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Joined 8 months ago

I wouldn't say it's a manipulation, the game is far beyond the original game at this point. I'm surprised it's even on sale ATM. It's an amazing game.

They're also planning on raising the full price shortly to $40, most likely with the launch of 1.0 the next update coming soon. Amazing game!

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Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho

FYI Androids have a feature for this. If you are ever forced to interact with a cop you can press the side button and volume up(might be different on other phones) to select lockdown which will force your phone to only be opened with the password. Its gross that we need this feature, but now you know.

13 more...

You gotta grab the courts by their judges, when your rich enough they let you do it.

I think people will figure something out when they begin to study the magical limb disappearing event and they find out you're the only person alive who was unaffected.

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That isn't the point. The point is you shouldn't feel shoehorned into playing a specific intended strategy. Doom is about turning off your brain and slaying.

I've always wondered this, figure this is the thread to ask it.

I've been using the same dumb TV since 2013 it's great, but eventually it's gonna die an I'm scared of what pieces of shit smart TV's are.

Could I not just use a computer and run it through the smart TV and bypass all the smart bullshit by using it as a monitor?

25 more...

Exploitation is the answer.

This 100%

Windows is in a permanent state of shitification, it feels to be like they have sales driving development. Every year Windows applications make more and more stupid fucking decisions with how stuff functions. You can't target a specific folder to save a word doc without 5 clicks to get to the fucking file explorer. You now left click to fix spelling instead of right click in outlook. None of this shit makes sense. They keep fucking around with how stuff operates for seemingly no rhyme or reason and all it's doing is pissing off seasoned users. I know the devs aren't this fucking brain dead which is how I get to "sales must be driving" mentality. Because sales people tend the be the worst fucking people to make decisions on shit,they're good at charming people, they should stick to that.

Because politicians and the media figured out that the easiest way to get people to watch/vote was to appeal to their most basic hatreds and fears, and to even create new ones. Essentially imagine human manipulation as a game, and the game has been solved already. Now this can be countered by teaching people how to actually think for themselves and form their own opinions, but we constantly try and reduce access to education in the world. Were kind of just fucked until the aftermath of WW3 imo.

Idk about you guys, but I will wait until they've patched out the game breaking bugs and system compatibility issues. And then I'll pay them 17$ for 1 month of their game service, beat the game, and cancel the sub.

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Even if libre office didn't offer those features, I'd be willing to bet the gov could donate 1/100 what they pay Microsoft in a year to have them implemented.

I dont see the sexism? Am i missing something? He says that since families moved away from single income households we were told we could just pay for the household services we no longer had time for, but that they have been raising the prices on those services ever since. Where sexism?

We're only billionaire friendly.

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Do you have a quest for me?

Because then Facebook will pay for your reelection campaign?

I typed hunt and peck for so long that I can hunt and peck with my eyes closed. Though technically I'm not hunting anymore, just pecking lol.

Well I remember when being antivax was a meme around 2008.

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Possibly a series of subjective answers that display a pattern. You pedantic twat...

Honestly though, its not the developers fault. 100% they are being told what to prioritize working on, and I'm certain its exclusively business facing improvements. Microsoft only cares about making the package of features they provide look sexy to the people who would be pulling the trigger on bringing Teams to their office, not the people who actually have to use it.

Sadly this is just the way capitalism works, short term thinking, sacrifice the product for the sales, and then 5 years down the road wonder where it all went wrong; or monopolize the market and pay congress to pull the ladder up behind you.

So yes this is normal, and it will get worse, but if you stay fit you'll still be able to drink and stay up late, as long as you drink a lot of water.

You're right, you didn't say Microsoft was at fault, you just heavily implied it. Maybe you should read your own comment again?

The post isn't a matter of opinion. He didn't ask whether his view is correct or true, he asked what its academic name was. He is seeking a specific answer. You're the one injecting opinion into a conversation that didn't ask for any.

