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Similarly, there's System Admin Girl★まんがでわかるLinux シス管系女子 Imported a physical edition just for the quirky factor of a Linux Admin manga, but it is pretty well made and does explain pretty well some bits (even if from the first episode, they explain how to do VNC if i remember, from a Ubuntu 16.04 LTS desktop, so fairly easy and old) but it still on-going !

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Okay, so it wasn't VNC, it was ssh stuff instead.

Here's an actual FOSS cross-platform alternative with Windows, Mac and Linux (Need to be manually compiled and still experimental) https://screen-play.app https://gitlab.com/kelteseth/ScreenPlay

Actually, it's far more limited than those options. The main advantage however, is the Manifest V3 support of it, meaning that such extension can be used on limited web browser that enforce it. Which isn't a lot.

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Worthy actual open-source alternatives :

However, I still use UmbrelOS as compared to all of those, It's the only one which seems to work well with my RPI4 and the connected drive with it, despite my modest Linux knowledge (Fedora and Arch on mobile user), and Umbrel being unsecure and retaining app versions compared to upstream.

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Try helping ScreenPlay support Linux, it's probably the closest alternative other than that kde-plasma reverse engineering port of Wallpaper Engine. You just need to compile it manually. https://screen-play.app/ https://gitlab.com/kelteseth/ScreenPlay

Doesn't seems like it. Had some difficulties finding it, because it's mostly only on Telegram

https://t.me/s/rutheniumos https://blog.rutheniumos.ru/

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Because most don't bother with having a billboard for a thing they already paid for. Even if the question of "Wow, what is that phone ?" could just be answered by the one who bought it, by themselves, instead of the interested to check out the logos and markings.

If you want something a little easier to install, and especially, allow fixing a couple of those issues safely, and automatically, you can try antidot .

xdg-ninja do already use the antidot rules natively, it's mostly for those who don't want to manually do the safest/easiest of fixes. It should be safe to use alongside xdg-ninja.

Well, i believe in all showcased cases from people here, they are NOT replacing sudo entirely (Except if some are from BSD or if I'm incorrect with this assumption). They are just replacing their user habit with doas and use that command instead. In the end, all unix scripts or apps expect using sudo (If not, su) so... ### What's even the need to ?

  • Size : Installed on top of the already system present sudo.
  • Security : Only perhaps if you made a sudo alias to doas (But since it isn't entirely 1:1 identical, if anyone have a cleaner way of implementing that, I'm all hear)
  • Simplicity : You now have two tools. A easy to use keycard, and a key. The second is more complicated to use, so you use it rarely but it's still two tools instead of one.
  • Less dependencies : Again, unless you can actually replace it ENTIRELY, it's just an added tool (Still almost dependency free)

Really looking to corrections if i do some

Doesn't answer OP question. OsmAnd doesn't use or support Material 3 / Material You design system.

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Nobody blamed them here, as far i read.

Beat the main purpose of GrapheneOS. Open the phone to a broad lot of security issues.

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And, that their UPlay (Don't care aboyt the rename) launcher is probably one of the other companies, useless launcher which work the best via wine.

As someone said in that article, command. It's just Android WebView. They are plenty of lightweight apps that allow you to use it as a such.

Strongly recommend it. It even automatically fetches icons for the games via SteamGridDB (Even if they could totally just fetch it from Steam). Ain't really a fix for games using Proton, however, or making sandboxed Discord versions to get those local RPC implementation, just an alternative and more efficient way to show what you play on Steam.

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Stop it [send] Mom [send] This is [send] your warning [send] ⚠️ [send] ... [send] Did you even read Mom ? [sent 53 photos]

Aggree with common sense, but more difficult to establish with some people.

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*on Lemmy. Except if you really meant to ask for Lemmy contributors.

Here's a full repo listing third-party stuff for Discord including clients. https://github.com/Discord-Client-Encyclopedia-Management/Discord3rdparties ::: spoiler Spoiler None of them exist on Android. You have Discord clients mods like the recommended pre-react version, Aliucord which while outdated (But still working and supported by the project !) fix the slowness issues of the current version. Vencord has a proof-of-concept WPA app too but it's still mostly just browsing the main website so it ain't ideal. I would like to point out Beeper https://www.beeper.com/, which is Matrix based and aim to easily use their self-hosted (Or your self-hosted !) bridges to different services, including Discord ! Not ideal outside of small servers or just DM's however (but you can customize which synced servers you want in it). :::

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Also suggest the advice of getting an external audio interface. That wy, no drivers shenanigans, as it should be. For me, an Audio-Technica AT2020 XLR works great. Been using some cheap Tonor ones before too.

Spotify Lite for you, and me.

Sadly still stuck on the OG lemmy.ml. Still waiting impatiently to be able to migrate my account to an another smaller instance.

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Two. One classic one and a specific rectangular neck position pillow. I had used only one pillow for years until i met one of my ex. She had around 7 pillows around her bed and used them aplenty, almost as she never wanted to touch the actual bed surface with her head.

