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Joined 12 months ago

This is hard to watch. I hate people.

It really does feel like the_donald doesn’t it? I have no idea what they're about. They claim to far left but when you look at what they’re actually saying it’s all hate for any position on the left. Even the word “left” is a dirty word there. They're probably trolls trying to muddy the water. Maybe it’s some astroturfing or a space to experiment and generate new misinformation content. Idk, it sucks though, it feels all so toxic.

I know what your thinking, but just stop. This won't happen to you. You'll just get all sore and sweaty from walking around. Maybe even sunburned. Return to the couch like the good lord intended.

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These are disgusting and I absolutely love them

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So am I reading that right that the GOP wants to remove the checks and balances of the courts? Is this not a core tenant of our democracy?

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Politics will always disappoint you. All you can do is work towards the things that matter

This has the same energy as the beatings will continue until morale improves

That's the look of a man the fucked his first cousin.

I grilled dinner tonight out on our deck wearing a painters mask because the smoke from the wildfires around here is so thick it looks like it's pissing rain outside. Only when I caught myself in the mirror with my plate, mask and tongs did I start to think, this seems a little odd.

What's ligma?

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On the map only to be excluded from the circle

For starters, she said bluntly, “we know everything is going to get denied.” It’s almost a given, she said, that the insurer will lose the first batch of records. “We often have to send records two or three times before they finally admit they actually received them. … They play all of these kinds of delaying games.”

Fucking evil. We need health care reform now. You can't morally justify playing with people's lives like this. The suits running investment firms that own the hospitals and the suits running the insurance companies will keep cancer treatment from a child because they want to spend their winters in Tahiti and their summers in Patagonia. We have to make this stop.

Seinfeld met her when she was a 17 in a public place and got her number. She was a minor. She wasn’t an adult. Say what you want about being “canceled” or whatever nonsense you want to say to frame it, but that is the very definition of grooming. Are you okay with the grooming of minors?

Yeah, I mean the reality we need to not be lazy fuckers and rely on the president to fix this issue. These structural issues only get changed by our personal political actions. Call your representatives, donate time and/or money to political campaigns and organizations you belive in, find out ways to get involved. Some person or organization out there right now is probably trying to achieve something you think would make this place better to live. Stand with them. Do something, do anything, just dont bitch and be cynical online about how nothing is can ever be done. Does that attitude help you get anything done in your personal life?

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I'll keep doing it until I get a raise

We have age limits that state how old you need to be to run for office, I see the logic in setting limits. It's just hard because a 75 year old can seem like they're about to curl over and die or they can be just as sharp as a 55 year old. On one hand, with age they have a ton of knowledge and experience, on the other, their cohort is rapidly dwindling and their ability to relate to the shared experience of younger cohorts is deminished. Ultimately for me, officials that have to run for reelection i think we should let the voters decide if that person is fit, but for judges with lifetime appointments we need to have some sort of cut off.

While I'm over here looking like a potato bug

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I read this as a joke. But seeing you've been down voted pretty bad it seems most people are reading it literally. So either your hilarious or fucking weird.

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I gave my everything to someone once, they said it wasn't enough. Now I only keep it in my hands.

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Promoring lemmy does seem like a better idea

A lot of sports radio, npr, and conservative radio stations are on AM. I listen to two of those three, though most the stations I listen to have an app or streaming option I use more often then actual radio.

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These are mysteries of life that need investigation.

"Pretends to do useful things instead of actually doing useful things" is a great line. But I would add that he pretends to do useful things so he can get richer and have more influence.

Why solve problems when you can instead make money from them.

Just went to their website and it's looks very very cheesy. It does not look like a major company or even a serious one tbh. Sad because the One M8 was probably the best phone I'd ever owned.

As someone who has minute knowledge of how radio works, what could those frequencies be reclaimed for?

Oh no, I think you're thinking of Jonah Hill. He was great I'm the movie.

One side sees it as largely a societal failing, and the other strictly a moral failing. Individuals make choices good and bad, but stuck in a system in which you can't win, well, what's so great about having a good attitude about it.

Or a really good muppet from the dark crystal

This is not a very common cocktail at least in my area, so I’m sure most servers/ bartenders would have to google this. I can imagine the look on their face when they realized you actually ordered a glass of milk.

They do if you use a credit union. I bank through two, and both offer cash back equivalent to any credit card, multiple overdrafts without fees, higher intrest rates on both checking and savings, access to better loan intrest rates, and I'm keeping my money in my community.

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But it's actually a trick because it's really insulation they're trying to get you to put your hands in.

Idk, hexbear content comes up in my feed and I feel that’s all manipulation and misinformation

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Behind the Bastards really is great. I do wish Robert Evans did step all over his guests so often and allow them opportunities to chime in. The Kissenger episodes are real bangers though. Funny guests who can keep up and even add to the deep dive.

Paid actor implies she's scripted and saying other people's words. She might parrot right wing talking points, but shes doing it because she's a grifter.

No they're the birds eggs. Little known fact.

Well of course particles will get in, that's why you gotta wash the rice first!

Idk, Mynorthwest is a real source but it's mostly dull local news fare with a some good event coverage. KIRO is that branch and its okay, its center right, it certianly isn't the cinclair broadcasting station, thats komo 4. 710 sports is more center left but its sports. 770 KTTH where this article seems to be coming from is obviously garbage reactionary conservative radio, but that's what makes money in radio.

Can't the SCOTUS adopt cases they think have some sort of importance outside of the apeal system? I thought I heard of them just recently doing that on a case they ruled on.

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