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Joined 1 years ago

Defense does not necessitate apartheid or ethnic cleansing.

20 more...

We repurchased 10 million shares totaling $1.2 billion at an average price per share of $119.

They are just greedy. They have the money, but giving the money to the rich is evidently more important.

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Shit like that is also a far, far better use of airspace/resources

No, just the government. If no new spending bill passes it will be pretty not great.

The two party system is the natural result of FPTP voting. We desperately need to switch to STAR or approval.

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Well gee, that sure does give Isreal the right to do ethnic cleansing. It's self defense after all so everything is permissible. /s

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Gotta love a bribery based legislature system.

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Where exactly has Israel done this recently?

They've been doing it for decades.

As for the more recent:

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, and religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal, extermination, deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction.[3][4][5] It constitutes a crime against humanity and may also fall under the Genocide Convention, even as ethnic cleansing has no legal definition under international criminal law

Attacking someone across your border because they’re killing people near yours is war.

Civilians are getting killed and forced out of their homes, all based on race. It's an apartheid, and an ethnic cleansing.

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What holds youtube from blocking all videos to addblock users just as other sites do?

It's a constant game of cat and mouse, an arms race till the end of time. You can't block videos from ad-block users if you can't tell which users are using adblock and which are not.

I don’t understand why self hosted videos aren’t more popular

It's quite complicated technologically, and requires quite a lot of storage space. Viewers only go where the creators go, and the creators have no reason to go to someplace that is more of a pain in the ass to host videos.

That, and generally republicans proudly support the electoral college, a system that intentionally weighs votes unequally, and destroys any chance of 3rd party candidates. So it is double ironic.

Oh for fucks sakes, it isn’t going away, so you can stop fantasizing about something that won’t happen.

Every day we get closer to the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact getting triggered, effectively killing the electoral college. Doomerism isn't going to get us anywhere.

If one side is gaming the system, then find a way to work around it.

If the system is gamed then it needs fixed. Which it is and does. Our elections should not be gamed.

Americans will find any excuse not to vote.

That's not really what's happening here. Americans are frustrated that their votes are essentially meaningless if they are not in a swing state, and that the value of your vote is dependent on where you live.

All votes should be equal.

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Maybe people could actually pay rent if they were charging reasonable rates and didn't intentionally keep housing scarce. Maybe we could instead stop letting NIMBYs get away with their bullshit.

Landlords do not deserve rent, they shouldn't exist in the first place.

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Homelander is the type to side with oil.

So there will be no speaker.

Isreal is indiscriminately bombing civilian/Palestinian population centers and diving people out of their homes.*

What Isreal is doing absolutely falls under the category of genocide.

Kill civilians is indefensible.

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Approval/STAR would be even better, but I'd take RCV over FPTP

That, and Gimp is quite a capable photo editing tool.

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The degree to which a nation is homogeneous is not the qualifying factor for whether an action is considered ethnic cleansing. It is instead the effect, and the effect of forcing Palestinians out of their homes, out of Gaza, counts as ethnic cleansing.

It's also not just based on race, it's also got to do with religion.

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People have tried with minimal success to do something like this IIRC.

The biggest problem is that corporate America has shit loads of cash. So much so that even if Americans were to pull the money together, it just wouldn't compete.

The solution is to vote politicians into power that don't accept bribes and are willing to criminalize them.

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Hamas doing something horrible doesn’t make it OK to starve the entirety of Gaza

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politicians can safely ignore rural areas that provide all of the food to the cities because they don’t matter votes-wise

They already do. Politicians only focus on swing states, and the cities within those swing states.

They may on occasion visit rural areas, but 9 times out of 10 they are in a city when they are campaigning.

All votes should count equally. Anything less is bullshit.

And you inserted your own pro-Hamas

Saying that Isreal shouldn't be killing civilians and doing ethnic cleansing is not pro-Hamas.

Neither party should be doing those things.

You can be against the Israeli government’s war crimes AND against Hamas’ war crimes.

I am.

Try it, having principals instead of an agenda is freeing and might feel good to you.

Perhaps you could try not assuming the worst out of people you don't know.

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That, and ending the apartheid.

Actually, the only thing you can really call “apartheid” in Israel...

That's not true.

You might complain about the property decisions from decades before that

Yeah. Those decisions are exactly what people are talking about when people call it apartheid. And those decisions have never stopped, it's been happening ever since the Israeli-Palistinian conflict started.

When somebody comes in, says they own your home, and then try to kick you out because of your race/religion, that is apartheid.

but the tenants agreed to the rent terms in the early 90s,

"Agreed" is a strong word to use when the alternative is homelessness.

so framing this as “ethnic cleansing” is pretty nuts.

It is the intentional homogenization of a region, dispelling people from their homes that they've lived in since their birth. That is by definition ethnic cleansing.

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They're going to blame democrats for not voting for a moderate republican, even though republicans are the ones who can't get their act together and elect somebody who isn't pro-sedition.

Where does the boogeyman capitalism figure into upholding your end of the bargain?

The part where the threat of homelessness is coercive.

If you’re unable to work, there’s an (admittedly minimal for a Western nation) safety net in place and countless charities willing to assist.

