
4 Post – 101 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm not in favour of pre-emptive defederating. It feels like censorship doing so and that bothers me.

  1. Their note to their users specifically says to keep their anti establishment opinions and trolling to their own communities and don't spread it further for fear of defederation. It hardly sounds threatening to us.

  2. Defederating can happen at any point, and I think would be better kept as a reactive response and last resort rather than proactive.

  3. The more our large instances start fracturing and closing off from one another the less useful Lemmy will become. You're hardly blocking out an idealogy, if hexbear users wanted in they could just sign up and that would make it harder to find them. At least having them federated makes it easy to filter out @hexbear if we wanted.

  4. Practicing tolerance goes both ways. Calling communities 'them' vs 'us' and judging a group based on the noise of the few doesn't seem like the right approach. If hexbear became a problem and moderators complained of hate speech and conflict then absolutely we use the tools we have to keep things functioning, but filtering out groups because we don't like 'their' belief systems will make us judgemental and biased as a result. This is a platform to promote discussion not an echo chamber to gather like minded opinions and bounce them off each other in perpetuity.

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So we want free apps that offer everything and don't take your data or advertise. It must also have constant security updates and a fleet of developers keeping it running. Good Luck finding that unicorn.

I actually like this development. I'd much rather pay for a service with money over my privacy.

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More like,

Dear builder, Im the hardware store that sold you your bricks. I've decided that from January 2024, every time somebody enters a house that you built using my bricks, I will charge everytime they open the door.

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I'm getting completely sick of inanimate objects and concepts blasting and slamming people. It's always Country X Slams Y, or building X blasts Y.

What's wrong with Andrew Bates criticizing Elon Musk. Why do we sum these people up to a point they become shadows behind a larger concept?

The White House is a building filled with people and opinions. It doesn't blast shit, shut the hell up. No take away from the content here. I'm just fed up with click bait and hearing that whole countries have a unified voice, going around slamming things everytime some asshole says something about another asshole just because the media needs to put a more famous face behind it to give it a bit more oomf.

Apologies for the rant, but I find it all very misleading and rather annoying. The amount of times a country of 300 million people has blasted some dude without consulting with said 300 million people is upsetting.

Having said that, Musk is a cunt. But I say that, not Lemmy. Lol.

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I don't use Edge BECAUSE they keep begging and throwing ads at me for it. It's off putting, desperate and exactly what I don't want.

I don't use it because the Edge splash screen is chokka ads and news stories I don't want.

I don't use Edge because I find Bing annoying, and prefer duck duck go and google in that order, and I'm sick of constantly being nagged to use shit I don't want.

Microsoft get it in your head, you are an operating system. Your job is to Operate MY system. Do that well. And by all means build more software, make it optional and installable by choice. If it's good and works for me and not for you I will use it.

I don't use Chrome either. It no longer works for me. It now works for Google first.

Ive recently downgraded Firefox from browser number 1 to number 2. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's not the best.

Currently I'm enjoying Opera because it feels fresh and zippy and works for me , but I'm not loyal. Edge if you do good, maybe I will use you too. But stop your pathetic shit.

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Holy shit what a bunch of blistering thunder cunts. I hope Microsoft guts them.

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I should think you can, depending on the wood, many can be toxic.

The bark of a Willow tree is used to make Aspirin, we smoke paper and eat many plants with less woody stems. There are certain other barks and cambium (the soft layer between the bark and the wood) that contain nutrients, such as birch, pine, elm and a few others that have been eaten by our ancestors for centuries and even have medicinal properties. We also grate cinnamon and a few others as spice. Dog food is often bulked up with ash.

The real issue is that the hard cellulose in the actual wood part is not particularly digestible and basically pure fibre and devoid of any real nutrient value. So it would need to be boiled or blended first I imagine, or steeped as a tea. It would be revolting or taste like nothing and probably give you constipation but I doubt you would die.

As a raw bite of a chunk of wood, no. It would be considered inedible.

Yeah him and that orange one. So so tired.

Steve Huffman is an absolute tit.

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Strike 1: upload an AI racist post changing a person's ethnicity

Strike 2: not even paying her for her work, and taking her only 'income' away which is exposure. (Silly of people that work for exposure but that's another topic.

