2 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

send me good banner options please, i am only dumb bitch part-time

pfp is screenshot from

I get anxious just looking at that staircase

1 more...

I've heard about it for a while but didn't look it up until now. The parentheses represent echoes, and putting a Jewish person's surname in-between the parentheses symbolizes how the historic actions of Jews caused their surnames to "echo throughout history" (feel free to fact-check the source, I'm not going to)

also apparently i somehow lost the ability to link to a specific part of a website

anything for larry the cable guy

git r done

The Parcel went down to Georgia - Charlie DHLiels


Pseudoregalia is so unbelievably fucking good, my absolute favorite 3D Metroidvania. Very short (I beat it in I think 3 hours), only like $6, so I absolutely recommend everyone who even remotely likes games with fluid movement and who has a few dollars to spare go give it a try

you're out of touch


I think most gas stations charge by whatever volume you want as long as you're willing to do the conversion yourself

I kinda want a follow-up to this. Did they have space to back the car out? Was this right in the middle of the market, and they just had to come back later? Did they hang out until it ended and just vibed?


I solve problem 2 by flipping my notebook upside-down. Reading my notes back is a little more annoying but I'm not in physical pain while writing, so I consider it a win

Well now I'm gonna die with $89,000 just to see what'd happen

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Both times I've found this post the image has refused to load

i'm out of time

Top row, third column might be Streamlabs

That makes it better actually
