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You guys remember Death Panels, the anti-Obamacare cry that legislatures want to get between you and your doctor to decide who can get care?

Every Republican who jumped on that bandwagon needs to eat crow and realize they flipped like a bitch when it suited their anti-abortion argument.

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"Man who kicks ball well has stupid opinion, we printed it to ruffle your jimmies."

Fixed the headline there.

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OP out here posting boomer humor....

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Feels like something the EU would eventually work on settling: making all tool manufacturers have a non-proprietary connector.

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I said it in another post but these are the actual Death Panels Sarah Palin 'fabricated' (since hers was a huge lie). The government is actually standing between a person who needs care and their doctor.

I had one of those Vivent door to door folks walk up to me one day, garage open. I was polite enough but explained I had no interest in storing a video feed of my house on their servers as I'd like to do illegal things if I want. They assured me it was stored with "aes256 encryption" - which they expect most laymen to be wowed by - but what good is encryption if they own the keys and crumble to government requests?

Think about it - this isn't like, "oh I can't believe the news she died!" This is straight up: "yep, died of old age, totally expected." She was on the way out for a long time and everyone who supported her being there knew she couldn't fulfill her job requirements yet let her stay in office for political reasons. Which doesn't make sense to me either: her seat wasn't going to be filled by a Republican.

The Allies forced the German civilians to dig graves for the concentration camps so they could see the inhumanity their complacency and tacit approval caused. I've never appreciated my history classes more and I'm terribly sorry for the schools and children that are performing historical revisionism to well documented events.

Also, I went to the gatewaypundit site TFG linked to and read some comments. One commenter suggesting someone who disagreed commit suicide (and of course they knew how to bypass filters, so it's a tactic they use often). Folks are still suggesting the election was stolen then with the same breath saying to circle the ballot processing centers and not let vans through. The cognitive dissonance for these self-titled "critical thinkers" is beyond scary.

Edit: wanted to fact check my memory, here's a photo.

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Typically a judge will thank the jurors for their service, and I find the time dedicated to that and the words that honor that service pretty awesome. These jurors truly deserve that respect considering the fear they must have to deal with if someone ever spills their names.

Found this site with a ton of joke ones:

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It's wild to me that when she lost/left Speaker of the House she said (paraphrasing) that is was time to let the younger generation lead yet here she is again....

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He referred to his opponents as vermin, and his campaign manager doubled down. So yes, there's some fear. The man mimics Hitler's phrasing and attempted a coup.

Your last statement is an ad hominem fallacy, not great for actual debates. Are you suggesting that it's cowardice to remove him from ballots? What's the brave tactic in this situation? Let the man attempt another coup using his bigoted dog whistles?

Wait, why is raising money your problem here? TFG sells cut up pieces of fabric from a mug shot suit and NFTs to make money...

The only thing I'd relent on is that Dems trusted a Supreme Court decision to confer abortion rights, talk about Dems being dense, why rely on the highest court in the land to set precedent? How funny they couldn't foresee 6 Republican installed Justices tearing it out decades later, one (Alito) referencing a guy's treatise from 400 years ago.

Yeah, definitely the same...

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You mean the part where they held a special election in August after writing rules to BAN special elections in August (unless they involved budget crises)? The supermajority 60% of the Aug Issue 1 would've tanked this if they had their way (or kept it from hitting the ballot with the 80~ county petition requirement).

THEN they had the gall to change the language on today's Issue 1 text.

I'm so proud right now, big win for a state that's had a lot of fails lately (i.e. literal train wrecks that got swept under the rug).

Also: how well do you all think the inclusion of Issue 2 here REALLY brought out the voters? I heard a lot of pot smokers got out of bed early today for it - had to add some extra push for Issue 1.

I can see what you're driving towards. It'd be far more ideal for us adults to hash this out, yeah?

I wish they'd remove Under God from the damn pledge of allegiance, but it seems schools are the next major battleground (sometimes literally) for all things political.

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Pornhub, xtube, I know these names better than Google knows my own grandmother's. Youporn, xxn, redtube, panty jobs, homegrown Simpsons stuff....

Edit: This isn't my fault it's the source articles for using that image.

Do you remember pre-mass-adoption of the internet? These headlines remind of the hoax/canned spam emails, like the, "forward this on to 50 people or a loved one will die" type stuff.

Back then idiot friends would occasionally sign in to AOL from dial up and send those to me. Decades later we've turned the hoax email "To: field" into an "@" soap box that reaches thousands and echoes far quicker. I think we used to be blissfully ignorant and much less influenced back then. I miss that version of my mom, the one that didn't think masks are satanic rituals.

E: I don't want to come off as head in the sand, old ways are the best... I've developed a much better world view since the internet came along and that's a good thing.