For food there is a shitty safety net here. For rent, it is abysmal. It's incredibly difficult to get help with rent, so saying there is countless charities willing to assist is grossly misleading. Social workers always recommend paying rent instead of food for this very reason.

You still have to contribute to society. Working isn’t the only way.

Being unable to work isn't the only problem. There are next to no places in the U.S. where the minimum wage will cover the rent of a 1bd apartment. Landlords shouldn't exist in the first place, they are just leeches.

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Terrible thing Hamas has done

Hamas doing something horrible doesn’t make it OK to starve the entirety of Gaza

Terrible thing Hamas is doing

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But you Hamas supporters

I don't support Hamas.

and only care about Palestine because they’re brown

No, I'm just against ethnic cleansing, which is what Isreal is currently doing and getting billions of dollars in support for.

Isreal shouldn't be doing ethnic cleansing, nor should Hamas.

Your white guilt is so fucking lame 😂

It's really a sign of intelligence to assume things of people you don't know and have only ever spoken to on the internet.

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The U.S. is about to dump billions in military aid for Isreal.

Here's France:

Amid fears the fighting to spiral into a wider regional war, French President Emmanuel Macron arrived in Tel Aviv on Tuesday and told top Israeli officials that he came “to express our support and solidarity and share your pain” as well as to assure Israel it is “not left alone in the war against terrorism.”

But how are their parents going to get them to work? /s

The next budget is due in a month, so there's a good chance he'll be gone after that.

So the lettuce has a nonzero chance of outlining his office.

Is there an alternative process you are referring to? If so, what is it?

Private industries that regularly fail ought to instead be nationalized, especially ones that deal with basic necessities. The government should be building housing on a massive scale, and selling it at low cost to families, individuals for personal use only, non profit co-ops, etc. Hundreds of thousands of new apartment units ought to be built by the government as prefab units that are manufactured in pieces in factories and then shipped off for assembly at location. Basically, lego-ify housing. Such a solution would benefit greatly from economies of scale, and would go such a long way towards fixing the problem. This would take quite a lot of rezoning, but nothing impossible.

Capitalism works on the assumption that there is competition, but that's not really possible with housing. You can't realistically just move to a different place overnight every day to get the best deal, there are limits for how many residences exist in an area, etc. Housing is physically tied to land use, which means there essentially is no competition. As a result landlords price gouge, price fix, and charge thousands of dollars for single bedroom units that are run down and in need of repair. Government doesn't work on the notion of competition. If the law says that X housing units are to be built in city Y, then it's going to happen, all without a profit motive.

what incentive someone would have to develop property (finance and pay for the actual physical process of constructing a physical place for people to live

The government exists to maintain the stability and well-being of our country, so it has a responsibility to develop property to fix the housing crisis, and to replace the utter failure that is landlords. The people who actually build housing, the construction laborers, city planners, etc, they all are doing actual work and deserve compensation. Landlords don't do that, owning is not a job and should not have a wage.

A society with landlords has failed at one of the most basic tasks. Housing is a human right, it should be easily accessible to everyone.

None of us should ever have to go back. We need to vote them out of office like our lives depend on it. Because they very much may be if the right wing decides to go full Gilead.

Not only that, but there have been straight up death threats sent to republican from republicans over the house speaker circus.

One more time… It. Will. Never. Happen.

That's what people said about landing on the moon and airplanes.

All the downvotes in the world aren’t going to change that.

No. It's the NPVIC that'll do it.

So either learn to win elections with it, or shut the fuck up and go away.

Nope. I'm always going to advocate for an electoral system that makes sense instead of the abomination we have now.

People want something better, telling the majority of Americans to shut the fuck up and go away is childish. We need reform.

While the moon has basically no atmosphere, I don't think it would matter much. Plenty of lunar dust would get blown around by the force of the engines, and the mass or that dust would contribute. Beyond that, the exhaust itself has a lot of force, and is probably plenty.

Look at the Apollo missions taking off, it's quite violent for the surround area.

That is basically what is going on. We do technically have representation in the same way La Croix has taste.

More or less, yeah

I never implied it did.

You did, because you stated that:

If Israel stopped fighting tomorrow, what do you think would happen?

Implying that the only thing Israel is doing is fighting. It's not, it's doing a hell of a lot more than that. It's doing apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

If you're saying that Israel should stop doing those things and instead only focus on defense then I agree with you. But you're acting like Isreal is completely innocent.

That’s not called “apartheid” anywhere else in the world, only when people are looking for a word to demonize Jews with.

Yeah, that's not true.

The term was started in South Africa, being critical of the white people in charge.

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Ranked is definitely superior to our current system. But it still has its flaws, which is why I didn't mention it.

The biggest flaw is with counting. Ranked isn't a purely additive process like STAR or approval, so you only ever get the results once they're complete rather than as you count. And that goes a long way towards trust in the system and auditing.

Ranked is also basically just FPTP, but with several layers. So the same flaws in FPTP are present within Ranked, just a bit muted.

But like I said, even ranked is better than the shit show we currently have.

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Please keep insulting me. I'm becoming so convinced you're right.