Herding Llamas

@Herding Llamas@lemmy.world
0 Post – 30 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I really like tofu too! It's great as it is and I would rather eat it than meat, but for me at least meat is FAR better / tastier than tofu. But like I said despite I love meat, I avoid eating it the best I can. So give me the tofu and Thanks for arguing it's better.

Boy I'm getting super sick of these, "Millennials are doing this ____ , gen Zers are ruining that ____ , boomers are mad about ____" articles. Having one less thing to divide us as people would be nice right about now.

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EVs are great in 999 ways out of 1000, but let's find one extreme example of how they may not work perfectly in extreme conditions that won't happen to the majority of people. There are obvious bias things in the article, as with many anti-EV articles as gas companies pour millions every year into anti-EV articles. Do they mention gas stations are turned off around fires for obvious reasons so gas vehicles also have issues - nope. There are simple obvious solutions around this that are simply not presented.

It just reminds me of an article that I read everywhere about how a tesla blew up. Nearly every article talked about it like it just spontaneously blew up. Nearly no article mentioned that it blew up after it collided into a huge boulder on the road. Nor did they mention that the driver was totally fine as it caught fire half an hour after the accident. Or the obvious, that gas cars can also blow up but they slam into a boulder at high speeds.

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Why is this coming out now? Like we know... Why is this a news story, now? I am absolutely not a conspiracy theorist, but this makes me feel like one. Is something going to happen to Saudi Arabia... Are some powers at be trying to sway public opinion for some reason?

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Yeah... But not just reading. If found that I have to explain extremely basic story plots or what happened in a movie to people. Like they never watched anything that happened in it.

Unlike spiders, Daddy Longlegs don't spin webs because they do not produce silk. Daddy Long Legs actually have only two eyes unlike spiders who have eight. Another difference is that Daddy Longlegs are not venomous. They do not have fangs or venom glands. - from Google.

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Tipping is of course a major issue not just in the US, but in many other countries as well. There are a lot of good books written over the years on the subject. One was written by a career waitress that is worth reading and how it leads to the acceptance of sexual abuse of the waitresses.

It's fun to think about changing it and everyone just stopping it. If this is an important issue to you try and change it. If no one fights for what is right and progress things will only get worse.

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This is today's version of "Eskimos (Inuit, I know, but that's not how the memes went) have __40 __65 250( insert your number, it won't be wrong) words for snow. This is for the same reason and is now largely known as wrong.

The problem is even German people (I live in Germany) also believe that they have a larger more expressive language than (for example) English... When it isn't true. German has either 5.3 million++ words or 135,000 depending on how you count them. In reality you can endlessly combine words in German together, but it very rarely makes it a "new word".

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I miss communities that I can ask a question to. When I have a problem with a plant, or a legal issue in Japan, or a question about bike brakes... It's nice to have someone to talk to about it that knows more than I do.

I find it's helpful to mention what you can do to avoid them and their creation.

Where are PFAS found? Cleaning products. Water-resistant fabrics, such as rain jackets, umbrellas and tents. Grease-resistant paper. Nonstick cookware. Personal care products, like shampoo, dental floss, nail polish, and eye makeup. Stain-resistant coatings used on carpets, upholstery, and other fabrics.

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Oh this dude is definitely gay.

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Yes and no. It is not in your face anti EV, that would be too obvious and it does not need to be. Answer a few questions for yourself (don't worry answering them to me).

Will this article make people want to buy a EV as their only car?

Is this article mostly for or against EVs? Would you say it's 80 or 90 percent about the problems of owning a EV?

Does this article have fair criticism of gas cars and gas Infrastructure in wild fires? Do they even mention the issues with gas cars and fires?

Will people question the safety of a EV after reading this?

They address peoples personal safety while charging, specifically for woman (the most likely buyer of a EV). They talk about back areas, poorly lit places where you are alone and they could be dangerous. How will this make women feel when considering their next car purchase?

The US like everywhere has a history of nearly 100% gas cars and gas car infrastructure. To have a article pointing out that gas car infrastructure is better than electric vehicles infrastructure is shortly said as no shit, how is that not obvious? So then what's the point of pointing out the obvious? More importantly what's the cause of pointing this out? More people will consider not buying a EV. When less people buy a EV there will be less infrastructure for them. See where this is going?

