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Joined 9 months ago

I own a Mach e. Seeing Ford that high is terrifying to think how bad it can get because as high as Ford is on that list, it sucks pretty bad.

Slay the spire is like 8 bucks and disco elsyium is like 4 but that's about it.

He literally tweeted admitting it though...

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Immich but it has a lot of breaking changes, good news is that going stable is on their road map for this year. They also joined FUTO.

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Yeah but AI is so hot right now, we just need to make an article about it.

Cloud sync also requires the drm, but the advantage that gog and itch have over steam is that for most games you just get the executables and you're good to go.

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Door dash takes waaaay too much on bs fees from restaurants. If you have to use their app I'd suggest using it to browse menus, calling the restaurant directly and asking if they deliver and order it through them, heck pick up if you can. Fuck all these greedy apps nickle and diming everything.

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No Sharon, it was a spooky ghost, this is ectoplasm!!!

I'm curious as to what led people to believe otherwise before this update. I don't use chrome but I recall it always being reffered to as porn mode. Meaning it just doesn't save browsing history, no more no less.

Did Google have misleading wording implying it was doing anything else?

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Buy it, give it a face-lift, add chat and then kill it, all within 2 years.

Can I uninstall Facebook entirely? That would be the real breakthrough.

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The hardest thing about switching communication apps is that you have to convince everyone you talk with to switch as well. I'm stuck in WhatsApp because that's what my friends and family all use.

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My experience with starfield is "ughh this is annoying, ughh this part sucks, oooh thats kinda cool" and then I check my save file and have over 130 hours. So basically my typical Bethesda experience. 10/10 would do again.

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Just get a color laser printer, learn how to refill toner carts and buy or flash the chips. Even a monkey can do that! /s

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I'm no expert in the field, but I think he was joking...

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It's more than just bots, a lot are copy pasted 5 star reviews on shitty products. Or take for instance when sellers are allowed to completely change the listing but still have old reviews from a totally different product. Hopefully this is what they will filter out.

Yeah... I switched to an mvno less than a week after I got the text. I'm now paying half of what I used to for the same service (even the same network)

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I use it to manage my subdomains, something like notes.mywebsite.com would point at my trillium instance while photos.mywebsite.com would point at my my immich container it has more uses but that's my extent. I just have an instance of a cloud flare dns updater keeping my domain in sync with my ip so I don't have to do that manually when it changes.

So in my scenario cloud flare is just part of my setup.

Finally someone who shares my sentiment on the whole "this game feels so empty" complaints. I WISH it felt empty, at least then you could feel like the first person to step foot on a planet, but nope, this random ass moon in the fringes of space just happens to have a solar farm or an abandoned robotics lab :(

Because my city planners are dicks and there's highways between me and everything I would need with no clear and safe bike paths anywhere 🙁

This feels like new world and lost ark all over again. Huge hype while twitch bounties are up and then the player base will tank. Hopefully I'm wrong since it's always nice to see small dev companies win.

So with apple being shit and me not really liking samsung recently, what Android phones are good? I'm eyeing Lenovo since they make solid laptops but are they any better?

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Even when you plan ahead on a road trip there's a pretty high chance half the chargers are down and there's a queue of cars waiting. Made it to the next stop on my last trip with 4 miles to spare. That was a nerve-wracking drive.

Now I gotta check plug share to see recent reviews on stations and decide whether or not to take my ev.

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For 1k you can build a beast.

Just throwing out an option if you aren't aware, gohardrives on ebay and on their site sell used Hdds. 10Tb for $80. The catch is they've been used in data centers for 5 years. The company will guarantee the drives for an addition 5 years and it could save you a lot of money depending on how much you want to risk it. I went with 3, one being a parity drive in case other goes bad.

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You wanna hear something mind-blowing? When I go to a library and don't like a book I just don't read it...

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Openstreetmaps let's you write some insanely precise queries. There's a company around that had as a plan to team up with governments to pinpoint mass shooters when they were streaming (as a usage case).

So say in the video it was clear they were in X city and they see things in the video like McDonald's, Starbucks, fenced in playgrounds, churches, what have you you can give the query a bounding box with all that info and very quickly narrow down where the video could be taken.

I think there was also some people who would pinpoint images from mountain outlines as a game. Kind of like geoguessr on steroids.

Trillium although I wish it has multiple users on the same instance, other than that it's amazing and suits my needs.

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My last flash was a random ass script I found on github and 3 alligator clips one the chip pads to reset it, jabky af but felt soooo nice being able to reset it on my own.

Problem is idiots will see an authors last name being Gay and immediately call for a ban without even knowing what's in the book.

Didn't they sell $700 casters for THEIR Mac pro. FUCKING CASTERS!!!

Then... Log out?

After Google reader died and feedly became a subscription I said never again and just started self hosting my own. Currently using fresh rss and have used tiny tiny rss, both are excellent options.

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Walmart sells Sceptre 4k tvs which are dumb, sure they aren't OLED or have amazing refresh rates but they are the perfect TV for most people, it's much easier to chuck and buy a new $20 streaming device when updates make it crawl to a near stop than it is to do the same with a $600+ TV.

I like plex better but damn is it bloated, had to take a almost an hour digging through settings to turn all those plex features off. Now it feels more back to basics.

Did starfield pass the reddit baton of hate already?

Yeah as much as I'd love for them to succeed since there's not many game shops around my area, their changes are really fucking annoying. Also upping their free shipping min to $80 is insane.

I wish I could've like next cloud more, but it seemed bloated as all hell and was slow regardless of what machine I tried running it on :(. I might give it another go one day.

Correction, a funko pop themed pawn shop that just happens to have video games.

I don't this this warrants an article, we can all tell.

Pretty sure it does, same with bundled gpus