lucky ugly ass dude and was now the guy who was just as ugly on the inside as the outside and no one wanted to be around that negativity.

I have no idea what happened to him after college as I never went back to my HS town after my parents moved away from it. I would like to think he is doing better with age and therapy, but I doubt it.

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Jessica. Because we got it on on a blanket under a warm starry night at summer camp.

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It’s already started. There was a technology post earlier that included an affiliate link to a big online retailer.

It won’t be long before Disney astroturfs the entertainment communities and car companies astroturf the tech communities. There is no way to prevent it without requiring a level of privacy invasion that most people would not welcome.

The fediverse is just as susceptible to this as every other platform. Now that Lemmy is counting users in the millions, the enshitifcation will begin. I just hope the communities figure out some novel way to mitigate it.

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Encryption is self-made and they won’t let anyone audit it. Messages are stored on servers along with all the meta data (your phone number, location data, etc). There is no clear funding model to keep it up and running.

The whole org is murky/sketchy.

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All of your assertions would be easily provable if Telegram allowed audits and provided public financials. They do neither. In fact, they just try to talk in loops when it is brought up.

The whole operation is sketchy as hell. Anyone who provides their data to such an org is foolish. At least the Meta’s of the world have to declare their use and it is known and audited.

Telegram wouldn’t even provide a CUSIP or names of the firms that supposedly bought their corporate paper bond.

I’ll stick with Signal. An org whose funding is clear and who has their encryption and security audited by third parties.

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I would prefer regex blocking, as there are categories of communities that I am not interested in seeing regardless of which instance they are on. It is annoying to have to continually block them because someone setup a new instance and created the same community again.

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And now I have “Hooked on a Feeling” playing in my head. Thanks a lot.

You didn’t type cunt even once, which makes me think you aren’t even Australian, much less a bogan.

Regex filtering, so I can add “Reddit”.

I don’t think anyone is arguing against dual DNS servers. The distinction being made is that a second DNS server is not a fallback. Most newbies think “secondary” means it will only be used when the primary is unavailable. That’s not true. A client is just as likely to use a secondary DNS as a primary. If only one DNS uses pihole, then the secondary will serve ads because it’s just calling the upstream DNS resolver.

Personally, I accomplished what OP is talking about with two rPis. First serves DCHP from to .100, second serves .101 to .250. I send the two piholes as primary and secondary DNS. I also use Unbound as the upstream, but that is just personal preference.

I’m not sure how many bands even sit in the widely known and also disliked by most Venn diagram. The only example I can even think of is Phish, which I can’t stand but I know a guy who lives his whole life around their touring schedule.

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I’ve been in multiple fantasy football leagues over the years that have had teams named “Orange Line Jumper”.

Oh good, the family feud method of social norms. No value judgement, just “Survey says!”.

So I am not giving that clickbait title a view. Anyone have a summary? What is new here? Self-healing materials aren’t new, and stainless steel is self-healing so the whole “first time” claim is obviously B.S. unless it is tied to some specific novel property.

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Fake Rolex Explorer and a shitty clone two-tone pistol. That’s the bodega owner’s special.