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Joined 4 months ago

I love it when corpos remind us that there is an alternative to purchasing their add bloated products.

Holy shit. Never thought I'd see the day. When I was working QA they would lay us off after the end of every project. It sucked. We'd be off work for months at a time. No benefits, no healthcare, no OT pay, long hours, bullshit 1099 contracts. And if you were on a shit title, sorry homie. Enjoy Barbie's Island adventure.

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Color me surprised that the facist sympathizes with other fascists committing a genocide.

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Anyone else go to Fox for your black people news?

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I told my 19-year-old sister-in-law that toddlers are kill-myself machines, she has a 2-year old who's always getting into the cabinets under this sink. She said that I was over reacting. I can't wait to show her this.

Can't wait to see Red States reject the aid for their hungriest constituents.

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Y2K finally happened.

Used to. I realized that the worst that happens is that you pissed off some dickhead who writes bad words to you. You don't get hurt or die or anything. It's just some words.

We did it, Lemmee!

I hope they like watching me masturbate to porn on my couch.

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I wouldn't call their brand of Christianity, Christian. They're idolators, they worship Trump, money, and guns. The praying to God is just a smokescreen.

Alabama about to create a new kind of theft. Couple's embryos about to get stolen and implanted in young Christian girls who got dupped into believing the embryos are screaming to get born and that it makes God mad.

Hot garbage site does hot garbage stuff. Reddit makes it too easy to take dumps on itself.

Trying to put the Cheeto dragon back in the bottle, but the constituency thinks he's Jesus come again. Love this shit.


I grab one or two of my cats and get to cuddling. I play ARK survival evolved, too. I love that game. I also go thrifting, found a VCR and a Nintendo 64 controller today. I'm watching Forrest Gump on the VCR it right now.

Way to disregard other people's experience, easy to do if you never leave your basement.

My sister's kid has definitely left more shit on my carpet than all 4 of my cats combined.

Well there you have it. If ITU hasn't defined 10G, then ISP's can call it whatever they want. It's not regulated.

I'm really surprised this many republicunts we're able to work this closely together for so long without eating each other sooner.

All 7 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers figures, the Dino Megazord, Dragonzord, and Titanus. Got a black Dino Megazord too.

Babies and old people shit in carpet way more than pets, make more noise too.

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I love Bernie, but all his bills are so pie in the sky, they never have any chance of passing. He's the great hope, that's always dashed on the rocks. Unless we king him...

Can wait till they secede from the union so we don't have to pay for this shit. Lazy broke none state tax paying bastards need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.

That post reminded me that lemmee exists. Accounts didn't work that great when I first got here but I made one today and got verified. Logged out of Reddit for the last time and replaced my comments. Eff that place right in it's a-hole. Good riddance.

Plus the reintroduction of slavery into Texas's constitution.

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I wish there was a hide comment function. Other than that, it's fine.

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I thrift pretty hard now.

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You're a prince among men.

Nintendo is infamous for being horrible. You dodged a bullet.

Looks like a highschool party.

But not skin color based...

Israel is an ally in the middle east, the only one who does what the US says whenever they say it.

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The hell? Where are you thirfting? The Goodwills near me sell clothes for less than $3 per garment. Toys are less than $5. Movies are a dollar, games are $5 per title, what state are you in?


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Guess I'm going to Taco Bell.

Well yeah, the dummies don't actually want to have a conversation, they just want to take a dump on the thing they think they don't like. No need to verify when you got your poopy butthole ready.

I got a late stage circumcision (I was 10). Cut is better.