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Would you like to know more?

One of the biggest fears I tend to think of about in space is Kessler Syndrome where one collision creates a shotgun blast of debris that increases the chances for more collisions (cascade effect). If you've seen the movie Gravity you get a great example of how it would go down.

Not disagreeing about it being a scam but the government uses Sec+ as an IAT level 2 requirement. Helps meet some contract requirements.

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If you take the larger words out of this comment it really reads like Trump wrote it.

Supporting article below.

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Oh yeah, that's fun, let's go back further. Remember when Bush lied about WMDs to invade Iraq? Imagine Obama running with a war in the Middle East on his hands.

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Fun fact, that special election in August broke their own rules as signed in HB 458. Aug special elections were removed unless to draw resolutions on fiscal emergencies (see sec 3501.022-A).

Did you... did you say Papyrus?!

This point is so frequently missed, some presidents are harder on Israel than others but you'd be silly to think any US leader in this situation would act much different.

Historically, Nixon bailed Israel out, caused an oil crisis. Carter tried, Reagan fucked it all up and blamed Israel. The Bushes, Clinton, and Obama all tried but Trump blew it. He left Palestine out of the Accord and moved our embassy to Jerusalem, which stoked the fires.

Found an article/study stating propane does release benzene:

The isobutane/white gas stuff may too but I couldn't find anything to support that.

If you're ever out in your garage in winter and using those burner tops on a propane tank it's best to have a source of fresh air and ventilation (which of course negates the ability to heat effectively).

e: no stupid questions, lots of internet "researchers" though (myself included)

They really put the Streisand effect to good use here, huh? Nichegamers screenshot showed 9,000ish followers and they're at 87,000 at the time of this comment.

I was about to counterpoint you and say that to make money you need to maintain a good product and then quickly realized how dumb of a thought that was... people gobble up horse shit products like it's filet mignon.

Agreed, it's mostly community as far as personal benefits. We had a friend group through it that fell apart recently and my wife wants to go back to church only for the community.

Outreach is mostly a guise in my opinion, a show that's put on to make the congregation think their money is being used wisely. I have a lot of disdain for organized religion though, having grown up in it and painfully "deconstructing" a couple years ago. I can't step foot in a church ever again (minus a wedding).

Sorry, that's arguably some bad advice. The most well known counterpoint is there in your Miranda Rights: you have the right to remain silent. That right exists under the 5th as the other comment mentions.

This applies to a traffic stop for most everything but name, address, and the required documents (insurance, driver's license). As to whether you have to sign a ticket, I can't say.

And of course this video is gold, watch it yearly:

I feel like you've made a great T-Shirt here...

"It's hard to be reasonable when you're about to cum."

The argument is that a minor could make reproductive issues for themselves without a parent present or knowing. That's where they're drawing the "parents rights" from. It would reach into STD care too, for instance. Where the bill lacks a little of logic is that someone's gotta pay for the care, and that's usually a parent.

E: I see it also mentioned another point is that the father could lose his say as well.

Don't take my comment as though I'm taking a side, I wondered the exact same thing and looked up why it was stated that way.

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The paradox of tolerance suggests we draw a line and decide some things are unacceptable to tolerate or the tolerant will be overwhelmed by the intolerant. I'm sure Poppers arguments are not without flaws but absolute free speech is a pipe dream.

There are limits to free speech in US laws already, some common examples are slander, libel, and threats. There's also "imminent lawless action" where words inciting violence can be restricted.

Maybe I'm drawing a false correlation between the two ideas but in general I don't think it's so black and white as you might suggest.

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I think there's likely some zeitgeist in play here that younger generations know they can't afford kids. And I also imagine there's animosity there. While having kids isn't a prerequisite for personal joy (to each their own) it's often a tremendously enjoyable experience. So who should they turn to for being put in this situation: the generation that should really skip having kids, sorry....

Now, when I walk around stores on my day off and see homeschoolers with 5 kids I can agree with this sentiment: that feels stupidly selfish and excessive.

The fool that he is McCarthy went on Face the Nation and blamed the very Dems that were working with him. The interviewer laughed at him. I'm sure that helped.

Apparently It was a staffer who was since fired, or at least that's who took the fall for it.

Can't find the video for you but here's the still frame in question:

Gas fireplaces usually work by separate chambers, the burn off/exhaust is drawn out the flue while a fan rotates cool air around the heated box and then back out into the house.

Gas water heaters can leak exhaust into the house if the vent hood isn't properly pulling air out of the house. I recall using a match to test that it pulled the smoke up and out.

Insert "you should've tagged this NSFW" copypasta... Bus, furious, prevented, etc.