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Yes, but if it's criminalized you get to remove the eyesore of struggling poor people with the added benefit of fines and imprisonment.

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It's getting to the point that you can't sleep anywhere legally unless you're paying someone for the space you're occupying. Most of the cities near me have destroyed the woods that homeless people lived in, forcing them to move and leaving behind a weird ass looking stand of trees.

I used to work with homeless people and as much as being outside sucks, shelters can be worse. We had people in their 70s who went to shelters and slept on the floor, their heads almost touching their neighbors. They had their meds stolen and had to sleep on top of their belongings to keep them safe. A lot of people chose to sleep outside in the summer because they felt safer.

  1. The officer shot exactly 1 time and shot in a non-lethal manner (the hand was shot). This was not a murder attempt, this was in a way the extra mile, the kid will hopefully make a full recovery.

It's hard to tell if the shot was intentional. The office is talking to the kid and exiting his vehicle when he shoots him. Cops aim at your center, not your hands.

  1. The fake gun is not an orange tipped fake, it's very similar to a real looking gun. The kid also was not with friends "playing pretend" or anything like that.

Orange tips haven't stopped police from shooting people in the past. They've even claimed criminals paint orange tips on real guns. If he were playing with friends police would probably be responding to reports of an armed gang.

  1. The officer does have a messy history, particularly when alcohol is involved and when off duty, but was entirely sober at the time of the shooting and has never been known to be drunk while on duty.

I'm not seeing anywhere that the cop had his BAC tested, or that he was tested for any substances after this shooting.

  1. We have had issues in the past few years locally particularly with teen violence. They've been trying to solve it, but some kids are carrying guns and robbing people, some kids have been carrying guns to protect themselves from the other kids, and evidently some kids are carrying fake guns too.

I'm not sure what your point is. Should police treat teens in your area as threats because some are carrying real guns?

This kid will absolutely have mental distress and is probably going to be terrified of cops forever. And if the officer did do something wrong and they get to the bottom of it, then what? This cop has already proven he's a danger and hasn't faced any real consequences.

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And people being ambushed generally don't have time to check if their attackers unmarked vehicle has emergency lights.

25 more...

Good. Fuck Butt Fart Texas. Books should not be censored for words. I remember a teacher in maybe 7th grade reading a book outloud with the word fuck in it, and he just said it and kept reading, he.knew the book well. I gained a lot of respect for that teacher and listened to him because I felt like he wasn't going to censor what he taught us.

It would be incredibly hard to intentionally shoot someone in the hand in this type of situation. I don't think his hand was the intended target. The cop hasn't even fully exited his cruiser when he shoots. It says he shot him within seconds of the encounter.

The cop isn't acting like the kid is a threat to him. He rolls up maybe 15 feet away, directly in his line of sight, talks to him through the window, and starts to exit his cruiser. He didn't observe from a distance, or seek cover, or call for backup. He needlessly put himself in danger if he thought this kid was going to try to kill him.

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Not sure that I have ADHD, but when I remember to, I put the empty bottle on the floor outside of the shower. I still forget or can't deal with it when I get out sometimes, but it won't sit on the floor indefinitely like it will if left in the shower.

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How the fuck did his shot save the kids life? Him shooting at the kid is what put his life in danger.

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Can't pay the fine, believe it or not, jail.

Yeah, I'm in my 40s and just now being tested. Based on the one test I did, it seems I probably have it. If I do it will explain a lot of my struggles, but thinking about all that lost time being untreated is gonna tear me up a bit. I always heard ADHD was one of those made up illnesses and all boys are hyper, and I believed that for a long time.

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Crosses my mind multiple times a day. I'd probably die, but I'd be free.

Yeah, we can see the lights from the video's perspective, that doesn't prove Dexter saw them. If we're going off what the video shows, it doesn't look like they pulled him over, it looks like they boxed him in with their vehicle.

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I kinda doubt white people are experiencing daily racism in Coeur d'Alene.

Why do you need people to feel surprised by something that's been happening their entire lives? I'd rather people show outrage and make racists garbage humans like the ones in this article afraid to live in society. Right now they're fucking flourishing.

It's far enough that recording clear video in darker settings would be harder since most zoom lenses suck in low light. Audio would be harder to pickup as well.

This is not shocking. It happens all the time. Racial slurs and threats of violence shouldn't be accepted, but they are expected. I do agree that people should be upset.

1000 high paying tech jobs aren't going to help people living in poverty. Tax money could, though.

HR update:

If death of an employee is certain, ensure employee positions their body as shown in figure 1. If positioned correctly, spasms from the deceased can be capitalized on to produce additional value for the company post mortem.

There were a lot of positions other than RNs that are disgustingly under paid and over worked, like CNAs.

Gotta keep the community pure.

That's a good outlook to have. Best of luck to you.

No one is putting their entire retirement into the stock market, so they're not doubling the amount.

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I'll add, as a minority there are neighborhoods that are off limits because I know I would not be accepted, and, I have an "ethnic" name, so I assume some bias may be held towards people selling in neighborhoods like that.

Sweet, I didn't realize I could double $0.