I get it, you feel like we need to talk about the problem to fix them. But do we? Is this not obvious already? Do we all not know that taking a EV into remote areas and wildfires may not the the best of ideas?

I use Jebora and am happy, is there something important I'm missing? I was a Reddit is Fun user before and I like both because of how simple and basic they are. I hated the official reddit app for the reasons above.

Edit: the one thing I don't like is you can't, or I don't know how, to collapse all child comments.

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Does the thing he crashed into pop up, or was that thing always up and he thought that he could get through it or something? Or didn't see it?

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Why does our population have to always be sharply growing forever? Isn't there enough humans? We are a plague that's starting to kill it's host already.

I haven't looked it up but these websites and programs are always funded by huge shitty companies as the rich loose money and power with population decline. We are not running out of people on this earth. We have taken over nearly all of it for us and our food. Would it really be so bad if there was 1 billion less people? Would climate change be better? Yep. Would there be more resources for everyone? Yep. Our over usage of water would be fixed. Simply having less of us would make so many things better.

Population decline needs to happen, it's foolish to think we can keep increasing forever.

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I'll throw down a recommendation for ground news (app). They take the news, organize it and show you the same article from left center and right. They show you your blind spots in news as well (stuff that is on the other side of you).

Anyone have anything against it or other recommendations?

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What did you do OP... Just tell your SO that your best friend installed tinder on your phone as a joke...

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Antibabypille - contraception

Stinktier (stinky animal) - skunk

Stinkfrucht (smelly fruit) - durian

Krankenhaus (sick house) - hospital

Krankenwagen (sick wagon) - ambulance

Krankenschwester (sick sister) - nurse

Handschuhe (hand shoe) - glove

Durchfall (through fall) - diarrhoea

Regenschirm (rain shield) - Umbrella

Stachelschwein (‘spikey pig’)= Porcupine

‘Pustblume’ (blow flower) = dandelion seed head

Sauerstoff (sour stuff) - oxygen

Wasserstoff (water stuff) - hydrogen

Totenkopf (dead head)💀 - scull


Good point, sorta but not buying prevents it's creation regardless of its safety while being used.

Honest question, what about when it comes off after being applied? Looking at Nonstick pans. They are notably something that flecks off the coating in your food.

Or prolonged direct skin contact from clothing, and then washing that clothing, tent, or other item. Washing it does removes some of PFAS into the water supply.

I don't know about you all, but after cleaning something with water resistance, I end up reapplying it with something like scotch guard. I have no idea how many cans of scotch guard I've used (I love outdoor activities). Never used gloves or a mask using that stuff.


wouldn't it be funny if I sold doors, door-to-door.

Key Account Management

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Hey, yeah I assumed. Just looking for a chuckle.

Many populations are in decrease but is that a bad thing? At our current population and consumption rate we would need over two earth's to sustain us. We're destroying rainforests for their land, our rivers are going dry because of agricultural usage, we have fished many parts of the ocean to a point of collapse. Imagine if we had to feed, cloth and house one billion less people. Yay. Would it be hard economically, yep, but we should still do it.

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Correct, my bad, just googled it. we need 1.75 earth's to sustain us, not 2... 😂 But that doesn't change that we only have one. If everyone lived like the people in the US (which is the global direction of things) we would need 4 earth's. Four earth's!

And you and I can give our opinions about population growth or decline but what is the professional concensus on the topic? Are we projecting a decline or growth in the next 50 years? Or 100 years?

Got any solutions for when too many people are in one place and not enough in another? I know immigration is scary for some people, but they can get over it. I can think of a few counties that have already.

Anyone know or can find who funds them? I can't.

I'm Curious. it looks very very symmetrical. What asymmetrical part are you talking about? The lights in the windows?

Or do both?

All child comments, the entire post. It makes finding things easier then going into the replys if I want to. Usually child comments are less helpful.

Honest question: aren't they already (despite and including their problems) safer than human drivers? They expectations shouldn't be perfection (especially at their beginning point), but simply better than us... Which shouldn't be hard.

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