Glad to have found one, who share the intent. It was a "polite" way of specifically pointing out those awful browsers that restrict only ManifestV3 usage. Some Chromium based projects say they reverted such change on their versions, but I'm having doubt on them, actually maintaining V2 support for themselves. This post was sponsored by the Mozilla Firefox gang.

Interested by that book. Heard about those individual facts but want to learn more about it !

Oooh :c

Oh, there's a third way. Like DuckDuckGo & Qwant for example. Just have sponsored ads unrelated to you, or ads related to the specific search only (Without detailing your actual search terms to the one buying the ads) and selected companies in such "store" articles results.

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I absolutly love open ear bone conduction headphones. Really help getting to your surrounding without any audio leak from your headphones. Too bad that i never found one who didn't broke. Shockz ones broke the neck security thing and the left ear headphone. JBL ones can't be recharged anymore onto the right one, as it seems that the earphone doesn't connect fine with the pins in the charging case anymore. And i even tried a cabled one, hoping this one would break as easily. The cable broke connection and it only work if you hold the cable at a specific angle (unusuable in most usages)

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It is. If well maintained, upstream/identical in features compared to the Windows one, and have some same degrees of support possible with it; I think it's better than running it via Proton. But both is good, was still worth showcasing that find.

I mean, it could also just be me too. I forgot the ticket for the shokz. Bought it "reconditioned" by Amazon for the JBL (and not possible to be repaired by JBL in that case). I would suggest you one tip from those with a back ring security thing, don't lay on the back with it. Even if you rotate it to the entire back of your neck. I didn't broke it there for those that obviously, but i feel it may have loosened it.

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I sadly haven't found a game with those criterias too. I've been compensating it by using a WPA, with freesolitaire.win. It ain't FOSS buuuut seems easier to found a potential FOSS contender.

Reading List

It's based on uBlock Origin, so you can add more Filter lists to compensate for that. Also note that it specifically unblock ads considered by the EFF as non-tracking. (But they are pretty rare)

It doesn't make use of the games original Discord RPC integrations, and their more-in-depth game details that it can bring. See https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/wiki/Enabling-Discord-Rich-Presence or https://github.com/EnderIce2/rpc-bridge for ways to fix it.

Fairly certain Silence does allow you to block those. If not, it got plenty of other block options. And it's Free and Open Source !

https://github.com/reMarkable/linux At that, there are ways to hack it of course (Fairly certain it “ruins” some returns/warranty policies, but if you can in those cases, you can easily revert the modified bits if needed)

tl;dr : if you want to try to hack it safely, heads up to : https://remarkable.guide/

If you would like to run a pre-made Debian chroot on it. Saw other distros from other users https://github.com/Eeems-Org/remarkable-debian-chroot

If you would like to use (Not fully replace for stability/recovery concerns) another launcher which is MIT licensed https://github.com/Eeems-Org/oxide

You can install the “vanilla” (minus extra bits) kernel via Toltec https://toltec-dev.org/stable/#section-launchers

Aaaand, if you want to go the full libre way, there's a port of parabola on it sold here http://www.davisr.me/projects/parabola-rm/ Article here https://hackaday.com/2020/09/06/a-free-software-os-for-the-remarkable-e-paper-tablet/


If you have the UI layer able to grant root access, it has root access itself and is not sandboxed. If the UI layer can grant it, an attacker gaining slight control over it has root access. An accessibility service trivially has root access. A keyboard can probably get root access, and so on. Instead of a tiny little portion of the OS having root access, a massive portion of it does.

In the verified boot threat model, an attacker controls persistent state. If you have persistent root access as a possibility then verified boot doesn't work since persistent state is entirely trusted.

A userdebug build of AOSP or GrapheneOS has a su binary and an adb root command providing root access via the Android Debug Bridge via physical access using USB. This does still significantly reduce security, particularly since ADB has a network mode that can be enabled. Most of the security model is still intact. This is not what people are referring to when they talk about rooting on Android, they are referring to granting root access to apps via the UI not using it via a shell.

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I just whitelist ads/domains which follow EFF DNT standard (Automatically via AdNauseaum but should be working with any Adblock Plus/uBlock Origin standard adblockers https://github.com/dhowe/AdNauseam/wiki/FAQ#how-and-why-does-adnauseam-make-exceptions-for-non-tracking-ads). https://www.eff.org/files/effdntlist.txt As you can see, this whitelist isn't that long, hence I do block most of the ads with my ad blocker. Outside individual exceptions, that's the only whitelist I have. Other than that, It's no pity. Doing so, I don't think I really ruin other individual's revenue, which are still done via ads online. Nowadays, it's more of sponsored content or affiliation links it seems, as advertisers adapt to the popularity of adblocker users instead of trying to fight them by being more and more aggressive with them (Which has been found to just reduce actual potential website users if it's too aggressive with pop-ups and all).

A tad unrelated, they are complaining mostly about the sold micro-nas they sell.
