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Joined 1 years ago

You could be right, but I present you evidence for even more stupidity…

Gold plated toslink cables

1 more...

Oh Elon, what has become of you

Yes and because of the stupidity of it they now say that it’s made that way to protect te connector against corrosion. Usually toslink cables are all plastic so I would really like to see how it corrodes

Not even available here in Italy, so no. But don’t care at all, all these massive companies should just die

It was great! A simple and beautiful UI, packed to the brim with features for the hardcore user but yet still very easy to use for noobs. It made navigating Reddit a joy and it was constantly updated. You could clearly see it was a labor of love from the developer.

As an alternative you can self host wefwef so that should alleviate some of the concerns

Basically outside of Youtube I don’t use any Google service. Started by migrating to Kagi search, and while it requires a subscription, its a price I am willing to pay for a search engine that actually work good.

Everything else I use a mix of FOSS and subscription services.

Currently writing this from WefWef. Thanks for the suggestion, it’s really a great app