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Remember the time when Sony invented rootkits to make their drm stronger? Pepridge farm remembers.

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It’ll create 0 as long as the legislation is robust and the current department/politician in charge doesn’t meddle. If you look at other utilities that doesn’t always end up being the case. They should definitely be ripping apart most big-name ISPs and replacing them with localized ones, in addition to absolutely destroying their ability to monopolize by forcing them to rent shared linespace at reasonable cost.

Protest without civil disruption is impossible. There's many many examples of this throughout history. I wish it weren't necessary, because yes I know things have become so bad under the current capitalistic economy that even a few hours or a day can make/break livelihoods, but it is necessary if we as a society want to have any hope of reclaiming power from our corporate and governmental overlords. They're simply too entrenched and empowered in comparison to those they abuse at this point to fight with mere words alone.

Sites at that scale that cannot afford errors, downtime, or system breaches operate massive IT teams just to keep the systems running. That's before even touching Logistics,Advertising, customer service, seller outreach, brand management, human resources, etc, etc. Ebay in 2023 had 132 Million customers. That's 12,000 customers per employee per year, or 32 customers per employee per day assuming they worked the full 365 solid. A rather lean storefront actually, probably propped up significantly by the labor of their third-party sellers.

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The lottery is by and far an excessive tax on the poor. That's my only problem with it.

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No, it's like saying swapping out the fuel delivery system and ecu fuel mapping with a custom tunable system and Map is one of the most dangerous things you can do to your car; which it is if not done by a professional or someone with significant experience/understanding.

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It comes back if you give it time. It takes a while for you to move on from things like that. General rule of thumb is 1 month minimum per year together.

It's a neural net designed in our image based on our pain and greed based logic/learning/universal context, using that as a knowledge base. Can't really be surprised it emulates this feature of humanity 😂

Root is extremely useful for customizing the OS and running certain types of apps. It won't really do much for your average user and does degrade security depending on how root access was gained/obtained. It's going to be a balance. Also keep in mind a handful of apps (like banking apps) will do a root check before loading the application and refuse to let you access it if it determines your device is rooted.

Tdlr: Rooting is great if you need it for something, just be sure to understand the downsides and don't bother if you don't have a specific use case for root access.

It should be noted that this car does not yet qualify for Lemon status and qualifying for lemon status is actually harder than the average person would casually think in most US states. So it's actually entirely fair that they wrote the article, as they do with every car in their long term test fleet. Manufacturers use all sorts of tactics to hide real world reliability data, if you're looking to them to source it you're buying your rat poison from the rat company.

Remember when Sony stopped us all from having easy access to high density compact disc storage by slapping obnoxiously large fees onto blueray decoding licensing that they still maintain today? Or how about that whole… betamax… actually I’ll just leave that one to history.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaats up internet, now I see you're looking for how to do the heimlich maneuver. First I just want to reminder you to like and subscribe, oh and don't forget to ring that bell! Now the heimlich maneuver is critical to perform correctly and within time, just like our sponsor for today's video..." 😂

Arguably I think it's happened to a few more than that, Warcraft 3 comes to mind in the launcher.

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I don't know what marketing campaign you think is going to tell a normal non-tech literate user to install not only a third party app store which they'd have to sideload through a complicated process, but also do so in the reviews section for a random product instead of just paying the 1/10th of a cent it takes to run an ad somewhere relevant. This post is legitimately so poorly thought out it frustrates me. Go get yourself evaluated for anxiety if you feel this distrustful of the world, my word it's insane.

This is just the state of the auto industry at the moment. There's just as many teslas and evs waiting on parts as there are traditional ICE models when adjusted for market scale. The days of having everything in stock at the dealer for a quick swap are dead and gone.

Any Insurance company * (I say so because as an IT Administrator I'm forced to enable this to keep our cyber insurance policy, but I feel rather confident it's unnecessary given the research and our migration to ldap tied fido).

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Keyword "Random". The code for the packages that shipped for your os and for your user installed utilities are generally 'trusted' code since you sought out the install. It's not bulletproof, but it's a good start vs running any package that happens to land in your downloads folder.

This is probably more of a localized situational matter than most of us realize. The US (and the world for that matter) is a big place of extreme diversity.

If it's not receiving security patches then it's not a good candidate to use for 2factor. Risks are low but anything without security patches becomes a minor speed bump to bypass as published exploits will likely exist that are trivial to implement.

