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Joined 12 months ago

What even are juggalos? Like i know they're fans of ICP but is there anything more than that? Do they have any unifying beliefs or are they just ICP fans?

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The number of games that can do this is too damn low

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I agree, but also fuck apartheid and fuck Israel

2nd largest nazi rally was in the US and the nazis got their ideas for eugenics from the US. Nazis and America have closer relations than you might think

It's own category with like 5 people in each sport. Great idea.

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She literally pals around with nazis and denies portions of the holocaust, if you're gonna try and argue you can hang out with nazis, deny the holocaust, and still be a liberal, I implore you to reevaluate your own values.

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Seems like a redundant category, I believe you can comfortably slot them into the other 2 categories

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If you're playing on ps3 or emulation you can play online using lbpunion.com they're currently looking into ps4 support, but just know that it requires CFW.

Studies have shown that after around 2 years of HRT the strength of trans women level out to the average of cis women. The only things that really stay the same are things like bone length /bone density, and it's not like there are no cis women with dense bones that are tall.

Edit: taken from another comment of mine:

found a more recent study that states endurance things like running and swimming level out by around 2 years, with most things level out after about 4 with the exception of upper body strength. Which is still declining in trans women past that point


So the 1 year that is recommended is too soon for trans women athletes to start competing, but for endurance sports like racing and swimming it should be fine by 2 years. Other sports may need more time, but also we shouldn't be delaying the lives of trans people for so long. We need to find a good middle ground because it's not like exceptional cis women don't exist in those same sports.

This is all also completely ignoring that if a trans women starts hrt before puberty then there is no real difference. So the real solution is to let trans teenagers transition.

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>me still running a 970

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Aktuallee the original had the N word instead of my brother in christ

I absolutely love Tree Style Tabs. I usually have a ton of tabs open (middle mouse click is my best friend) and that helps me keep it all organized, and quickly close all the ones I don't need anymore. I also did a change in the profile settings for Firefox to get rid of the normal tabs so now I only have the tree ones. (I don't really remember how I did that though, it was ages ago and involved editing some files in appdata)

Link to video because nobody did that yet


Because hrt changes our biological characteristics. I have breasts and a hip curve of a cis woman. The trans man I know is growing hair like a cis man and is getting voice cracks like a pubescent boy.

We're much closer to being intersex than our biological sex

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I got a new machine and put windows on it and the amount of registry tweaks to get it even close to my windows 10 is ridiculous. Significantly more than what I had to do to 10 to make it a bit more like 7 back in the day. (I know i know get linux, but you can't play Dragon Ball FighterZ online with linux and that's the game I play the most)

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Oh yea the boy totally had nothing against trans people


The girl never misgendered her, but the boy called her "it" constantly. Continuing the trend of women being way more accepting of us than men.

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Also the 4th movie shows that something is alive if it's considered a toy/played with. So Sid did consider his creations toys that he played with.

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Flat structure. If you want to work on something, work on it; if it's not interesting to you, find something else. If you have an idea find people that also seem passionate for it and start making it, if you can't find people then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's why valve rarely makes anything, but when they do it's super high quality

I remember the last post I saw on reddit before I switched to lemmy full time. It was the day after they removed 3rd party app support. I clicked on a video where 2 people were fighting, normally when something like that was posted I'd be able to go into the comments and find a source of some kind, be it a news article, someone who had seen it before knowing the context, or even a link to the original post. But as I kept scrolling I saw none of that. Just post after post of low effort shit like "got em" or, even worse, racist whistles (one of the people involved where black). I looked at every single comment, I could not believe that there was no source. Once I reached the end I un-installed RiF (it still worked the next day just not while logged in) and never looked back.

If you think porn is the reason for declining birth rates and higher rates of loneliness I have a bridge to sell you

  • Developer Options

  • Force Dark Mode: On

The punisher literally kills cops he deems to be corrupt and hates cops that admire him. Conservatives have literally no media literacy, is Killing in the Name pro cop because the Thin Blue Line crowd was dancing to it?

Lol you really think there are more tesla on the road than Toyota or Ford?

Just annoyed to see everyone saying with such definitive wording that there isn't any csam in training data. I'm a victim of CSA and can't imagine how I would feel if photos of me were used to help get people off like that.

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I recently switched my laptop over to pop os and I've had no issues running the games I want to play using Lutris. Hell I'd argue Linux runs old games better than windows because of lutris. I have a few games I tried running on windows 10 and no matter what I did the game would insta ctd. But after switching and installing them using a lutris config I've actually been able to play those games. I even thought for sure I'd lose some of the functionality of my laptop (key lights, touch screen, something) but nope it all worked straight after install.

Linux has come a long way since I last tried it ~15 years ago

From your link

Harper analyzed self-selected and self-reported race times for eight transgender women runners of various age categories who had, over an average 7 year period (range 1–29 years), competed in sub-elite middle and long distance races within both the male and female categories. The age-graded scores for these eight runners were the same in both categories, suggesting that cross-hormone treatment reduced running performance by approximately the size of the typical male advantage.

That reminds me of the swimmer Lia Thomas who placed 6th and 2nd before starting HRT. Raced against men after starting, which dropped her down drastically. Then when she raced against women she resumed being a top 10 athlete, winning her race (didn't even brake female records mind you, just won her race).

The study has some bias imo. For starters most studies I've looked at say 2 years is when the strength levels start to even out, while most measurements from this one are from a year. The major exception being a study from 2004 that only looked at mass not strength.

