Politically Incorrect

@Politically Incorrect@lemmy.world
2 Post – 278 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

When the antivirus becomes the virus..

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Biden it's a Zionist, he said it..

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99% of the times when something like this happens it's about money, so just follow the money..

What about if you use a smart home power socket?

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Never trust on Google.

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Money isn't everything in life..

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It's such a thing a privately federated system? Seems like an ideological contradiction..

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Fucking greedy corps.. 🖕🖕

Learn how to use Docker containers

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Christofascists and Zionists are pretty good friends, and as they are at the head of both countries it's pretty reasonable for them to support eachother country.

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1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell that depicts a totalitarian society ruled by the Party and its leader, Big Brother. The novel follows Winston Smith, a low-ranking member of the Party who works in the Ministry of Truth, where he alters historical records to suit the Party's propaganda. Winston secretly rebels against the Party by keeping a diary, having a forbidden love affair with Julia, and joining the Brotherhood, a resistance group. However, he is eventually betrayed by O'Brien, a Party official who pretends to be a member of the Brotherhood, and is tortured and brainwashed into loving Big Brother. The novel ends with Winston's complete submission to the Party and its ideology.

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If someone it's interested at reading about the effects of TV and internet into modern culture you should read a book named Homo-videns by Giovanni Sartori.

Beside the book, I believe the boom of ADHD diagnostics could be related to modern technology use and its effects on brain development, psychological and emotional.

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Used to be atheist when I was young, after I read religious books I changed my perspective about it and now I am agnostic.

Now I believe atheism it's like a religion also

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Translation: if you want a chill woman move to Indonesia..

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The most expensive mp3 of his life..

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I prefer Orange Pi over Raspberry Pi

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Pretty reasonable mate, personally as I speak English and Spanish it's very simple to use inclusive lang in English, but in Spanish it's a mess.

Thx for your POV.

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I believe iPhone users are less tech savvy so I believe they are more likely to have a problem which can be easily solved.

Skate parks

Only US corps can sell US people info, Chinese corps can't..

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Wealthy people have decades using the slow legal system and other legal loopholes to take advantage of the capitalist system, they made the capitalist system so obviously they made it to work better for them than for the 99%.

The question it's what America would do without that cheap labor force..

In my humble POV I believe closing the border with the #1 business partner of the US isn't a good idea.

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I believe they will have to start smuggling their product the old-fashioned way, I mean like the cartels do with illegal drugs.

What about if the govt just pay them 51% of the stocks of the company qnd nothing else?They keep the 49% but the govt will be at charge..

Fuck the pigs!! Fuck the CIA and the feds!!


Humanitarian support to Gaza it's just a propaganda smokescreen to convince uncommitted Dems of voting for Biden.

Smartphone batteries usually get damaged between 2-3 years of use, nowadays it doesn't matter if you use slow or fast charge that it's being determined by the charging cycles supported by the battery at the moment of the manufacture, I suggest you to learn how to disassembly your own phone and buy a replacement online to avoid big extra charges, it's more easy than it seems.

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The fucked up thing it's people are voting for him, so I truly don't know what's actually most fucked up..

Always wondered WTF about Americans just wanting to make an excuse to do a mass-shot of any bullshit..

Good that punk got out of the streets, but really? Having so much reasons to do a mass-shot and some people planning to do it cos women rejected them? LMAO.

I know you can buy guns but are not they supposed to be for self-protect?

Can't imagine living in a constant fear of being caught in a mass-shot.

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Anti-zionism isn't anti-semitism..

Status costs, you can't wanna be a gossip wannabe WO spending anything..

For example using "they" instead of "he" or "she".

I speak Spanish too so it's a little bit more complicated than English.

Edit: I believe you can use "it" too if someone feels like a thing.

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Obvious the rich didn't pay tax at all, evade the most time possible to paid it or use tricks to pay the most less posible, it's a classic, the middle and low class are the ones which pay the majority of tax and in time, it's the way capitalism work.

The funny thing it's how some people are proud of paying tax while the rich didn't pay a fuck LMAO.

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Don't take it social media too serious mate, just have some funny time here..

I have never used conditioner in my whole life and I'm doing pretty fine 👍👍

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I don't think so, I'm using a VPN server in Russia LMAO!!