Your question is worded very oddly, but to attempt to answer it, headphones (most) operate off of an analog signal from a DAC (digital to analog converter). In any analog setup you're going to have some amount of signal transmission or line noise unless the two transmission lines are entirely shielded or entirely separated.

It's a normal human trait, which is why it's so easily taken advantage of. If you wish to do something for your local population of people suffering homelessness there are plenty of charities to donate time or money to that will ensure it is spent more wisely than most any singular person suffering from homelessness would likely spend it themselves.

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If you're looking for monitary returns, make a game not a mod. Otherwise you're building your foundation on sand and owe the lack of monitary return on nothing but your own choices. Having Bethesda broker this is just a horrible idea and will lead to a cesspool of fraud, exploit, and death to genuine creative love works and passion projects. Not everything need be made for profit, and often it's better for it.

Life will always be brief. It reminds us to focus on quality and live in the moment. Everything dies eventually, it's the one trait we all share with every other living being and the cosmos itself.


To be fair, Prime Video has always just been a free perk attached to prime (and with all the other 'perks' combined you could basically consider it free). For example I get an extra 3% back on all my Amazon orders by being a prime member. At the current cost of prime and just with the home supplies I order w/ subscribe and save, it pays for itself. That's not to say I'm happy with this, but in actuality they're fairly well positioned with the product to make this move and have most of the user base be merely disgruntled.

No joke, probably intel. The cards won't hold a candle to a 4090 but they're actually pretty decent for both gaming and ML tasks. AMD definitely needs to speed up the timeline on their new ML api tho.

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You weren't getting another Zen Phone anyway. They gutted the entire team because it didn't make money.

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I think you know the answer deep down in your heart. Embrace the wall, live the garden.

Unfortunately for your world views, no. I'm 28 and able to engage in empathy for the plight of my fellow man. Sad you've gotten that used to callous realities.

The letterboxed app was good. It recently got bought by a larger company, so who knows for how long, but you can ride that ship for a while

You're confusing the efficency of solar panels with the efficiency of burning hydrocarbon based fuel (perhaps intentionally?). Yes, solar panels convert about 20-30% (they're getting better with time) of the energy provided by mankind's closest and most beloved fission reactor into energy we can use, the rest being reflected or turned into heat, but the source (that giant ball of fission) is infinite and non-detremental to the environment to keep running. Hydrocarbon production not only requires this original source but once calculated would provided you end delivery efficency levels that are dramatically lower (likely less than 1%), Natural hydrocarbons are limited in supply, and the whole chain is significantly more toxic for the planet when you calculate in byproducts produced during production or consumption. It's legitimately not even close and if you truly believe hydrocarbons are even remotely viable you've misinterpreted one of the data points somewhere in your calculation.

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Because people on Bing video or Odyssey are more likely to engage with Google services....

Anyone else thinking satellite phone connectivity for non-leo constellations won't take off simply because the majority of the user base would never see value in it compared to the cost it would incur them? Like, even safety minded Apple customers weren't showing high enough adoption rates for Apple to roll it without fitting the bill themselves.

I don't personally disagree, but I don't know what sort of business challenges they face. Also I should add that 132 Million number isn't traffic or transactions, that's verified customers that have made at least 1 purchase. That all being said there is definitely a redesign/restructure/rebase needed, but the ship takes crew to keep it sailing even if it needs remodeled/repaired/etc.

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I believe this sentiment is taken not because of the actuals of the situation, such as waning work and ended employment, but because at the end of the day when everything is done and packed up it seems like the "boots on the ground" made just enough to scrape by, while the ceos/x suites fly away in private jets to jump out and golden parachute to their mansion.

True, but I just don't think we should incentivize funding amazing programs with money sources primarily funded by the underprivileged day dreaming of a better life. It just seems sad.

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Huel hot and savory is pretty good if you want most of the convience and nutrition profile, while still getting the "experience" of food.

If you've got credit card paranoia, has a solution for you. I personally just rely on my credit cards theft/fraud protection programs.

Takes time and resources to setup a web page. Takes 5 seconds to spin up a discord server or a telegram group and they handle all access control. Not my preference, but for ease of deployment a lot of people prefer to launch there.

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A bit of a straw man argument, but also based. They should go after all production vehicles and require that they meet pedestrian safety standards or that ownership requires additional licensing/training.