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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, Walmart is a before-shower, still-in-PJs affair

Can we elect Bernie before it’s too late please?

90s mascots were so random. Like why an owl with a graduation hat? He just graduated, so now he is wise, and can offer insight into lollipop licking? Was that his major?

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To become a certified plumber?

I disagree, I think Alaska is fairly erogenous

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That’s just a handhold so you don’t drop it

He just doesn’t want to be the only one anymore

I can fix her.

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These stars are millions of miles away, to your camera that essentially means infinity distant. Next time, switch to manual, and put focus on as far out as can go, then set exposure to a second or two. Trick there is really to get exposure long enough to get good light from the stars, without being so long that you get streaks from the spinning of the earth. Camera did okay though, you even got a bit of true color of the stars.

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I think it was joke. You are the one that decided to take it as political. Also, probably shouldn’t try to come as “better than thou” when your username looks like a 13 yo sat down and tried to think up the grossest thing they could while nonstop snickering to themselves the entire time because of how edgy and funny they are.

People have left some great comments here so to add: when the body gets something it needs nutrition-wise, it releases dopamine. We know this, that’s why we enjoy eating (pretty good biological functioning). However, there is diminishing returns on most things. The first steak you eat: delicious. Hell the first bite is the best. Every next bite, every consecutive steak, you get less and less dopamine release because your body recognizes it doesn’t need that nutrient as much. Drugs however (disregarding tolerance and dopamine fatigue because those work through different mechanisms) do not do this. There is no evening out or plateau on dopamine release for cocaine for instance. Sugar works the same way. No slowing or plateau. So in a very real and bio mechanical way, sugar is very analogous to drugs.

Corporation destroying the Earth blames consumer. Classic.

I did not know he was a part of that cult. He’s fucked. Poor guy.

All stickers initially didn’t have a sticky layer, then had one applied.

Moral judgements are relative, moral truth is not.

Another philosophy “conundrum” solved by your friendly neighborhood Skelator! See you next time!

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If sub is actually in a wheelchair, this is actually quite wholesome.

Why does philosophy constantly twist things into an over complicated mythical mess, and then act like it’s some novel insight? Like the things with colors: they only exist subjectively so they aren’t real in any other sense than being observed, so it’s only the observation that makes them real, and does that mean they are even real???

Yes, they are. Subatomic particles vibrate (or absorb vibrations) at specific frequencies, and therefor emit electromagnetic waves at certain frequencies when stimulated. That is real and objective. Evolution has left us with sensors and neurons that can detect and interpret some of these frequencies that appear to us as colors. That is subjective, but the science behind it is not. That’s what happens. Is the color real? Well, define the question better and there is an actual answer. The vibrations are real. Your interpretation is also real, but in a different way. Does the color exist without an observer? Well, what’s your definition of color? Does a tree falling in the woods with nothing to hear it make a sound? Well, what’s your definition of a sound?

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What ailments might one get from this? If any?

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This is so dumb and fake. You even forgot to put in the ice wall

Bro he called him “faggot”. This was not a one way street

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I honestly thought Comcast just bought xfinity at some point. Also fuck xfinity

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“Why is my ass pulling me in this direction??”


The live action adaptation is amazing

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Whaaaaat?!? Effective therapy works????? Wtf I call bullshit no way. Just beat and arrest them like the good ol days and let the system continue to work like it has been.

But for real, how tf has it taken this long to treat humans as humans. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. I know I know, money and power, but can we act and think fucking civilized already? Do the powers that be really need a study to find out that humanizing people actually helps?

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I have a shit mom and a great dad. They got divorced when I was fairly young. I still have a relationship with both of them, but thank god for my good dad because I’m not sure I would be an okay person without him. One good parent can be enough to keep you sane. So keep it up, you can do it :)

Did you know that Vaporeon…

My left leg.

(If somebody could come get me off this desert island that’d be great)

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The guy already did the killing

I mean, we all have hearts don’t we? Who’s up for doing my bidding?

I actually lost 2 of mine. Gosh I hope I find them before the cops do…

China?? Censoring media??? No wayyyyyy

Acsheewweeleeeyy it should be 0Mg

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W……what?? If this is meant to be a joke, ok, but not well executed. If it’s not, please do not cheapen the term, especially in these times

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Check other lip

Don’t gatekeep shitposting bruh

HAHAHA yah, they don’t know those things about you…..sure……

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Bro mad cus he never even passed grammar class, so now he goes around the internet telling others they are as unremarkable as he feels

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