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That's not a dog, that's a viper... which makes this a snake under a plane.

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As a life-long fan of the F-117 (I played the F-19 and F-117 games by Microprose), was there anything of interest in those documents? Asking for a friend.

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Can someone explain to me why this shootdown is even news instead of a statistic?

It's a military airplane shot down in a shooting war. Does Russia now call the UN security council when Ukraine destroys a transport truck? Why is the media constantly falling for Russia's bullshit behaviour?

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Atari Basic was my very first programming language, so I grew up learning Basic. Having said that: I don't see any reason why new software should be written in any Basic-dialect except for fun (the same kind of fun like writing a game engine in Ada) or because of legacy reasons. So programming on the C-64, or QBasic and DOS, a.s.o. all those are fun projects, kind of like reenactment of medieval knight fights.

In your case: If you feel comfortable using VB for your personal projects, then go ahead. But for me any variant of VB is awful, and this also applies to PHP. And in a perfect world we also wouldn't use JavaScript.

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Got it, but on the other hand (and as someone else commented): With the right settings, VB.NET can be en par with C#, for instance. They both compile to the same MCIL code, so it should really boil down to a matter of personal preference, right?

I mean, you could also use C++/CLR. Please don't. Because at some point people like me have to maintain it and they will hate every minute of that experience.

I feel that many people don’t know that and tend to think back to C64 Basic, etc. and just laugh it off.

I don't know if people laugh it off because of the 8bit Basics, I think it's more because of VB6. And AFAIR was made to make it easier for VB6-developers to switch to .net. The real programming language for .net was supposed to be C# and I guess some people at Microsoft also like F#.

I also enjoy other “hated” languages like PHP and Java

But Java is not a bad language per se; I actually enjoyed programming in Java more than C#. Java is hated because of its Enterprise-stuff. C# has managed to get a foot-hold in game development and is therefore cooler than Enterprisey-Java.

I also like to play the UNO reverse card: I personally hate projects that run with Electron, for instance.

I don't see how that is a UNO reverse card :)

Nope, they weren't. But there were definitely differences whether you played on a Sony Trinitron or a cheap TV. Hell, I even played some games on black-white-TV when the color TV wasn't available.

How deep underground is safe to protect against a modern nuclear blast?

It depends if you live in St. Petersburg or in some bunker in the Urals. If you're in St. Petersburg, then it doesn't matter; but you should be pretty safe in the Urals.

Ah yeah. I don't know how often I've seen Betelgeuze turning supernova within 30 minutes in a live stream.

You already forgot that Trump had a lawyer with the name "Pecker" in the Stormy Daniels case? I think there were even more lawyers with penis-names, but I can't remember all that weird shit that happened.

When I joined Lemmy it felt so nice. It felt like the early Internet; all the bullshit I got used to on Reddit, it wasn't here. It was like feeling at home.

Nowadays, whenever I see toxic bullshit and sedition disguised as leftism, it's someone from; my Lemmy-experience got a lot better after blocking the But I will start blocking more aggressively and I hope things get better after the US-elections.

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It is "Another Brick In The Wall Part 1", not Part 2 which everyone knows. Curious about the choice of Part 1; I guess that Part 1 doesn't have such a strong rhythm/groove as Part 2, thus making it easier to reconstruct?

Back then it was on floppy disks!

I played the F-117 game on DosBox a few years ago, settings to full realism/full difficulty and it was surprisingly easy. I also really miss the Microprose-style UIs in modern games, only few game developers put the work into making an immersive UI (one such positive example is the game "Highfleet").

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Since Moscow is the Third Rome and there are angry mercenaries, I present you with this:

That's not a boar, that's obviously a lion!

I so wish that D would have taken off :/

I used it at the time of the library split (there was a split in the community regarding the standard library, where Tango was the alternative). The compile time features of D were fantastic and they are still unmatched; as an example: For OpenGL (back then OpenGL 2.x) I could define the vertex attributes and had them checked at compile time when I started to fill the data with glMap! D templates and compile time code generation are on a whole new level, although it made tooling more difficult. If you know constexpr in C++, then this is nothing compared to what D has to offer.

I had a Logitech F310 which started malfunctioning, where the left stick's signal was always halfway to the left. Logitech's quality isn't what it used to be. I can imagine something like this happening on the submarine. Question is whether they had a replacement and if they even recognized that the gamepad was malfunctioning.

Fun fact: The Logitech Extreme 3D-stick is used in many professional systems, but those are reliable.

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It's actually pretty recognizable, but that's because it is Part 1 of Another Brick In The Wall, not the well known Part 2.

They are using the scifi-concept of dimension which has nothing to do with the mathematical or physical concept of dimension.

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Because a tank factory is a strategic target which you would use ballistic/"hypersonic" missiles for. Well aside from the propaganda value that a German tank factory was destroyed. You can safely assume that the Russians are going to use their better stuff for that factory instead of firing at civilian buildings or train stations with refugees.

As much as I love this song, but because of recent events, it would be better to sing "some Russians love their children too".

This reminds me of 2016 and the massive propaganda against Hillary Clinton. It's clear that these are attempts at manipulating left-wing voters to abstain from voting for Biden.

The first game I bought with my own money for my PC was either "JetFighter III", "Master of Orion 2" or "Super EF-2000". The first PC game I played? It was probably "Galactic Conqueror" by Titus Games, though I'm not sure. It definitely was a game by Titus, as I remember the fox. Then it was either Microprose F-19 Stealth Fighter, Civilzation 1 or F-117 Stealth Fighter 2.0 (there's a good chance I played F-19 on an Amiga, not a PC). I should also mention Wing Commander 1 as a possibility; my friend even bought the speech pack back then.

Ah, obviously the first games I played, are the reason why I like complex games and I also have programmed primitive small games inspired by them.

It sounds like you got it basically right, but now think about the sentence "the universe is a part of our dimension" which would mean "the universe is a part of our universe".

The scifi "dimension" is as meaningless as "plane of existence"; it just sounds nice when you want to explain things away in scifi. I mean, it seems to be easier in scifi to travel between those "dimensions" than between the Milky Way and any other galaxy in the visible universe.