1 Post – 77 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

I don't know who this man is, but his face is too small for his head.

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Purple line should be inverted. I'm buried in my phone the moment a sex scene comes on while watching a movie with anyone else

Including the opt out link in the announcement article is a good guy move on the writer's part. Thanks, Kate. You're a pal.

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What is this from? I can't remember the source, but somehow I remember Weird Al showing that this is a soup ladle hanging out of his sleeve

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I work in marketing, and every client I work with who has a WordPress website is using AI to write a lot of their content. This is going to lead to circularly trained AI for sure.

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To find a place to stain

For those concerned and yet to click the link: he's expected to be back on stage by Wednesday and has received scans, so it appears to be no major concern, though of course not quite minor either.

Lol sounds like a you problem. It's all biodegradable and good fun. It actually does look cool. Long time Chicagoans and new visitors still like it. Sorry you don't.

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As opposed to non-business MNBAs of course

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I mean she married a roadkill-collecting, brain-worm-eaten, anti-vax, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theorizing, generally bigoted lunatic. Like the type of person "lunatic" was coined for. I have a feeling that thoughtfulness and true romance were not at the heart of that decision, as a failing actress now tethered to someone with the last name "Kennedy." Either conniving and uncaring or a top-tier loon herself.

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The more deeply and unanimously red your local lawmakers consider their electorate, the more confident they will be pushing right and far right legislation and building MAGA cultishness. It won't change who's elected, but it can change how your local lawmakers think about what their community wants.

OP would make an excellent dungeon master

Hard disagree that earbuds negate codec importance. I love open-back over-ears, but one of my best pairs of headphones are Moondrop IEMs, and I can hear differences in audio quality more noticeably on them than a lot of speakers. I very often plug them into a Bluetooth receiver for semi-wireless convenience, and I can absolutely hear the difference between LDAC and SBC.

However, yeah definitely agreed that $150 is fair for what's being offered here. Limited codec support is common (if unfortunate) enough in similarly priced gear without the other benefits these bring, so I'd say it's fair enough unless the drivers themselves are bad.

No kink shaming

Reminds me of the Venetian Snares track with noises that are pictures of his cats run through a spectrograph in reverse

I don't know you!

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"What? This is absurd"

"Humanity verified"

Why is it essential for our genes to live on?

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Treat yo'self

"I'm sorry, our couch donuts aren't glazed."

JD Vance, tugging on his suddenly sweaty shirt collar: "Oh I think I can help out there."

You mean the guy who got the job cuz someone died, and then started the Vietnam War?

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Apparently now you'd have to go to Gozo (with dive gear...) to get a shot like this!

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To find it you must first master b8

Then I cooka da meatball

Heat legend

Xavier a dog

Gonna take this party to the next level

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Pickleball has taken over quickly, next is picklebuilding

Definitely depends on the field. Most "humanities" studies require a masters first, although for that reason many PhD programs include the step of getting your masters so it can all be done as a single track. So still a standard ~6 year program but you get both, masters after the first 3 and then PhD after 3 more. I've only ever run with folks in humanities I'm realizing, so I didn't even realize there were PhDs you could get without a masters

Tom Morello came on stage to play this on guitar with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band in Chicago like 15 years ago, and it was one of the most amazing song performances I've seen live. Eddie Vedder sang with them too, quite a lineup.

Literally every fable ends with a good lesson, how to pick! The salt merchant's donkey sticks out as a memorable one because it's complex--the donkey's mistake is not trying to lighten its load, it is doing so excessively, trying to reduce its load to zero every day. The merchant's revenge seems somewhat cruel, but isn't actually forced upon the donkey until/unless, even though the sponges are very light on the last day, the donkey tries to make them even lighter by slipping into the water. It's a classic "pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered" type message, but with some interesting nuance to it.

Why does it matter if they're your descendants or others'? My 16 great great grandparents are as much strangers to me as any other 16 people walking around 100 years ago. And everyone here now is in the same place, whoever they came from. Not like I'll be alive to (or would do so in any case) take pride in saying 'ooh those 12 people have something to do with me if you go back far enough"

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My point is not that previous people haven't done significant things, it's that they did those things independently of who one of their many ancestors happened to be. Much like an actual ripple, the larger the pond, the less likely any disturbance is to reach the shore, and the more likely it is to be quickly lost to the natural turbulence of any body of water.

If your evidence against that is the existence of significant inventions, there are very few, if any, that wouldn't have been invented by someone else within years. No major invention or discovery, from the light bulb to relativity, has been made while others weren't working on the same problem and making similar, if slightly slower, progress.

That's why they say necessity is the mother of invention, not a person or an institution or anything that could be credited to a single creator.

And if you think humans are still evolving according to selection pressure the way that other species have/do, you just don't understand how evolution actually works. The moment we gained self awareness and created social structures, we drifted so far from biological evolution that it's an entirely moot point in terms of future generations. The least adaptive of us now, on average, still lives through the entirety of our birthing/fertile years, while significant portions of a population dying during or prior to fertility is the only way that natural selection works. That or the existence of bachelor herds that lead to a very slim minority being the only ones to breed. Neither of those are the case with humans.

Ultimately, having kids to ensure your own legacy is possibly the most selfish reason you could create someone and thrust them into 80 years of what should be their own life.

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Ja Rule has really taken their art in a new direction

Where were you when John legend die?

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Only because the dreams of digital security and privacy (and functionality) died first. If I could be confident doing work and personal stuff on the same devices, I would.

Moore's point is that we shouldn't let the inability to eliminate that "what if," which was specifically designed to be non-disprovable, actually affect ontology. That problems and questions created by philosophers basically just to stump philosophical methods should be all but ignored since, by design, there clearly can't be an answer except that one thing is by far most likely, and the other thing cannot matter because we can't prove or act upon it or treat it as anything other than a manufactured source of doubt/skepticism.

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Having private, nice qualities in addition to those above in no way minimizes any of those above. "That's a deal breaker" -Liz Lemon

What about my understanding of evolution is incorrect, and how do you see natural selection working in present humans? Very possible that Dunning-Kruger is at play, but we may have to agree to disagree as to where...

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Say you're from California on the form and it'll change what you have to enter. You don't have to put in an address or verify CA residency.

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