
1 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Based on this, I'd say that Reddit fully deserves to be banned in Europe and California, and fined into potential bankruptcy. Having deeply flawed technology that prevents them from ever being in compliance of a very serious law is no excuse.

Most people really take for granted that their meal is going to obey the normal laws of space and time. Then, when something like this occurs, it's quite a shock.

I read a similar article a few weeks ago, and I think your concise summary is better than the article linked in this post.

I think Yanis goes a bit overboard with stating that capitalism kinda no longer exists, since it really is about a new group of rich people simply inserting their companies as evil middlemen who leach money off the whole system.

I'm not sure the solution has to be revolutionary or super complex. I'd think that large countries and groups of countries (e.g. USA, the EU) could implement their own mega marketplaces, leaching off much less money and avoiding the sort of corrupt BS that Amazon etc do to keep prices artificially high, and these governments could also stop allowing the mega platforms to do business in their region. Big countries want to facilitate an economy, and if private industry is proving to be too broken with their current approach, governments could step in to create more functional marketplaces that still work nicely in the internet age and don't have horrible middlemen crap dragging everything down.

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Bot account. sigh.

Everquest was released in 1999

Everquest II was released in 2004. It is pretty crazy that they are still releasing expansions for it. And it's kinda crazy that I played it for at least a hundred hours earlier this year during a nostalgia binge.

Block, baby, block. I've been blocking tons of communities/magazines I don't want, and that really helps shape my feed into something I'm not annoyed at.

It's mostly a solo game. You explore, build bases, buy and upgrade ships and tools/weapons, and other assorted stuff. More than anything else, it's a cool random planet generator, so you travel around checking out planets until eventually that gets boring, which might happen soon, of after a couple hundred hours.

Username's research checks out.

(Sorry, I know people are kind of sick of funny tropes that were common on Reddit, but I couldn't resist. I"ll see myself out now...)

Didn't we just watch this episode? Let me guess, either Palpatine and/or the 'supreme court' is going to cancel this.

This is what happens when the writers go on strike...

Bot account. sigh.

Old Town Prague is one of the most beautiful city areas in the world. It must cost a fortune to keep that place constantly clean and free of graffiti, but it's money well spent.

I replaced my old, fairly high end pc with a fairly high end Beelink a few months ago, and it's working out fine. The beelink mini is cheaper, better and faster in every way, and will end up as about 5% of the trash my old PC exists as. I'm not sure I'm going back to full-sized desktop pcs, despite being a game artist/game developer who needs somewhat high specs to do my work.

Kbin and Lemmy etc should simply allow options for preferred languages, and people can select whatever they prefer. Giving them the option to not see posts or see translated posts should work out fine. I bet this problem get resolved eventually. In the meantime, I'm not too bothered by blocking magazines/communities that are non-english. No biggie.

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Indeed. Since you aren't limited to posting in only 1 place, and can change your mind at any time, posting on kbin seems like a wholesome start. If someone creates a great art-centric site later on, you can switch over as needed.

I've looked around a bit, and haven't seen any place with the amount of submissions that deviant art used to have, or the quality level of artstation. So far I tend to enjoy mastadon the most for art, even though it's not a big community. And I mainly check out artstation once a week for my fix of sci-fi, fantasy, concept art etc.

Well, this seems like powerful motivation for me to eventually find a free open source positive alternative to Discord, while ignoring Discord in the meantime. I would love to bypass their enshittification phase entirely.

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Good for you. Luckily for random stranger lady, you didn't take advantage of her situation.

The real chaos would happen if all the recent UFO stuff turns out to be true. Aliens existing RIGHT HERE ON EARTH could quite possibly cause changes in one or more major religions, but maybe not immediately.

neither. They probably just haven't implemented default facial expressions yet (but probably have support for them).

It's not my favorite, but if it's well done, grilled chicken Caesar salad is super yummy and also healthy. But the dressing and parm chz has to be quite good, and the chicken almost as good.

Awesome! This approach seems quite functional and elegant. I don't want to see hashtags, but having them exist invisibly (unless you click on something to show the hashtags for a post) would be great.

In my opinion, yes.

A related problem is the possibility Meta or other bad actors (e.g. Musk) invade the fediverse and destroy it, while they brainstorm ways to stay in business, but I'm more happy than bothered about their current businesses destroying themselves.

It won't take over Reddit, and doesn't need to. Reddit will continue on, but be sort of irrelevant to the kind of people hanging out on Kbin.

I think the growth in the last month has shown that the Fediverse is already doing ok, despite it's much smaller user base than Reddit, Twitter etc.

There is a nice amount of interesting content, plenty of interesting discussions, and a user base that frankly is more informed and thoughtful than most Reddit users. We don't need massive growth to keep things interesting. Threads with 2k responses are kind of a turn off. I prefer enough chit chat to keep things interesting, while still feeling a bit personal and cozy.

8, 9 and 10 years: you dislike change, you are incredibly broke or you only have a smartphone in the first place because it’s basically necessary to function in modern society

We live in a mini valley in a rural spot, and don't get cell reception in our house. Also, I always liked using desktops much more than phones.

Honestly, I hope the UI adds a built-in option to hide upvotes and downvotes (seeing the vote totals and having the up and down arrows visible to click on). I know there are pros and cons of reputation systems, but I think that's why it makes sense for each user to decide whether or not they want to be aware of that stuff. I've always been pretty disturbed by the 'popularity contest' nature of social media, and think that for myself, the slight mental health hit of paying attention to my reputation and the up/down votes of every comment is something I'd rather avoid, at least much of the time.

I'm aware that there are some scripts or some such that can do this, but I'm not extra tech savvy, and many people are less tech savvy than me, so having a simple setting would be great.

Having said that, it's great that the latest revision to the system went live. It now seems a lot more intuitive.

None of the above. I just want a slight improvement to Kbin.

I just think Kbin would seem more functional and positive if the magazines that exist actually had some content

Your jewelry design magazine is what I would hope for and expect from people who create mags. You have a logo, and have personally seeded it with over half a dozen posts. It's a bit niche, so I'm not surprised that you don't have many subscribers yet, but you seem to have done your part to establish it. Thanks.

I subbed to your mag Urban Details. Seems right up my alley, and I notice that a couple of folks have also been posting there. That seems promising.

The Campfire Headphase, indeed. I find it packed with great stuff that I consider intricately crafted, and full of feeling

I'll check out revolt.chat. Thanks for the suggestion!