1 Post – 21 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Do you write? I really enjoyed reading your comments, just flowed naturally talented

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Really!? 🙌 I really hope you are being serious and not just getting me all excited. Ha ha, that's cool. What do you make ?

Would you maybe be interested in checking out our instance? Possibly join if if it's up your alley?

All up to you. We understand if you're already committed to your main instance.

Let me know if you have any questions and I appreciate your response

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HC is its own thing, and its purpose is for fun. Whatever fun means to you as long as it's not illegal.

The primary reason HC was created is for the purpose of having fun.

For some, posting political shit is 'fun', so you will see some political posts.

We are pretty strongly adamant about not having a political bias in our instances.

So we don't care if you post left or right shit. Upvotes and down votes are there for a reason and our community can decide what they like and don't like with those functions.

We do not take posts down or ban users based on our own personal ideologies.

There will be no favoring of either political side. Right and left are allowed.

I think this is why people have that assumption.


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You're welcome to join us and post

Really on hexbear?

They're welcome to come if they want to and post their creations.

But unfortunately, they have us defederated even though we are not federated at all or plan to be

I'll leave that for them to decide, the invitation is there I'll leave it at that

Burnt Rice

You can try our Instance. We are un-federated though.

You're welcome to create any community you want if it's not already there. Up to you.

We've got OSINT, technology and tech news, apps, weird, random shit, alternative fashion, gadgets, news and current events, Android, ios, horror, ask men, shitty ask, arts, bio hacking, money, best internet resources, discussions, crime, DIY, caption This, and others. These are just a few

Thanks for your time

Oh ok awesome! We do have an art community too. Also we have a peertube instance you can use to upload your creations, if they are videos. You'll see the information about it pinned on our page.

We are

Let me know any questions if you have them. We're excited to have you !

Yea no rush, take how ever long you need to get things sorted. We are if you're interested in joining

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Yes, we have a peertube instance as well

Thank you. We're looking more for people who create their own stuff that doesn't rely entirely on AI.

I'm open to it, I think? I can see their posts being useful for our weird and random shit community.

But idk 🤷‍♂️

Lol no. I love hello kitty and I have and love black cats. So there it is lol

Sounds cool to me !

You can try us if you are interested

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We are not beehaw

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Mod logs can and are purged. So I see you left that out

Well, let's get the reality out of the way here first before you start acting like you are actually 'somebody' of authority or importance to even be answering to lol

Your motive in this response is obvious. Number one, you don't even have the same account/s as the guy your responding too, so, you DON'T KNOW his social media experience.

Not just in lemmy BTW, on whatever other social media he uses. So first of all you are no one. Let me remind you of that, and secondly, no one on this earth owes you an explanation.

You're a username on a screen dawg. That's all you are. Please remember that before you try to play hall monitor again.

Unless you're king of turd Island, I don't see a fucking crown on your head. Or anything else to indicate some subservient request from you.

your personal opinion DOES NOT MATTER. At all. You are a nobody on the internet. Ok.

Another important thing here really quickly, mod logs can be purged. And I get the feeling that happens A LOT.

All day long in the admin chats on matrix, they talk about almost nothing other then how to 'restrict' 'hide' 'ban' 'give false error on logins' 'see users dms and EDIT THEM' allllll day long.

You have no brain in your head to deny that. Some if not most of these Admins have serious mental problems to be that obsessed with something that should be a fucking hobby.

That's not something I need to prove. Go in the admin chat on matrix and see for yourself.

Oh wait. You'll cherry pick the information. Forgot. My bad.

Give an excuse on how they are justified and so forth. You are predictable.

Honestly people who are intelligent question s***. The fact that you've pretty much already made up your mind as to who is the bad guy and you're not asking other inquisitive questions about the situation or history or anything like that. Makes it quite obvious that you've already chosen a side based on your own f****** narrative. You don't have an open mind you don't have the ability to think for yourself. You rely on everyone else to tell you what to believe and the funny thing is is you think that you actually have independent thought when you don't. Not everything is black and white there's a gray area in between. But you can't admit that exists because that's admitting you are wrong something you will never do because you are too proud in your ignorance.

People who can think for themselves question s*** and they don't just blindly f****** agree with everyone else because they say so and because that's the right thing to do. Do me a favor and don't f****** respond to me either I don't have time for low life like you okay. It's just sometimes y'all need to be called out on your dumb f****** b******* because you think some of us are afraid to when we're not I'll tell you that's for damn sure I ain't scared of you or anyone else be on the Internet or in real life.

No, thank you, lol. we're all set

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