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If you ever needed a lesson in the difference between power and authority, this is a good one.

The leaders of this coup read the rules and saw that they could use the board to remove Altman, they had the authority to make the move and “win” the game.

It seems that they, like many fools mistook authority for power. The “rules” said they could do it! Alas they did not have the power to execute the coup. All the rules in the world cannot make the organization follow you.

Power comes from people who grant it to you. Authority comes from paper. Authority is the guidelines for the use of power, without power, it is pointless.

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I have content I purchased on steam 19yrs ago. Shit was built for completely different hardware but I can go install and play it right now. The physical console games I bought that year only work in consoles that have long since broken. I can go play HL2 whenever I want, to play my copy of THPS3, I have to find and buy a PS2 that still works.

Digital ownership can apparently work just fine

Sony is reminding us that Sony is a shitty company. The company that bought you amazing technology like the memory stick (tm) probably cannot be trusted.

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This is a real rogues gallery of internet. And… a soccer team from Detroit. What the fuck did those guys do?

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“Privacy” means two different things depending on the audience. For me privacy means that my information is not being used to advance some organizations commercial interest. For others it means that my information will never be shared with a government.

Don’t advertise to me


Don’t narc on me

I guess I don’t really expect a company to resist pressure from government agencies on my behalf. Especially if I have been using their service to commit crimes in my country. If you are doing things your government would prefer you didn’t, hire a good lawyer and consult with them about what should be sent via email (spoiler, it’s nothing). The mafia doesn’t send emails, or put anything in writing, if you do crimes, you shouldn’t either.

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I am probably the perfect google customer. I used google search when it still had an exclamation point. I got my gmail account by invite in ‘04. Downloaded chrome on day one. I used nexus/pixel phones almost exclusively

Today, ddg search on Firefox. I am using an iPhone. I still have the gmail account but I am slowly migrating away from it. I am done with google. They don’t produce anything that has any value for me anymore.

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I would assume that once you have a first mover on this sort of thing the incentives to flip go WAY up. Probably are only a few really good deals on the table and it’s first come first serve for anybody that can serve trump to the prosecutor.

Bet we see a big name flip in the next 72hrs.

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Do what you want, but please stop posting jobs as remote unless you actually want to hire remote. I am applying for the posted remote job. I am open that I intend to work remote. Why the fuck am I getting an HR person on a phone screen telling me they really want people in the office??

Stop posting remote. You don’t want me and I don’t want you. We don’t need to talk!

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I know for a fact that Tesla puts parts on the road that have not completed validation testing. The majors would refuse deliver of parts at that lifecycle stage and Tesla is shipping them to customers.

They do not give a shit about safety. Tesla is a company that makes stock hype, the cars are an incidental byproduct.

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Frisco is the name of a city in Texas adjacent to Dallas where the paper and a published.

Why would they not use the name of the city in which the arrest took place?

Certainly you were not just posting some smug bullshit without even bothering to open the link…

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It’s fashionable to boil everything down to class warfare but this struggle is generational in a way that seems important. It’s probably not even fair to look at this like a systemic problem. We have an older generation that is fighting with everything they have to prevent power and wealth flowing to their children’s cohort. That’s not just “capitalism”. That is a unique pathology. I struggle to see analogs in history of this sort of thing.

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You gotta choose. Dig messy holes at home, make friends with china, or rapacious exploitation of developing nations.

Which one do you like best?

I’m not advocating for a bunch of nasty mines in my backyard. I’m just pointing out that “not mining” is a choice that is pretty ugly also.

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Bet a dollar that the campaign bought all the stupid shoes. Watch for them being handed out a donor events. Nifty little way to have the campaign pay his legal fees.

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I agree.

Even barring 3rd party shenanigans leaving dems in control of the WH. Haley will leave when her term is done, trump will not. I’d much rather take my chances on a less than favorable Haley-Biden matchup than make a wild, all-in bet for the future of the republic.

There is nothing about Haley that appeals to me but I hope she manages to pull this off somehow. I will sleep better, that’s for damn sure.