If I asked what the name of the god of the Hindu religion was, it wouldn't be an open invitation to begin debating the merits of said religion. And even if u decided that it was, it sure as hell isn't were you get asked a simple question like "are u advocating for ignorant bliss", and then say "well this whole post is a matter of opinion" which is both complete bullshit as I've now shown, and also a cowards move, because you are pivoting the conversation as a means to not answer a simple question since you can tell you've lost the argument.

You might consider reflecting on your own viewpoints, because if they cant stand up to simple questions about their own merits, then maybe you should get a new viewpoint, or at a minimum you stop spreading them on the internet to people who didn't ask.

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Who use social media to spread influence.


It's not a start tho, it's killing competition of Facebook and Google. It's consolidating power if anything. I believe this bill has nothing to do with security issues and everything to do with campaign contributions to make sure America never has to compete with another country in this space.

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2 and 3 are the obvious choices, however id pick 3 and 5. Here are the only interesting pills available.

(2) You can sell it

(3) that's enough to go through a wall

(5) a smart toaster has a circuit board that you could mcgyver into sending commands outside of itself, allowing ur toaster to be an entry point to computer telepathy.

(6) Would be funny to feed this one to a person who had just died and watch their color come back, really fuck with the autopsy

(9) Instantly cures any physical ailments preventing you from running/walking (unless we mean current albert einstein, in which case corpses cant move.)

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I've been recently practicing voicing my favorable opinions on people to them. I've found I think nice things about people, and what is the reason why I wouldn't share that. Seems to just give them a little boost while also creating a better social bond.

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Love the phrase "quantum chemistry is hard" because it makes it sound as if it's difficult for the average person, but I can only imagine it means that the smartest people alive are struggling with it haha.

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Cant talk, baitin

Your adding the baseless implication that there is something wrong in their life. I'm not a 10 year old being murdered by Israels missles, or a Ukrainian forced to go to war, or a toddler dying of leukemia, but those things exist in this world. Whether they affect me or not they exist, hence ur making the assumption this is a complaint on their own life.

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I was in Japan 1 week ago. I couldn't get roaming to work with my carrier mint (which may not have been there fault, it's a long story) but I needed data or I would have no way to navigate Tokyo. I paid $25 for 14 days of unlimited 4G data in all of Japan, I downloaded an esim, boom now I have data on my phone again. Easy.

I did all of this on free airport WiFi.

And once u have a sim on ur phone u can switch which sims you have active at a givin time, which had no value to me, but could be useful for other, especially someone who may travel frequently.

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I found this out after getting past security but before entering the venue. I had shit cell service and was just finding out I had to download, create an account for, and sign into their app, I was outside for maybe 10 minutes. Funny how they dont make you do any of this to buy the ticket, only after I paid money for it. AXS can suck my dick.

But if we paid them a better wage they wouldn't be so hungry for corporate boots to lick, and the people who rule this country wont stand for that.

Please notify your doctor if Adderall makes your heart go pitter patter for periods lasting longer than 2 hours.

A thing never mentioned in these debates is that noone in the world is buying tiktok without buying the underlying algorithm, the same algorithm the app runs on worldwide, the algorithm is the special sauce. They are not going to sell the basis for their app just for a single payday in the US market, which after buying it, they could rebrand and then once successful in the US, compete in the global market against tiktok but with the income of the most lucrative app market in the world behind them. It's an extremely stupid business move.

Never considered the who would support you in advanced age argument. But I live in the US and any children I have would end up as probably the poorest generation to ever exist in this country, so not them I suppose.

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The entire concept of a scientific study to determine whether people spend this money wisely is bunk

For anything like this to actually happen people will have to vote for it.

1st you are incorrect because this wont happen if the people arnt educated on what happens when this system is introduced.

2nd Your correct because you can do all the studies in the world and gen pop would still be too easily manipulated to ever try something out of the box like this.

Democracy can never exist in a two party system.