
0 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

But when enough liars agree with him, he feels right.

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There's no stopping the misinformation bots. Luckily they are too stupid to realize that posting on Lemmy gets them nowhere.

The uncommitted were always derpy for ignoring the obvious. Now what will they do with their time?

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You gave a response the OP wasn't expecting. It's good to see rather than the usual blind support comments

Suddenly the uncommitted feel like voting again.

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A stupid truck deserves a stupid headline, I guess?


Interesting. Now we have to stop people from punching themselves in the face? I tell you, you can't fix stupid.

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Welcome to super liberal Reddit where the facts don't matter and Bernie is still in the running.

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Nah, it's because Trump is far worse. They are not equivalent idiots.

According to a poll, I don't give a fuk about polls.

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Next time he will definitely solve the Middle East crisis.

I just burst out laughing in the office. This really made my day

Yeah, no way I'm clicking that sketchy website.

Well... You can't fix stupid

They're called pumps 😋

Same as it ever was, only now events have changed. There never was a massive exodus from Reddit, so the opinions you see there are a better representation of the masses than the limited ones you read here.

At most a few hundred people will vote on a post like this. That's all you really need to know.

Wow, words that all add up to suicide. Neat.


What a fukwit.

They thought there would be enough grift for all of them.

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And yet, he's still getting my vote over Trump.

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Because he was dissatisfied with the discounts they gave him on MAGA hats

If he did say it, he's right. Nothing the bots and keyboard warriors say here is going to change the fact that Hamas needs to disappear. Israel isn't faultless, in fact they are horrible, but taking a side is stupid at this point. You, the internet troll, or whatever, has zero chance to change the outcome.

The best you can hope for is that Hamas dies off without taking innocent people with them.

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No idea. Maybe take your assumptions elsewhere.

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I like Bernie, but I would never vote for him simply because the razor-thin margins that Democrats need to win make any other choice unrealistic. There simply isn't enough room for a third candidate when the Republicans keep promoting fascist nutters. Luckily, Biden has proven more progressive than anyone anticipated, so you kind of got a win in the end.

On Reddit it's the opposite, but with the engagement numbers. Millions support Israel with little variance. Obviously they aren't all Zionists; they just want Hamas to go away.

How sad... Come on, facts over fiction or nothing at all. I'm waiting.

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Why bother posting trash websites? No one is going to fall for them.

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Sometimes it's a good idea to not post your feelings.

Despite what the Lemmy zealots say, it's not a shit site. It's a site run by shit people who want to monetize you as much as possible with tracking data. Other than that, the content on Reddit is far superior to Lemmy.


The Chinese people want Trump back because his epic stupidity provides endless entertainment and distraction from their own government. Check out any Chinese social media. All they do is mock him.

Binary thing? What else would you call a two party system?? Wow

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And? It's still a two party system.

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Source you cannot read ^^

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I didn't know I could only react once. Do better, my friend, and see you in the next rage bait post.

No, and that's a completely different article. It has actual information and clearly says that it's not really lost.

Luckily memes don't define words. That was close, seriously...

Lol... Shot down again

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