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A side as opposed to either side is how it should be. But don’t take my word for it, George Washington allegedly warned us of the potential perils of a two-party system on his deathbed but I’m unsure if that is common myth or actually true

Yeah I heard Australia has some issues with gaps between pine trees, a certain boyboy told me ;)

Microsoft just seems to be trying various methods of shooting itself in the foot.

I guess maybe they really didn’t learn from the 80s/90s….

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Yeah they’ll take that bonus and then dip to another company and get a big resignation party and golden parachute while the rest of us stare in amazement

  • somebody who has worked at these types of companies

Edit: Grammar is good and stuff

They may have actually been inspired by Apple lmao (or maybe the other way around)

I’m a recovering Adobe-holic because their software is good at processing my drone photo DNG files

Jokes aside I heard Fedora is good for gaming

Yes, seriously lol

This should be reposted to upliftingnews lol

I have literally filed a BBB complaint in the past for HP over their stupid ink subscription being fucky

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At night this situation is even worse as the trucks headlights shine level with small car windows just right into the side mirrors and through the rear window into the rear view mirror. Without mirror dimming it is hell, rear views have auto or manual dimming but many cars don’t have any for side mirrors. And headlights nowadays are bright white LEDs and coincidentally huge on trucks because of course. Still don’t stop their drivers hitting pedestrians and stuff apparently either lol

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Out of curiosity I tried searching just nude yoga as a string and all the results were clothed clickbait. I guess maybe I’m a little rusty at finding softcore porn on normally ‘clean’ sites since I haven’t been a youngin using my parents old laptops in quite some time lol not a necessary skill as an adult I guess

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The mouth open part is so common but why it just looks stupid and is now synonymous with clickbait

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Uhh relevant username?

Well of course he shouldn’t title posts that, it’s spelled shid fard

It’s freshly available as generic this year so no more having to perform PhD dissertations each year to get insurance to cover it. Prior authorizations are dumb af. Why would I lose my need for a medication once a year every year? And why are not-doctors making decisions on which drugs I am given?

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We actually liked them when my elementary school was being renovated a million years ago when I was a child because they had AC and the old unrenovated buildings didn’t

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Omg that’s golden

I see the most random fucking videos get age restricted forcing sign-in lol

Not very fun fact: The developer from that video got arrested for cp possession

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Do the needful

What a piece of shit

Tell that to my weed pls

I’m not used to seeing anyone who knows this so well on lemmy or reddit

I spent too long trying to figure out what chickpeas did wrong lol

I’m not trans myself and don’t know anyone that is but from my background in powerlifting my guess is this is because basically any oral testosterone is brutal for the liver to break down and process

I literally picked up class 2 (dextroamphet tablets) yesterday it was sent electronically through the escribe system as it has been monthly since covid. Before covid it was paper only which being monthly is annoying for sure but they just kept the covid measure to allow those to be escribed. My doctor did say for those class 2s like vyvanse adderall etc she can’t call it in it has to be through the escribe system whereas regular prescription drugs can be called in, sent electronically, or paper etc.

Are regulators so delusional they believe forcing patients who already take controlled meds needing monthly doctor-ordered refills each time to switch back to the fucking paper would benefit anyone in any way. I take dextroamphetamine sulfate rather than adderall it’s similar but I prefer it less side effects but anyway it usually needs to be ordered and I call ahead of time as any doctors office will tell you to do so literally every month I would be driving to my doctors office to pick up the piece of paper then driving to the pharmacy to drop off the piece of paper and then possibly driving back home to wait another day or so until I can drive back to the pharmacy to actually pick up the medication or even if it’s in stock the pharmacy is perpetually busy so I sit and wait for the fill there. Anyway I’m rambling but yeah it’s fucking stupid

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I have a DJI drone and I agree. I would know if it’s collecting weird telemetry I have a DNS filter which would spot it all. It doesn’t. Just normal shit.

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Yeah but often 1/1/1900 is still easier on shitty ui sites lol

I used to not be political but seriously fuck these people

Irish butter is sold in a lot of grocery stores at least around me in the U.S. and my God it’s night and day compared to our shit sicks of fuck

My birthday was yesterday. I did nothing because just like every year for some inexplicable reason I feel deeply depressed on my birthday. But it was really sweet that I had some family and at least one friend who remembered and wished me a happy birthday. Honestly I just feel really alone…

Thank you for that

I’m in the LP and my snow tires haven’t had any use all season yet. This shit is serious

Edit: we just got our first winter weather advisory of the season!!! What coincidence lol

If that isn’t already the name of some obscure software or package/library/etc I’ll be disappointed it already sounds like I need to import it into my Python code idk what it does but without it shit just crashes

The Torchfork really ties the program together

My man Windscribe always forgotten about

OpenAI works so hard to nerf the technology it’s honestly annoying and I think news coverage like this doesn’t make it better

Man I love that app so much it really leveled up my TV YouTube experience especially with sponsorblock built in

Yeah wtf haha


Whoa really? AI “laziness” is actually a really interesting concept imo