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Joined 13 months ago

The 3 H’s. When someone in your life comes up to you with a problem, you either figure out, or ask them; if they want to be Hugged, Heard or Helped.

A lot of the time when someone is venting at you, they just want to be heard and understood, and I’m the type of man to want to immediately fix the issue, and it’s a bit invasive and often off the mark, so I reign myself in and ask them if they want to be Hugged, Heard or Helped. More often than not, they just want to vent and don’t want me butting in with solutions to their issues.

So the next time someone confides in you, take a step back and analyse how you should respond going forward, it really helped me understand more.

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It’s wildly obvious if you grab a window and drag it around. Try having the settings on 60 and dragging it around when you change it to 165; it’s very glaringly obvious.

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My dog, Jose, is pretty smart. I like to get him a large variety of treats, and when he’s been a good boi, I place them all down, separated by a few inches, in front of him on the floor, and ask him to pick what he feels like. Pigs ears, Schmakos, custom dog treats from artisans, little biscuits etc etc. I’ll lay down like 6-10 treats in a row, and he will sit there and wait for me to finish, then I just say “alright pick what you like buddy” and he walks over, sniffs around each of them in sequence, then will pick whatever he feels like, pick it up, come over to me and boop me with his nose, then heads to the living room carpet to enjoy his treat. He has never tried to greed more than one, he always thanks me politely, and he always picks a different one each time so he doesn’t get bored with them. I love him so much.

Sometimes, he just asks me for a treat directly though, he will come up to me at my desk, and lightly paw my leg to get my attention, then he stands on his hind legs and does a pawing gesture with his paws which is just begging, and I go “Jose beg beg? Whats up buddy?” And he will walk to the treat bin and then do beg begs at the bin, then we start our picking game.

Was this even an argument? Tomato sauce is incredible and a staple on hotdogs and Bunnings snags. Are there anti-tomato sauce hotdog people??

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Chester without a doubt.

Get yourself a new life.

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Trove and Wizard 101 are pretty predatory, but kids might not see it that way until they accidentally do, but you can see it right from the start.

“If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoes.”

Urinary Balls Infection.

I absolutely love Suno, and having it generate songs for me. I’ve addd several of its songs to my actual playlists while I’m driving, and they have become staple memes and love songs between myself and my partner. We even named her crocheted plushies after songs we made about them in Suno, and it named the plushies for us.

Lost, by Linkin Park. It’s such a hype song, beautiful, sad, relatable, it’s really an incredible gift Chester left us.

RIP you beautiful man, the world misses you more than you could ever know.

Surprised to see the people here not using Nitro.

I’ve been paying for Nitro for about a year, I use the features frequently. Gif Display Picture, Banner, large upload size (500mb), high quality streaming. I’m pretty much streaming my games to my mates any time on my machine and they do the same, so better quality stream really increases our quality of enjoyment. I boost several friends large servers with the boosts we get. I like my profile to be flashy and care about it, and discord is on 99% of the time while my machine is on, on my second monitor along with YouTube. I use most of the features Nitro advertises, so I don’t mind paying 20m of work a month for it.

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Ahh fair fair. That’s my aussie ignorance showing.

Does ketchup taste like tomato sauce on a hotdog then?

I’ve always assumed Ketchup was the Americanism for tomato sauce.

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Oh my god! I 100%ed everything that was available in this game up until some tower where the game just said “hey, no more game, go away” and just wrote it off for half a decade as it seemed like it was abandoned, super stoked it’s actually hitting 1.0! Will absolutely 100% the whole game again, it’s actually so ridiculously good!

Yep, I’m part of the problem. Was super active on Reddit, dumped them, then just don’t really have the energy of fucks anymore to create content or comment really; it’s a shame…

How to get an account banned Any%.

You should defs try My Time At Sandrock then, with friends or the story alone. Absolutely great for exactly what you want, without the overbearing timer having really any effect on gameplay.

The fuck? Nitro is like $10/m or something, 3x that is only $30/h, which is a pretty standard wage for anyone working in Australia.

Great game! Finished plenty of runs myself, and never had a problem with their cosmetic battle passes, but this is a crazy good step in the right direction! I wish they would add more content though…I’ve beaten the same 3 final bosses far too many times to find it enjoyable anymore.

Got me Bhopping like I’m back on Q3DM17.

Right? I’m a native English speaker (Aussie, so…loosely native English speaker) and my first exposure to “Lbs” was for the weight of Pokemon in the physical red Pokédex handbook, so I always just said they weighed “X labs”, still don’t immediately correct it in my head 25+ years later.

As an Aussie, Curly Wurly’s are crack here, though they’ve gotten far more expensive and are hard to justify buying now given how “small” they are.

Heard this for the first time on a music game on steam I played through; turns out its quite old but I got addicted to the chorus super quick. It’s absolutely amazing.

No Plan B - Manafest

I’m the largest collector of Anivia merch on earth, and her biggest fan. I’ve had communications with all the famous Anivia related people, am the best Anivia player in my country, and probably close to the world; but I defs am the biggest fan and follower of her :>

Elise from Hells Kitchen. Needs to be struck in the mouth continuously.