Strike 3: apologize in the form of a thinly veiled threat of legal action

Strike 4: feign ignorance, by saying you did it because you were overwhelmingly popular on social media, and weren't paying attention and had no idea you didn't pay your models. (Don't lie, you absolutely knew). Pass the blame further by blaming the fans, because apparently someone else had a vested interest in changing the race of one of his models.

Strike 5: try and turn the narrative by making sure everyone knows that the event is in honour of his dead wife, and actually WE should feel sorry for HIM.

Sounds an awful lot like narcissism (what's the narcissists poem?)

This guy seems to be a bit of a racist scumbag, who not only takes advantage of young models, but is happy to throw those around him under the bus or throwing his lawyers at the problem before dishing out an honest and humble apology.

day day

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'Glib' - when the words come out your mouth are fluent, but insincere and shallow.

McDonald's Sprite tastes good, it has just the right sweetness and fizz. It's always exactly the same wherever you go yet somewhat fake and hollow. Similarly, hotel conditioners in my experience, are cold and effective - in the way a walk in fridge is designed to keep meat fresh. Purely functional and devoid of tangible comfort. 'Glib'.

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Adding to this:

America is often the voice of media, being the home of, Hollywood, reality TV as well as the loudest voices on the internet it's natural that we perceive that to be the home of Alien stories.

Being a 'wealthy' country: often a higher employment rate leads to an increase in extra curricular hobbies. Countries with less time to focus on things other than work will also have less time to expand on other interests. This can have a spin off effect of increased time spent day dreaming about lights in the sky.

America is a very new country. There's lots of vast open nothingness to explore. Considered a 'frontier'. The concept of unexplored territory and unclaimed space of mystery is very much more engrained in American culture, unlike say anywhere in Europe where every square inch is claimed and has a city within an hour's drive. All that empty nothingness with strange lights on the horizon can lead to more mysterious musings of what they might be.

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Unpopular opinion here:

But don't. Maybe rewrite your last 6 months of comments, but as an archive Reddit still has value in over a decade of helpful answers to Googles. From a historical perspective, I think tearing that apart could be a mistake.

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If they engage with sources to back things up, then that sounds like a discussion to me. I'd rather be the judge of a discussion then some moderator that doesn't think I need to hear it.

This completely changes the context of those snippets thank you

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I didn't think I would cut it completely, but once Sync died I tried to use the browser and it just forces that app on you. The app is unusable and very unenjoyable. Cold Turkey it is.

I imagined the numbers would be a touch higher but 3% feels shruggable.

I think the real question that these numbers don't tell you though is the quality of the content. When I have popped on just out in f curiosity and not logged in, the new 'front page of the internet' appears to be whitepeople twitter and memes. Doesn't look inviting enough for me to log in at all.

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Ok but what about the uncomfortable keyboard? WHAT DO WE DO????

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I too have been sent here. It's at the top of hot right now.

Seems to be a Lemmy zombie post glitch that needs to be addressed.

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There is. You can remove ads. It initially wasn't an option as he didn't feel like it was at a point yet to have a charged option, while the subscription service was aimed at users willing to help fund development. That confusion caused the back lash so he added the remove ad option in the next update.

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Plot twist: The money to spawn comes from other people randomly. Eventually people start reporting vanishing money at the same time that people hear news of a man randomly raining money wherever he goes. This immediately sparks controversy and religion, as the country begins to destabilize and the economy grinds to a halt.

The government gets together and decides that changing the currency to a new note, so as to avoid it being conjured away and raining somewhere east of Massachusetts, is the only solution forward.

This has an unexpected blowback, as the superpower is to spawn money, not useless green paper. The rain immediately changes to the new currency.

Discovering this loophole, the government changes the currency to bowling balls in the hope to have the problem solve itself.

You now randomly hail bowling balls around you and the local bowlingalley owner is a tycoon. You killed ten pin bowling. I hope you're happy you bastard.

Adobe has no time for it, so it ads that annoying extra step when collecting assets. I would appreciate Adobe support for it natively in Pr / Ps / Ae / Me and I'm cool with it.

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I've been grinning like a kid on Christmas for the past half an hour

News articles can use media for 'editorial' purposes which has a slightly different usage rights subset to 'commercial' purposes which tend to be much more tied down. Having said that, I would have thought that seeing it's his own mugshot and that it wasn't taken by professional creative photographer and that it was forced upon him and released to the public domain, that he would be entitled to use it as he sees fit. It's a picture of himself after all.