When this study does look at strength it very specifically looked at grip strength and leg strength (this is where I got suspicious of bias). Trans women have larger hands due to our skeletons being forged during male puberty, which could account for the differences in grip strength (easier to grip/more muscles being used when there is more hand to use). And as for the part looking at thigh and quadriceps strength: every cis woman I know has significantly stronger legs than they do their upper body and that is for both the ones that go to the gym and the ones that don't. It is completely possible (and not even mentioned which is where the feeling of bias comes from) that HRT has less of an effect on leg strength than it does upper body/core. If cis women who go through an estrogenized puberty have stronger legs than arms then it stands to reason that trans women would loose less muscle mass in their legs than their arms.

Edit: bias might be the wrong word here, maybe closer to an oversight than outright bias

Edit 2: found a more recent study that states endurance things like running and swimming level out by around 2 years, with most things level out after about 4 with the exception of upper body strength. Which is still declining in trans women past that point


So the 1 year that is recommended is too soon for trans women athletes to start competing, but for endurance sports like racing and swimming it should be fine by 2 years. Other sports may need more time, but also we shouldn't be delaying the lives of trans people for so long. We need to find a good middle ground because it's not like exceptional cis women don't exist in those same sports.

This is all also completely ignoring that if a trans women starts hrt before puberty then there is no real difference. So the real solution is to let trans teenagers transition.

I honestly believe it was a mistake not releasing the footage with the screaming.

The fact that they were all standing around doing fuck all is bad, but you have to actively remember there are kids screaming. While mr punisher walpaper is pulling his phone out there are kids screaming. While they were all grouped together in the hall there are kids screaming.

Instead of having to actively place the sound you would have to actively ignore it like those shitbags in blue were. It would make their inaction all the more inexcusable. Release the edited footage so the news can play and so people who (understandably) can't stomach the sound can still watch it, but have the unedited footage to show how monsterously uncaring those subhumans were.

Non-binary has nothing to do with secrecy? It's a catch all term for genders that don't fall under the man or woman category. It pretty much means they don't identify as a man or a woman but as something else, there are many other identities a person may have

My family is Palestinian. Don't use my people as an excuse to not vote biden. We are all voting for him because we understand how much worse Trump will be. Understand that if Trump wins and you didn't vote biden (the only other viable candidate) you are just as responsible for what he does as the people who voted for him

If you don't do the bare minimum to stop the worst possible outcome (ticking a small fucking box on election day) then you are complicit in the outcome.

If you boot it up they give you the order to play it in. There is only 1 problem and it's at the beginning. They tell you to watch 358/2 before playing 2

Play it in this order


Chain of memories


358/2 days

Actually assuming makes an ass out of you and Ming

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That compete in sports? No.

The vast-vast majority of trans women take HRT and many of the ones that don't, don't because of a lack of access.

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There already are requirements for trans women to be taking HRT before competing against women. I believe the current one is 1 year. No cis man would want to take HRT that would cause them to grow boobs so that argument is moot.

Edit: imo 1 year is too soon. From a study I read 2 should be good for endurance sports, and 3-5 should be good for others. It's not right to delay the lives of trans people any further then they're already being delayed and it's not like exceptional cis women don't exist

Plus this all gets solved if we let trans teens transition since these differences happen during puberty

I finally took the time and played through the souls series. I'm still going through 3 right now but they are all great games (2 less so). I'm not a complete stranger to the series (I've beaten Bloodborne, Demon's Souls, Elden Ring, and Sekiro) but I've never actually sat through the main series. Gotta say it did not disappoint. DS2 had some moments that were a slog but even with the dip in quality it's still a great game, just the worst of the Souls-like games.

Also been playing BG3 and Disco Elysium in between.

Next few years are gonna have a lot to compete with in terms of the sheer quality of games I waited to play until this year.

Don't put hangout in the same breath as duo and meet. It was way better than those "two"

Congrats you've made it, you're an old person now

You do know that spider-man is famously hunted by the police and is rarely on their good side. They often open fire on him before even shouting freeze. Not only that but when spider-man was the ceo of a corporation he hired someone who he caught doing a crime instead of leaving him for the police because he was doing it for his family.

There are a ton of stories of spider-man just talking to the regular "criminals" he's going up against and helping put them on a better path or pointing them towards FEAST, a soup kitchen that also helps people find jobs. You're making massive sweeping judgments on a medium you literally haven't read based off of the most watered down, focused tested, US Military approved versions that exist (and anybody who has read more than 2 comics in their life can tell you're doing that)

And if you wanna talk about cops in comics how about you read The Punisher or Batman and tell me they don't deal with corrupt police

And before you pull the "billionaire does nothing but beat up poor people to fix things" card with batman (saving you from embarrassing yourself some more) he does put his money into making the city better in every way he can. The city's problems are just so deep that Bruce Wayne's money can't fix it all (ranging from things like corruption so deep the money goes back to the mafia to the city is literally cursed.

Pick up some of the better Green Arrow runs and tell me what you see is right wing propaganda

Read The Flash and act like it's anti-rehabilitation when it's literally a meme the community that when he shows up he makes his villains feel bad because he's disappointed in them

Or just read the freaking X-Men and tell me that shit ain't progressive

You know literally nothing about what you're talking about and "your" observations are as shallow as they come. Baby's first leftist comic critique

Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read your posts. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

Trans women = women

Cis women = women

Cis women ≠ trans women

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