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The only difference between Haley and trump is that I am slightly more confident that Haley will leave the office when her term ends. Beyond that, same shit.

I have to know what the Detroit soccer team did to get so high on that list. Somebody here must know. Please!

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I’m reading along… web3?? Who is still using that word? Built on the blockchain?! God damn crypto dweebs tricked me into reading 300 words before the took the mask off., should have been able to piece it together. I have only myself to blame.

RTS did go mainstream and it indeed turned into games very different from old school SC et al.

Plants vs zombies and LoL are the descendants of the genre and are or at least were, HUGE. Tower defense and moba are the two evolutionary paths that RTS took.

Tower defense is super mainstream, but moba, while huge isn’t really mainstream in my opinion. But one things for sure, they don’t have much in common with SC except the lineage.

It’s really an incredible data point. I am the king of the youth vote skeptics but, 2022 was a great year for young voters. I am cautiously optimistic that a generation of regular voters is coming of age. Most of what is wrong with our democracy can be helped greatly by broader engagement and participation. So much of the bullshit only works because nobody can be bothered to show up to vote for any office other than the president.

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Nvidia is making a thing and selling it. No matter what happens with AI tech, they are going to keep their winnings.

Everybody else… well they borrowed/raised and spent a FORTUNE on R&D, chips, and electricity to make a product that has no realized commercial value (yet?). They are either going to figure out where the money comes from soon or the bills gonna come due. The next 12 months are going to be popcorn worthy if you like watching the tech industry.

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I feel like we are killing ourselves trying to solve the “few bad breaks but totally capable of participating” type of homelessness so that we can ignore the “I will never fit into your society” type of homeless. The solutions for the latter are much harder, both morally and financially.

It’s also politically expedient. The right loves the “worthy homeless bootstrap story” and the left loves that you can blame that homelessness on failures of capitalism. Nobody likes involuntarily committing people to long term inpatient care at public expense.

Some people get a really bad dice roll. Ignoring that doesn’t make it go away. It isn’t fair and we like stuff to be fair.

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So many different ways to cope with the horrifying idea that companies need us more than we need them. For this rare moment, just a sliver of time, we workers are not forced to prostrate ourselves at their feet. Instead of understanding that labor is a market and right now it’s a sellers market, they are inventing cultural changes to explain their sudden loss of fortune and power.

Millions of American workers died or became disabled due to a virus that we failed to handle responsibly. Millions more left the workforce to care for children or family members. All the while, demand for goods and services stayed strong. More work to do and fewer people to do it, gonna have to pay more for labor. It’s so fucking simple.

It’s not that I don’t care about work, it’s that I don’t care about YOU! I have other options my dude, cough up or I will find somebody who will.

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Politics is weird sometimes. Here was a thing that by law, didn’t matter. But still, it did kind of matter. By winning write in, it gets harder for the media to pretend that any of the also-rans are relevant to the race.

If someone else had won, that would be the only story today. Nothing would be juicier media than a sitting president losing a primary. The fact that Biden wasn’t on the ballot would fade into the background. Every news headline today would boil down to “trump strong, Biden weak”. And we’d slide just that much closer to dictatorship.

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This is a thing that sounds like some crazy uncle bullshit but it is actually completely true and non-controversial.

The scariest thing to a central banker when it comes to inflation is that wages might start to go up. When that happens the inflations is basically permanent.

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Wealth taxes are notoriously tricky when they have been implemented elsewhere. But, in all those cases people had the option to repatriate their wealth to the US. I’m not sure history would repeat it self if the biggest dog on the block got in the game.

Also, not having to worry about SS for 75 yrs is an amazing amount of breathing room for one of our countries best programs. Every American adult would be able to have confidence in the program they are paying into.

This is worth a try. If it fails, it fails. It will be trivially easy to roll back a tax that isn’t working. At least we would have tried.

But need to get dems into house control and another senate seat or two for it to actually happen. 2024 matters a LOT!

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This joke is both very good and EXTREMELY local.

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Somebody is getting nervous about those poll numbers in NH, huh.

His anxiety and flailing would bring me happiness if we weren’t on the brink of a disaster.