This almost feels like he's being picked on because he's so widely hated and that many people want to see him burn.

Get fucked.

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This article seems to be missing an article. The content is pretty much the headline turned into the length of a tweet.

Its a blend of critical mass and the userbase. Some Reddit subs have subscriber counts in the millions, you're inevitably going to reach a lot of eyes on your comment if you post in the right thread and not get drowned out. Additionally, high quality comments and positive discussions take a lot of energy and thought to write out, while low effort brigading, trolling and regurgitating sarcastic jokes are quick and easy to do.

The larger subs have a high amount of low effort trolling, where the good answers tend to get lost in the noise of funny jokes. The smaller subs often have a high level of autism and people that take their passions way too seriously. They can get triggered over differing opinions or nit pick a misplaced comma for way longer than reasonable. Good positive discussions still exist, I think just due to the sheer size of Reddit now it just gets a bit hard to fight through the noise before getting downvoted into oblivion.

Right now on Lemmy, we've managed to escape the bots, jokers and trolls of the masses and are reaching crowds of techy headed first adopters that are much more willing to grow the community and are used to forums and threads. It's a wonderful thing to be a part of and something that's become quite rare on Reddit. It's very refreshing to be able to just comment and know the commenter will see your answer and even reply. This makes it much easier to put some effort in rather than chuck out a cheap joke for some upvotes.

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I'm as confused as you are.

If I'm not mistaken your key is linked to your motherboard as well as your Microsoft account. So I think you should be fine. I just formatted my drive yesterday and it didn't even ask me to type it in, I skipped that step and it verified once I logged in.

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Please pop a reminder here. Commenting for a bump.

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What we need is a community here of 'solved by Google threads'. If we find a solution to a problem online, say a tech fix. We can post it here, title is the Google search, body is a link to the answer, a pasted excerpt or screenshot of the answer that solved the issue.

Mate just block it and move on. # You can't stop communities from being what they want to be. It will just form somewhere else. There's a fine line between keeping illegal stuff, harmful trolling and bots off the instance and just straight up policing free speech. At least there everyone knows where they are and can block them once.

I'd much rather that than play whackamole everytime the Donald pops up under a new banner.

I assume it's the 'swiss style' raw rolled oats not toasted.

I have it with plain yoghurt and a bit of jam. Milk is nice too. I like the texture and it's fantastic for your gut.

Having said that you obviously hate that, so try this:

  1. Mix equal parts honey, brown sugar and coconut oil (or olive oil you could even add a dollop of butter) and heat in a saucepan until the sugar is melted. (About a 1/3 cup of each should be enough for about 3-4 cups of muesli mixture.) While you wait, put your oven on a medium to low heat like 150C.

  2. Separate out the fruit bits and set aside. Combine the rest of the ingredients with the melted honey oil mix, and spread out thin on a baking tray (you may want to do batches, keep it spread thin here!

  3. Bake on low for about 20-30min, stirring every 5-10min. (Don't let it burn)

  4. Once cool, break it up and add your fruit back, Voila! You have crunchy home made granola cereal! Feel free to add anything else, pecan nuts / almonds / coconut flakes - either raw or toast it with the granola at the beginning. I like banana chips. Chocolate chips are nice too. You can't really go wrong and it's easy as.

Note:: The only thing you want to avoid is burning it while you toast it, the burn flavour will take over the whole mix! So keep an eye on it and keep it moving.

Note:: melted sugar is like lava. Melt it on the saucepan slowly and don't let it smoke. Keep the heat low. Don't stir in to the muesli with your hands. Use a wooden spoon. That shit will burn.

I started to watch him as he never pulled punches and picked some great match ups of guests and hot topics.

I stopped because his insufferable ego kept compelling him to continuously talk over everyone with his non-stop opinionated smug. Once I noticed I was just watching one man listening to the sound of his own voice while guests that I wanted to hear from get repeatedly cut off at every third word by his desire to manufacture Jerry Springer type drama, I realised how punchable I truely found him to be.

Oh my god. I'm stuck in somebody's suitcase.

I sure wish I knew what they were sensoring /s

Mulholland Drive

A strange masterpiece and artwork. Been thinking about it for a few days now.

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That's the ticket.