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Yeah, competitors setting their prices collectively is classic trust. The fact that they all hire a contractor who writes software to set the price, that doesn’t change anything. This is trust and it is against current law.

Unemployment is at record lows. Some sectors are hiring a lot more people than the tech sector is shedding. It’s not really complicated.

Job sectors come and go, grow and shrink. Imagine how silly I would sound if I said: “there is almost no work for horse cart builders but the gov says that unemployment is at record lows, how can this be?”

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Homey this is America in the 21st century. Hamburgers have political parties.

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It’s like the country can’t even imagine a younger person being credible for the jobs anymore. No matter where you are on the political spectrum, America has an 80yr old man for you to vote for!

Framing material in the US is called SPF, which means spruce pine fir. Any of those species may be used and they have similar enough engineering characteristics that they are interchangeable. Occasionally a building will be designed to use a specific species (southern yellow pine etc). But mostly we engineer stick built structures for SPF framing.

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I hate YouTube so fucking much. The internet was once a useful place where you could find the instructions for anything you could dream. Now it is a wasteland of SEO laden video. Google is a bloated stinking corpse and its rot is befouling the whole internet. Being “evil” was a distraction, being useless is the bigger crime.

Oh my, I live in MI and I always thought the DC fans were sort of wholesome. People taking pride in their city and building traditions. I’m not going to find out what you saw there but it bums me out.

Reddit is like a museum, except they don’t pay for the art, and the staff (docents, security, etc) are all volunteers. Further, they don’t sell tickets, rather they charge people to run concessions and gift shops on the premises.

Without the art, nobody comes and the vendors all quit. Without the staff the art will get vandalized and stolen, visitors leave, and the vendors all quit.

Reddit owns a warehouse where volunteers built something valuable for them. Fighting with the volunteers is next level dumb.

I’m not sure I fully understand the criticism to be perfectly honest. Is it actually possible to have a mega pop star of that type without them having a more intensive carbon footprint? Like she can’t really fly commercially for a lot of reasons. Tour schedules are one thing but can you imagine the scene it would make?

Fame is really just letting one person, who we consider special for some reason, use the resources of many. They get to live an extravagant lifestyle and we get the cultural benefit their work.

Bottom line: private jet travel seems to me like a requirement of her job. I’m not about to sit here and shame everyone for the carbon output that their job requires of them. She is not some capital class, passive income, leech. The lady works.

FWIW, I don’t really think I could name or identify one of her songs. Everything I know about her is what bleeds through into my media sphere. She could be a real shitheal for all I know.

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I think it’s slightly weirder than that. MSM has been running stories about how weak Biden is as a candidate all year. But when it comes time to vote, turns out it was all bullshit to get attention and clicks.

Now, to them, Biden lambasting the other “serious” candidates is a big story. The media has to pretend it is a surprise since they invented an idea that it might not happen this way.

Like some sort of reverse judo move on yourself.

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Amazingly native English speakers the world over seem to have this genetic predisposition! All of us just can’t seem to get it together when it comes to becoming multilingual.

OR… maybe it comes from being born into mastery of the language everyone else on earth is trying to learn. I get three words in Spanish out before my conversation partner asks to switch to English. What am I gonna do? Stamp my feet and demand I get to practice my hobby and deny them the opportunity to work on a valuable career skill. Nah. We’ll speak in English.

Your ancestors (assuming you are British) created a global language hegemony. My ancestors moved from southern Italy to the US and learned their language.

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Investments? Do customers cost you money? That’s now how any of this is supposed to work. I’m not sure the CEO of HP knows anything about business. Dude, the customers are supposed to give YOU the money.

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I really don’t have a deep knowledge of what is going on here but I am curious about the language we are using. Why “gangs” and not “rebels” or something similar? Seems like these groups are attempting to wrest control of the state. Anybody who has a richer perspective want to help me understand it better?

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The competition! lol! Activision is going to put out 2 games this year. Whatever will we play now that these 2 games are owned by a platform holder?

You are correct though that there are a million cool ass games you can play right now and put your money in the pockets of people who make THINGS instead of people who make value for shareholders.